VEGAS Pro 20 and 21 breaks UI-less VSTs and 32-bit VSTs

approxostrich wrote on 8/22/2023, 11:47 AM

Since VEGAS Pro 20 released, there has been an issue with UI-less VSTs + 32-bit VSTs (example: mda), in newer builds of VEGAS Pro 20 and in the release of VEGAS Pro 21, it seems like this wasn't fixed. Anyone know the issue and how can it be fixed? - one where a VST is cropped - and one where it doesn't show its interface at all


RogerS wrote on 8/22/2023, 11:56 AM

You can upload images here directly.

I saw issues with TDR and Tonebooster Barricade VST2s.

Custom PC (2022) Intel i5-13600K with UHD 770 iGPU with latest driver, MSI z690 Tomahawk motherboard, 64GB Corsair DDR5 5200 ram, NVIDIA 2080 Super (8GB) with latest studio driver, 2TB Hynix P41 SSD, Windows 11 Pro 64 bit

Dell XPS 15 laptop (2017) 32GB ram, NVIDIA 1050 (4GB) with latest studio driver, Intel i7-7700HQ with Intel 630 iGPU (latest available driver), dual internal SSD (1TB; 1TB), Windows 10 64 bit

VEGAS Pro 19.651
VEGAS Pro 20.411
VEGAS Pro 21.208

Try the
VEGAS 4K "sample project" benchmark (works with VP 16+):
VEGAS Pro 20 "Ad" benchmark (works with VP 20+):

Petersson wrote on 8/22/2023, 12:35 PM

Those were the images mentioned above.

The GUI / canvas / redraw of the plugins is kinda buggy indeed.

I mentioned other bugs with VST (since Vegas 20 / build 4.x.x), but only got 6 (!) "customer satisfaction surveys" per ticket (and no solutions or answers at all).

rraud wrote on 8/22/2023, 2:38 PM

Many or my (third-party) 32bit VST-2 plug-ins will not load or are not available in VP21. They worked fine in VP-16 though.

Sorry to say, most of Magix'a audio utilities are less functional than before. In Sound Forge 16/17, third-party 32bit VST-2 plug-ins cannot be adjusted at all due to a display issue that hides most or the plug's UI.

Petersson wrote on 8/22/2023, 4:54 PM

Many or my (third-party) 32bit VST-2 plug-ins will not load or are not available in VP21. They worked fine in VP-16 though.


Interesting, may I ask which plugins are not loading / visible in VP21 / build 108?

I mean, I don't need all names 😉 but was just wondering which ones.

For me Loudmax (64 bit / VST 2) is working, but the parent window doesn't adjust to it's size.

Fortunately you can double click in the right bottom corner and reload, than it still fits in.

I want to migrate to VST 3, but I've been working on a single project for about six years now and that one uses VST 2 only.

When I update VST 2 to VST 3 all settings and parameters in the Vegas file are reset to default, so I have to stick with VST 2 for some years (64 bit, phew!).

- update -

Wanted to try out a VST 2 plugin that worked for years, got a instant freeze in Vegas 21 / build 108 (RX 9 / Spectral De-noise plugin).

VEGAS 21 / build 108

VEGAS 20 / build 370

Seems not much is fixed, same plugin crashes in both versions at the exact same file.

It's hard to use audio in a video-editor, I guess.

mark-y wrote on 8/23/2023, 7:50 AM

My "Use High-DPI Scaling" Vegas option was turned Off with my 1080p display, and I am having none of the problems being reported in this discussion, at least with a couple of VST2 plugins I use regularly. Indeed, turning it ON caused interface cutoff of the type described here, including one of the VST2 plugins mentioned in this discussion. @approxostrich @rraud

This is my workaround.

A bit of unsupported speculation: When I started out with VST2s, they used MS Overlay Surface graphics. As we transitioned to 64 bit and high-resolution displays, that support became less reliable, and it may be that the newer versions of Vegas have given it less attention. From this article:

The overlay cannot be shrunk, mirrored, or deinterlaced.

Source color keys and alpha blending are not supported.

Overlays can be stretched if the overlay hardware supports it. Otherwise, stretching is not supported. In practice, not all graphics drivers support stretching.

Each device supports at most one overlay.

Overlay is performed using a destination color key, but the Direct3D runtime automatically selects the color and draws the destination rectangle. Direct3D automatically tracks the position of the window and updates the overlay position whenever the PresentEx is called.

Petersson wrote on 8/24/2023, 5:24 AM

My "Use High-DPI Scaling" Vegas option was turned Off with my 1080p display, and I am having none of the problems being reported in this discussion,

Like this?

I never use HDPI, and the problem still remains.

But this is from Vegas 20 / build 370, because build 4.x.x and Vegas 21 / build 108 are (audio wise) to buggy to use.

So I am stuck with 20/370 until the major bugs are fixed.

RogerS wrote on 8/24/2023, 7:17 AM

You are right- with high DPI scaling off TDR Nova, TB Barricade, etc. look fine on my 1440p and 1080p display. Maybe I'm imagining it but the whole program looks less crisp now, though.

Custom PC (2022) Intel i5-13600K with UHD 770 iGPU with latest driver, MSI z690 Tomahawk motherboard, 64GB Corsair DDR5 5200 ram, NVIDIA 2080 Super (8GB) with latest studio driver, 2TB Hynix P41 SSD, Windows 11 Pro 64 bit

Dell XPS 15 laptop (2017) 32GB ram, NVIDIA 1050 (4GB) with latest studio driver, Intel i7-7700HQ with Intel 630 iGPU (latest available driver), dual internal SSD (1TB; 1TB), Windows 10 64 bit

VEGAS Pro 19.651
VEGAS Pro 20.411
VEGAS Pro 21.208

Try the
VEGAS 4K "sample project" benchmark (works with VP 16+):
VEGAS Pro 20 "Ad" benchmark (works with VP 20+):

Petersson wrote on 9/6/2023, 4:43 PM

You are right- with high DPI scaling off TDR Nova, TB Barricade, etc. look fine on my 1440p and 1080p display. Maybe I'm imagining it but the whole program looks less crisp now, though.

Could be - depending on your monitor resolution.

Lot's of GUI elements for Vegas are unfortunately hardcoded pixels, not vector-shapes like fonts of bezier-icons.

So when "one pixel is shown as one pixel", it's sharp.

But when interpolation happens (one pixel is smeared out of two pixels) they appear blurry.

Interfaces / -libraries for e.g. Adobe Suite, CorelDRAW, Office, etc... do scale perfect without any steps.

But Vegas uses a old, deprecated (static) system to render the GUI.

So things become unsharp of almost unreadable small at higher DPI screens.

One of the reasons I still sticks with a plain old monitor; Vegas (and SoundForge) don't scale at all.

See example - CorelDRAW.

Same interface, but you can "slide" the view-percentage from 25% to 250%

All GUI elements scale seamless and keep sharp.

Vegas should rewrite the complete render engine (for the GUI) to become on par with the rest.