Vegas Replaced The Footage Poll


Christian de Godzinsky wrote on 8/31/2011, 11:40 AM

It has happened to me three or more times-

It has happened to me two times-

It has happened to me only once- X

It has never happened to me-

Nevertheless, it seems that quite many have been struck by this totally devastating bug - only according to this poll. I surely would like to know when I dare to start using Vegas again so that I can have two instances open and freely copy and paste between them without being worried - even with more complicated projects. The only time I was struck was just during such a "double" editing session. That was a total hair ripping failure for me because I did not notice in time that Vegas failed. I don't dare to do it again. Once was enough. I have better things to do than try to repair and find at what point something went wrong, at least in complex projects... Please SCS - let us know that you are working on this rather serious glitch, and when we get a fix !!!



WIN10 Pro 64-bit | Version 1903 | OS build 18362.535 | Studio 16.1.2 | Vegas Pro 17 b387
CPU i9-7940C 14-core @4.4GHz | 64GB DDR4@XMP3600 | ASUS X299M1
GPU 2 x GTX1080Ti (2x11G GBDDR) | 442.19 nVidia driver | Intensity Pro 4K (BlackMagic)
4x Spyder calibrated monitors (1x4K, 1xUHD, 2xHD)
SSD 500GB system | 2x1TB HD | Internal 4x1TB HD's @RAID10 | Raid1 HDD array via 1Gb ethernet
Steinberg UR2 USB audio Interface (24bit/192kHz)
ShuttlePro2 controller

Arthur.S wrote on 8/31/2011, 1:18 PM
It has happened to me three or more times-

It has happened to me two times-

It has happened to me only once- X

It has never happened to me-
Former user wrote on 8/31/2011, 1:40 PM

I was using Windows 7 32 bit when it happened to me.

And "close media..." was enabled.

Dave T2
JackW wrote on 8/31/2011, 2:12 PM
It has never happened to me (for which I am thankful.)

ChrisMN wrote on 8/31/2011, 2:58 PM
It has happened to me three or more times-

It has happened to me two times-

It has happened to me only once-

It has never happened to me- X
johnmeyer wrote on 8/31/2011, 3:23 PM
And "close media..." was enabled.I would recommend disabling (unchecking) this until the problem is fixed. I have nothing to back up this recommendation other than the fact that when this is checked (which is the default), Vegas re-reads all the media every time you come back to Vegas after doing something else. Whatever bug is causing this might be more likely to occur at the point at which all the connections with the media are being re-established.

At least that's my hypothesis ...
i am erikd wrote on 8/31/2011, 3:49 PM
John, your hypothesis sounds good on the face but being one who hates the "close media" option, I can safely say that my replaced media bug instances never happened with this feature enabled. WinXP SP3, Vegas 8, 9 and 10

Julius_ wrote on 8/31/2011, 6:15 PM
It has happened to me three or more times-

It has happened to me two times-

It has happened to me only once- X

It has never happened to me-
winrockpost wrote on 8/31/2011, 6:47 PM

twice...that I remember...maybe a client will think different
32bit here.....can duplicate all day long mr sony, John will fix it and is more interested I'm a thinkin
NickHope wrote on 8/31/2011, 8:32 PM
It has happened to me three or more times-

It has happened to me two times-

It has happened to me only once-

It has never happened to me- X

EDIT: It has now happened to me. See my post (below) of 12/27/2011 8:23:23 PM.
VidMus wrote on 8/31/2011, 9:34 PM
To johnmeyer,

I am using Windows 7 with 64 bit Vegas and the option for close media files when not the active application is enabled AND I never had this bug.

Note: There was/is an update to windows with some kind-of defender thingy or whatever it is called and I did that update as a test on the test boot and Vegas had all sorts of problems with it. As in Vegas completely freaked out with it.

So I made sure that auto updates is never turned on to prevent that garbage from being downloaded to my computer. Also am using Internet Explorer 8 because of problems with 9. Also, I hate internet explorer 9!

Maybe some here have certain Windows updates that others do not have and maybe that is causing the problems.

Just a thought and theory...

Vegas was designed for Windows. Microsoft changes Windows with updates and Vegas is no longer designed for Windows.
MUTTLEY wrote on 8/31/2011, 9:41 PM
It has happened to me three or more times- X

johnmayer if you read my last reply in the other topic on this issue that isn't true, I'm running 32 on Vista though I do have "close media" option checked for reasons I specify there.

- Ray
Underground Planet

PeterDuke wrote on 8/31/2011, 9:49 PM
"Vegas was designed for Windows. Microsoft changes Windows with updates and Vegas is no longer designed for Windows."

