WIll Vegas support DVCPRO HD?


TimTyler wrote on 4/27/2005, 11:07 AM
> Vegas did roll DVX100 functionality into its feature
> set before anyone else did...

We have Sonic Foundry to thank for that, not Sony.

BTW - That functionality is the reason I stuck with Vegas.

Spot|DSE wrote on 4/27/2005, 11:31 AM
Like I keep saying....but apparently no one is hearing,....Sony continued that development.
As said before....if there is a market segment significant enough for Vegas to support DVCProHD, then Vegas will likely support it. At the moment, there definitely is NOT the market support for it, and there definitely won't be market depth information for at least another 4-6 months from now. Sony's software division is not going to cripple sales of their software product just because it's a competitive tool. One way or another, if the market demands it, Sony will supply it. Remember, I don't work for Sony, but their marketing and engineering teams are fairly predictable at certain levels, simply because it's smart business.
I can understand folks demanding a response right this second, but I think it's pretty clear that it's not forthcoming right now. With the new launch of Vegas 6, it's probably safe to say that they're focused on higher priorities at the moment.
Further, why put the onus entirely on Sony when Panasonic has a bizdev team that should be pounding on the door of every NLE manufacturer out there, trying to get support for their tools?
p@mast3rs wrote on 4/27/2005, 11:57 AM
"Further, why put the onus entirely on Sony when Panasonic has a bizdev team that should be pounding on the door of every NLE manufacturer out there, trying to get support for their tools?"

My sentiments exactly. Its NOT Sony's responsbility to guage user's interest. Its Panasonic that has to get NLEs to implement it. Otherwise, what good is a camera if people cant edit what they capture excpet on one or two systems.
ro_max wrote on 4/27/2005, 12:05 PM
Spot, I see you point. This is a 2-way street. The NLE producers need the hardware (i.e. cams) to get people to buy their software and the camera manufacturers need the appropriate software support. After all, who is going to shell out $10-$20K without having a decent NLE available that will provide good hardware/codec support?

However, Sony have been playing their cards pretty close to their chest when it comes to new features for Vegas and whether or rather when they will find their way into an update or upgrade. So I wouldn't expect a definitive answer any time soon.

A final point: This is a Sony Vegas forum and that may be why the onus is put on Sony here. Perhaps someone has been posting on the Panasonic forum...
SonyEPM wrote on 4/27/2005, 1:09 PM
Again, if there were a capture app, like a Scenalyzer type tool, that could get files on and off the machine, and if our apps could access the codec...it would just work. Just like with AVID codecs, Apple codecs, Matrox codecs etc etc.

Guy Bruner wrote on 4/28/2005, 12:43 PM
MainConcept has a DVCPRO and DVCPRO50 codec. I suppose they'll have a DVCPROHD codec by the end of year. So, it looks like there is a success path.
Logan5 wrote on 4/28/2005, 5:33 PM
Thanks for the find Guy Bruner.
Has anyone used MainConcept DVCPRO50 codec with vegas? Any issues if any?
I could pick up some new work if vegas works with that codec.
David Jimerson wrote on 4/28/2005, 6:02 PM
"My sentiments exactly. Its NOT Sony's responsbility to guage user's interest. Its Panasonic that has to get NLEs to implement it.."

I think it's both. No one is letting Panasonic off the hook here; it's their camera/codec and their business to get it supported. But I'd also venture to say that it's in Sony's best interest to get a feel for what's going on out there, too. Sony has a bit of a reputation for overtly trying to shape the market into what it wants to sell, rather than supplying the market with what it wants to buy. GREAT for Sony when it works, but not so great for anyone when it doesn't.

I have no idea how many people use Vegas for its unparalleled integration with 24p (it's simply THE best in its class at it), but I have to think it's a "fer piece" of the usership. Vegas is an indy filmmaker's dream come true . . . and it looks like the HVX200 might be too. I know I'm not alone in salivating at the idea of editing 1080p 4:2:2 in the app I've grown to love.

How big the native-24p usership is within the Vegas community, I can't say. (I doubt anyone can.) But as much as I love Vegas, a large part of why I use it is because of that wonderful, unrivaled integration.

