Yes - 32 bit video. This is sooo nice. We had planned to do all color correction in After Effects for the 32-bit video in our feature we're editing. Now we'll be in Vegas ffrom start to finish. HUGE thanks out to Sony and the folks in Madison. My jump back from Final Cut to Vegas has been justified.
I also just got an e-mail from Blackmagic Design regarding support for the Intensity Pro in Vegas. Here's what they said:
Our engineers are working closely with Vegas engineers towards making it all work together. Unfortunately, I don't have any particular timeframe for how soon this will happen, but it's gonna happen.
Between the new Vegas 8 and being able to drive an HD monitor with the Intensity Pro via HDMI, it's going to be a killer combination. The folks at Avid and Adobe should be more than a little bit concerned.
Kinda giddy! And yes, I will though out my one small complaint ... Motion Tracking ... been asking, wishing, and hoping for years now. Still crossing my fingers.
This is all very good news--almost eclipsing the birth of my mother in Madison some 86 years ago!
I was wondering if "enhanced preview performance" will also mean enhanced rendering? I realize the new smart rendering of native HDV will make a big difference, but I usually use Cineform HD intermediates.
Although I'm sure that the usual bunch of ungrateful complainers here on the forum will still find something to complain about.
No read-my-mind-and-auto-edit button?! Those @#%$$#%@#$ers!
There will likely be someone who will complain that Vegas 8 doesn't have ________ on the day it's released. But that's ok.
If the new DVD-A really supports PSD menu creation, I may actually come back to DVD-A. I had been using Encore due to being able to use PSD files instead of the XML theme support in DVD-A. PSD-ability was absolutely great. I wonder if you can create a button out of text like Encore can. That was also huge.
Sounds like all those who prematurely jumped ship due to the spin doctoring ad wizards from Apple, Adobe and Avid were fed a load. I still read about how Adobe users are having major issues with hardware that Vegas works flawlessly on.
Once again, based upon the details listed on VideoGuys website, Vegas gives us more for less and will probably continue it's reputation of just working no matter what hardware you are using
Any word from them if their Decklink product will work correctly with V8?
Last time I spoke with BMD they strongly recommended NOT using Vegas with their products. I foolishly ignored their advice. I see nothing in the V8 feature list that indicates this has been addressed. What I was more than a little shocked to discover is that V7 wasn't just processing the footage at 8 bits, it was capturing it at 8bits, and the audio was being downconverted.
Hopefully someone has actually tested this prior to release this time around and can comment at sometime in the future.
Tell you what, this is not the first time the Vegas team has one-upped some people's expectations.
I remember some time ago that the big rant here was wanting nested *timelines.* Sony gave us nested *veg's.* That was huge. I use that all the time for big projects.
I have yet to realize the benefits of the 10 bit versus 32 bit color depth deal, but I guess that is pretty good.
I use Red 4 for titling, but I guess it will be interesting to see the new titler.
And looking at tech requirements.... this is very interesting:
Quicktime 7.1.6 REQUIRED
So is Vegas now a Quicktime, rather than Video for Windows, application? And was this how they shed the VFW legacy? Maybe not, as I'm not really a tech guy, but it will be interesting to see where they've gone with coding...