My Win 7 computer is not connected to the internet so no updates, automatic or otherwise. I have however installed Service Pack 1.
MTuggy wrote on 9/1/2011, 12:27 AM
Never happened to me .

Byron K wrote on 9/1/2011, 1:56 AM
it has never happened to me. (touching wood)
kairosmatt wrote on 9/1/2011, 7:15 AM
It has happened to me three times.

Although I don't have Vegas on any Win7 machine, I do have "Close media files when not the active application" I'll try editing with that off.

Also, it only happened to my in Veg10, not 8. 32-bit, don't use 64.

rmack350 wrote on 9/1/2011, 1:41 PM
First off, no it hasn't happened to me as far as I've noticed. It could happen and I might not notice since most of what I do is review clips and extract stills. (I have had media swapped inside bins as far back as Vegas 6, though.)


Whatever bug is causing this might be more likely to occur at the point at which all the connections with the media are being re-established.

I'm leaning away from this being an interaction with the filesystem. Mainly because I think of Vegas as something more like a relational database with lots of tables in it.

Vegas keeps a table of all the media elements.
It also keeps a table of all of the events on the timeline.
There should be another table of all the media in bins
There are surely a bunch of other tables.

The media table assigns an I.D. number to every piece of media so you can imagine that such and such a clip has a unique ID number and is generally referred to by that. The media table also keeps all the other info like filename, path, aspect ratio, comments, etc.

The timeline table keeps track of a bunch of events with unique Event IDs. Each event entry then has info about it's location, duration, offset, and most importantly the Clip ID of the clip used in the event.

(Script writer's would probably have a good idea whether I'm talking smack here)

If this is a reasonably accurate picture of things then maybe there would be some reasonable tests to determine which set of data is getting fubared. For example. If the same clip were used in 20 events, do all 20 events using that clip get their media swapped? Or is it just some of the events using that clip?. If it's all events then this would point to the clip table being the problem, if it's only some events then it points away from the clip table and probably to the event table.

Wherever this is happening I'm guessing it happens when a table is being changed. Maybe when an entry is being entirely removed or added. Maybe an ID is overwritten. Maybe there's some consolidating function in Vegas that resets all the IDs in a table when entries are removed from it so that a clip that used to be ID 200 becomes ID 12 but that information doesn't ripple out to the related tables.

Just guessing, but these aren't things that users can fix. It's understandable that we'd all be looking for things we could actually do something about.

Wadro65 wrote on 9/1/2011, 3:13 PM
It has happened to me three or more times-

It has happened to me two times- x

It has happened to me only once-

It has never happened to me-
Steve Mann wrote on 9/1/2011, 11:25 PM
"Vegas keeps a table of all the media elements.

Speaking as a programmer in a former life: It doesn't matter what you call them - they are file pointers. Every bit of media on the timeline is there via a pointer. The media itself is not touched. John's hypothesis makes a lot of sense and it's fairly harmless to uncheck the "Close media files when not the active application" option.

It can't hurt.
Gysenberg wrote on 9/2/2011, 2:04 AM
It has happened to me three or more times-

It has happened to me two times- X

It has happened to me only once-

It has never happened to me-
fldave wrote on 9/2/2011, 7:50 AM
It has never happened to me- X

Although, I am still running Vegas 8.0c.
Just recently upgraded to Win 7 64-bit, still running 8.0c 32 bit
I NEVER close media files when Vegas isn't the active app. First switch I turn off when installing Vegas.
I've also never used Media Manager.

i am erikd wrote on 9/4/2011, 6:12 AM
Thanks to everyone who took time to contribute to the survey. Results so far are as follows:

39 respondents
23 or 59% have had the Vegas Replaced the Footage bug
16 or 41% haven't had the bug yet

It should be noted that 44% of all respondents have had the bug happen 2 or more times. It seems like the odds are better than 50/50 that you will get hit by this devastating bug at some point.

There wasn't any discernible common denominator given either as to clue for solving the problem. The fact that it cuts through such a wide swath of users on different systems seems to suggest that it is a bug that is possible on all OS variations using Vegas.

Above all else, please keep in mind that Sony HAS BEEN ABLE TO REPRO THE BUG on more than one veg file so please don't use that as an excuse as to why the bug remains in the latest versions.

I wonder how many people at SCS are actively working on trying to solve THIS bug this week for example? I would be happy to hear if it was even one.
Sony, don't shove this one under the rug. Please make solving this bug a priority.

i am erikd wrote on 9/5/2011, 12:39 AM
Final Call... anyone else?
DjOn wrote on 9/5/2011, 2:22 AM
In fact file replacement happened much more times than 3.
Allways with not closed media.
Allways with big projects after pasting/undoing some material from 1 project to another.
Thanks for your research>