VEGAS Pro Scripting API Wishes


PeterWright wrote on 1/19/2022, 11:36 PM

I am wondering if the following process can be done by Scripting.  

I have been editing a series of 1 hour children’s dramatic performances.

The level at which different children spoke was very varied, and I did a lot of Normalizing.

The actual part of an event that needed Normalizing was constantly variable, and it was very common to have the following scenario:

I could see part of an event lasting, let’s say 30 seconds that was obviously too quiet, so I would split at the beginning and end of this 30 seconds, then Right Click / Switches / scroll down and click Normalize.

This would increase the volume by increasing the highest waveform to maximum, and the rest in proportion

I then used to split here and there to pull down the Gain bar at the top to even out things visually.

Now, having done this, it very often became apparent that a particular word or phrase within that 30 seconds was still too quiet, and I therefore had to do the following:

Split at beginning and end of that word or phrase, then – and this is where I am hoping Scripting may help – Right Click / Switches /scroll down and Uncheck Normalize – Right Click again / Switches / scroll down and Normalize.

I was hoping a Script may enable “ReNormalizing”, and hopefully replacing the Six Stage process in the previous line to One Click!

jetdv wrote on 1/20/2022, 7:55 AM

@PeterWright, a script can certainly normalize for you. Take a look at my tutorial here and I show you how you can access "Normalize" and turn it on or off with a script.

Other tutorials would show you how to go through events on the timeline and work on only the selected event. And I could make this into a new tutorial if that would help you. It would be a couple of weeks before it was released, though

Another thing you might try is using a compressor. That will help knock down the loud sections and it can also bring up the overall volume to make things more consistent.

PeterWright wrote on 1/20/2022, 5:55 PM

Edward - you are brilliant. Thanks so much for that Script - that will save me so much time - much appreciated.

PeterWright wrote on 1/20/2022, 6:37 PM

Sorry to be a further pain, but my first attempt to save the script did not work - it doesn't appear in the Tools / Scripting list in V19.
Here's what I did:
Copied your script into MS Word
Saved as Plain Text file with the name you suggested followed by .cs
(This initially saved it as "Reset Normalize.cs.txt")
Copied this into the V19 Script Menu Folder
In this folder, it somehow dropped the ,txt and it just has .cs, but the little icon was a little different to the others - it had little grey lines on the mini page where the others did not.
Inside V19 I tried Rescanning Script Menu Folder but it still did not appear
I've obviously missed something in one of these steps!

Appreciate any assistance ...

PeterWright wrote on 1/20/2022, 6:55 PM

Sorry Edward - I just repeated the process using Notepad instead of MS Word, and this time it worked!



PeterWright wrote on 1/21/2022, 1:14 AM

The pain is back again!

I have a 32 bit 16 x 16 pixel icon saved as Reset Normalize.cs.png
and I have added it to the Script Menu folder, but I cannot add it to the toolbar, as it doesn't appear anywhere.
In case it comes through, the png is attached

By the way Edward - the script works perfectly!

jetdv wrote on 1/21/2022, 8:17 AM

@PeterWright see here:

I believe it actually needs transparency too. My program always saves 24-bit UNLESS I create at least one dot of transparency. So you might open the image and make sure there's a transparent spot in it.

I downloaded your image, added one dot of transparency and stuck it and the script in my [My Documents]\VEGAS Script Menu folder (it's not recommend you place things inside the program files script menu folder). Here's what I'm seeing with this version of the image.

PeterWright wrote on 1/21/2022, 8:07 PM

Thanks for all this Edward. What you have achieved with the icon in your Scripting list is exactly what I'm after!
I downloaded the icon from your post, but so far haven't been able to make it appear - I'd like to look into this issue of placement - I used the Program Files Script Menu folder following the Vegas Help files, and all the other scripts are there, but if it's better to do otherwise, firstly I have a "Documents" folder in the left hand side panel of My Computer, but cannot find "My Documents", and secondly if the scripts etc are placed elsewhere, how do I tell Vegas where they are?

jetdv wrote on 1/22/2022, 11:34 AM

Go to Documents and create a "Vegas Script Menu" folder there. VEGAS has certain places it automatically looks for scripts - this is one of them. It's the better place to put all of your scripts for three main reasons:

1. You are not changing the VEGAS program folder

2. All versions of VEGAS you have installed can see the script instead of only that one specific version

3. It's really easy to find

Inside that folder, you will need two files:

Reset Normalize.cs - the script

Reset Normalize.cs.png - the image (please use the one in my post - it's the one I tested with)