It sounds rather strange that they're introducing another new titler, but have also been developing PTT. More choice is better I suppose, but could be confusing.
Really not much to write home about. Seems like every new version has less new features (smaller programming staff?). Hopefully Cineform will finally work properly in this version.
"It sounds rather strange that they're introducing another new titler, but have also been developing PTT. More choice is better I suppose, but could be confusing."Sounds to me like they have heard the message that PTT is confusing and not intuitive. Let's hope the new titler is more "Vegas-like".
"Event synchronization". Isn't that just 'grouping' by another name?
From what I'm understanding... say you have a voiceover and you want to group it with a video event... if you tell Vegas that the video event is the master of the synch group, then if you move the video event, the voiceover will move with it in synch. But the secondary event, the voiceover, can be moved independently of the video event. That's my guess anyway.
Let's hope the new titler is more "Vegas-like".
If it simply adds a bit of user-friendlieness and power to the existing text generated media tools then I'd be fairly happy.
Took me a long time to get to know the titler well enough! Hopefully the new titler would be way easier. I think this version is really to make it easier to edit DSLR stuff with the GPU support.
CS5.5 is taking over the world, everyone around me has jumped ship! Praying hard that V11 would fly with DSLR stuff.
I guess I just don't understand how/when/why Event Synchronization is supposed to be useful. FCPx also boasts this as some awesome feature. As mentioned before, isn't this the same as Grouping?
If I have clips that I want to stay Synched... I just Group them.
Is there some other use for this Event Synchronization feature that I'm misunderstanding?
"If I have clips that I want to stay Synched... I just Group them.
If you group events and then cut them they can become ungrouped and in very mysterious ways that cause havoc.
I can have 1 video even grouped to several audio events and trust me grouping is a total bust at keeping them in sync.
If you turn Off Grouping you can accidently slip something you wanted grouped and get no indication that it's happened.
Really interested in seeing a performance gain on the previewing side of things from GPU enhancement. Already seeing better rendering times in the Sony AVC encoder, if Pro11 enables a similar preview performance increase, then thats good news.
Addition of new Titles & Text plugin, that sounds directly copied from Vegas Movie Studio, which I happen to think looks rather simple and effective to use. So thats welcome too.
As always, will be trying the free trial first before commiting to buy.
I wonder it the "new" title tool is the same one that was introduced in VMS 11 it is kinda cool some auto animation effect and such. I hope that the one is PRO 11 will have more features though. I still with they could build one on par with Apples Live type or create a Apple Motion type plug in, now that I would buy.
If you take away "New" from the feature list all the features are just "improved", "enhanced" or "updates". Imho this is just an update. I personally don't see how they can call this a true version upgrade worth spending $$ on. I think I'm going to save my $$ and buy a nice plug-in unless there's something under the hood that really worth buying like if the "New GPU Acceleration" reduces render time or increases effect playback rate significantly.
I agree. I don't think that the new "improvents" verify a new release versus a new update. If this is all that version 11 will do, I am sure I won't upgrade.
I just don't get it, there have been many, many posts here on the forum screaming for full CUDA acceleration and now that it's almost here, some people are saying it's not enough and they won't be upgrading. Weird. Personally, I think that one thing alone is going to be very significant and I'll be buying it the nanosecond that it's available. It likely represents a pretty sizable investment for SCS to implement and anyone that thinks that they should just give it away for free as an update is dreaming.