I'm working on a "virtual choir" video project with 66 videos. I'm using a 10x7 grid. Since I could not easily deal with a single project that had all 66 videos in it, I divided it into 3 projects, the first 2 of which have 2 rows of 10 videos. I ran each video through Handbrake to lower the file size. The plan is to then combine the 3 videos into 1 project to get all 66 to show at once.
But I can't even render the first video with only the first 2 rows! It gets about half done and then crashes Vegas. NO error message. Just a crash. I don't need sound (that can go in on the final project), so I unchecked that in the render options (MainConcept AVC/AAC Internet HD 1080p). Didn't help. Still crashes.
Is there anything I can do about this?