So naturally, I'm a little anxious to know. I don't NEED to know right away (heck, I'm already using 6, so it's not like I'm holding off purchasing), but I sure would like to. Assuming the HVX200 is everything we expect it to be, I'll be buying it. And I'll choose my editor accordingly.
David Jimerson wrote on 4/28/2005, 6:09 PM
"A final point: This is a Sony Vegas forum and that may be why the onus is put on Sony here. Perhaps someone has been posting on the Panasonic forum... "

Oh, my GOSH yes; there has been ENDLESS discussion on DVXuser (though that site is not in any way supported by or afiliated with Panasonic itself -- just a community of users).
rmack350 wrote on 4/28/2005, 6:32 PM
I just downloaded and tried the demo of the codec. It works in Vegas, renders in vegas, plays in vegas. A/B swithing between the render and the original looks about the same.

This isn't an HD codec but it's something and should give you some encouragement.

The codec is a bit over $300.00 bucks but if it'll get you new work then that's cheap enough.

Rob Mack
Logan5 wrote on 4/28/2005, 6:42 PM
Thanks Rob for your test. I'll give their demo a try - then work on getting some new clients that want DV50.
FrigidNDEditing wrote on 4/28/2005, 11:14 PM
Fact of the matter is, that First I have to shoot DV50, but - when I do - I'm sure that Vegas will be able to use it. - Wonder if rental houses will rent P2 cards WITH the HDX? or if I will have to Rent cards along with it? hmmmm

Rental / Leasing - sounds like the potential solution for me at the moment - in the HDX world for now.

rmack350 wrote on 4/29/2005, 10:22 AM
You still need to capture and print in DVCPro50. What's your plan there?

Rob Mack
Logan5 wrote on 4/29/2005, 2:28 PM
For me:
They bring there DV50 on hard drives (dub house does the transfer or they have access to a pro50 deck) – I edit – then Back to the hard drives.
TimTyler wrote on 4/29/2005, 3:59 PM
I just upgraded.

Don't leave me hanging, Sony.
Jarred Land wrote on 5/24/2005, 11:50 AM

Yes... I am now completely commited to Vegas, but will obviously be more commited to the HVX when it arrives, so for me to hafta drop Vegas would break my heart..

Jarred Land

BarryGreen wrote on 5/24/2005, 3:04 PM
A partial solution already appears to exist, at least for DVCPRO50.

DVCPRO50 should be completely supported for use with the HVX, by using the free codec from Matrox. You can download the Matrox DVCPRO50 codec from

You won't need to update the capture or export tools, because with P2 there is no capture from or export to tape (although you may have to employ the FocusInfo fileconverter utility to make the files viewable to Vegas). So here's at least a free update that makes Vegas able to use the DVCPRO50 mode.

Now all we need is a DVCPRO-HD codec and we're in business! How 'bout it Sony -- you have one of the finest DV codecs available; can you update the codec (or write a new one) to support DVCPRO-HD? Looks like we're pretty close...
musman wrote on 5/24/2005, 3:55 PM
No kidding. Have you ever tried to use FCP? To do the same things as Vegas it has more unnecessary steps than a Ginger Rogers movie set on repeat. Definitely don't want to start a war here, fcp makes sense to people who have learned either Avid or linear editing. But, in my opinion 3 point editing is a bastion of the past and not something modern nles should mold themselves around.
But, think about the possibilities if Vegas does adopt the DVC Pro HD codec. Like adding Digibeta and AAF support, DVC Pro HD would make Vegas even harder to ignore.
JHendrix wrote on 1/10/2006, 1:48 AM
support now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
p@mast3rs wrote on 1/10/2006, 11:38 AM
Is that Sony's final solution or is that just temporary until Vegas 7?
busterkeaton wrote on 1/10/2006, 12:02 PM
My feeling on this is that Sony is going to remain tightlipped about it. They are merely pointed to raylight as an example of something that is out there now.

Now if raylight saw this opportunity, do you think Cineform does as well? We know that the Cineform folks are on this board.
mvb wrote on 1/24/2006, 8:00 PM
We have posted a sample MXF file (1280 x 720, 24P)
so that Vegas users can download it and try editing
DVCPRO-HD in Vegas with Raylight, even if they don't yet have
the camera. Go to dvfilm.com/raylight

Edward wrote on 1/25/2006, 6:33 AM
I just did a project with the panny dvcpro50. i used component tho, via SD connect. came out just fine, although fire wire would be sweet.