Vegas pro 21 It's not loading audio from the videos,It's not loading audio from the videos, Vegas Pro 14 on the same PC opens everything correctly! I'm tired of paying for updates for new versions of Vegas and there are always problems, errors and never working correctly like Vegas 14, so in 10 years I'll still have to continue working with Vegas Pro 14, because the new versions never It works well, there are always some problems!!!! along with shipping information. of the file that is not loading in Vegas Pro 21, and opens very well in Vegas Pro 14 I also send a video clip of the screen capture where you can see exactly what is happening!
If the video doesn't open here, is there a way to watch it on YouTube:
I'm really tired of spending money on upgrades, I've already bought 7 upgrades and there's always a problem!! which forces me to continue using Vegas Pro 14 :(