"Just wondering out loud if anyone reboots before install and reboots after install?"
Yes, I do. I would think VEgas needs to know where everything is? . . . It has a devil of a time knowing this when I look for newly created Media. I need to do a refresh. Soooo... there you have it.
So you're suggesting that people uninstall Vegas before installing 8c?
Yes, based on the fact of what happened to me. I think if people are having problems and all kinds of crashes, this procedure (uninstall 8b and reinstall 8c) must be on the top to do list.
This sounds like Sony is recommending for us to not use m2ts files on the timeline and instead transcode them into .avi files. Did this work for you? Actually, what *didn't* work for you that this solves? I ask because you said you went back to 8.0b and 'it works'.
Tonight I got a BSOD while rendering an AVCHD file. Remember I'm using 8.0b. After that, no more AVCHD renders for me. So, I uninstalled Vegas, and installed 8.0b again. However, I didn't use my original (8.0) install disk - I simply installed the 8.0b patch. But, still no AVCHD renders for me. I get the same issue I had with 8.0c where the time keeps incrementing but the frame count doesn't and I have to use task manager to kill the Vegas process.
For now, since I have to complete this darn project, I'm rendering to "HDV 1080-60i Intermediate" as suggested by Sony to Steve. So far I've got 60% of my timeline rendered - so far, so good.
the mp4 aav that I render for iPod touch wun get the aspect ratio right.It works for vimeo template but not for iPod.I m unsure if it is due to QuickTime update or 8.0.3. Anyone has same encounter?8.0.2 worked fine
All of a sudden I'm getting numerous glitches from my projects
Installed 8.0c over 8.0b and opened one of my projects - numerous issues with renders including random lockups from standard m2t files that originally worked in 8.0b - now that they've been opened in 8.0c, none of the projects opened in the latest version work correctly nor do they in 8.0b - which was working great once I installed the beta m2t reader dll file - but that no longer is working correctly when installed..
Did a complete restore from my acronis image which included my 8.0b install - same results.
None of my projects are working correctly that were opened in 8.0c - WTF!
If the workaround is to transcode my m2t files to AVI - I might as well reinstall my copy of PPro - since I know for a fact that works.
I don't have money to spare to go out and buy a copy of CIneform or any other app to try and resolve what is becoming a regular chain of FUBAR issues with Vegas PRo.
Yeah yeah yeah - there are those not having ANY issues - but it seems each successive release creates more problems than it resolves - that has been the case for me at least.
Too pi$$ed right now to comment any further - I believe Coonass was correct in his assessment of the issues surrounding Vegas Pro - then again, these issues have come to light since moving to Intel Q6600 and Intel Mobo - never had any issues while on AMD.
'This sounds like Sony is recommending for us to not use m2ts files on the timeline and instead transcode them into .avi files. Did this work for you? Actually, what *didn't* work for you that this solves? I ask because you said you went back to 8.0b and 'it works'.
What doesn't work for me on 8.0b is the ability to import M2TS files over 20seconds particularly those created in vegas and preserve all the attributes - some I lose the video and end up with a single audio track. Some I have the video and 1 audio track.
I have confirmed that my older Pentium 4 computer can render AVCHD files fine with patch c (it literally takes hours though because the CPU is so slow). Looks like there is something about my new quad core computer that Vegas doesn't like. Now I get to find out what that is. Oh joy.
In the meantime, I've verified that with patch c on my new quad core I can render mpeg2, full HD (1920x1080) Blu-ray compliant files fine. So that's my work-around until I debug what Vegas doesn't like about my hardware when rendering AVCHD files.
Can anyone explain why the AVCHD codec is more sensitive to my hardware than the mpeg2 codec? I know AVCHD takes more computation than mpeg2 to produce. I certainly don't think my CPU is causing this though.
Sad to say but I never had crashes before during editing (or rendering) in 8.0 and 8.0b, but the 8.0c crashes on me about once per edit session. This is not what I would call a complete positive development...
Just tried to render this project after it died on me and I rescued what i could by opening the autosaved version. The result was not so nice - an error occurred that is not recognized and then this error message after the application died:
Access Violations are usually when one program tries to write/read a block of memory that is being used by something else. It could be another software or a driver.
Finding the violation tends to be a bit of trial/error. Strip your computer down to nothing but what it ABSOLUTELY needs to operate. Kill all drivers, all software.... everything that you can then try another render. If you render fine then add things on until your renders start crashing.
Blink, thank's for cheering me up. The stupid thing is that this is EXACTLY the same setup and same project, that worked perfectly in 8.0b. The problems started after the upgrade, and nothing else has been installed or removed...
Ok, next i try KillThemAll... wonder if it works on Vista 64, but we'll see...
I tried to open the exactly same problematic .veg file in 8.1 without doin ANY editing or even touching the timeline.
Surprise - 8.1 renders it without a problem, 8.0c stumbles exactly at frame 0, every time. Both are selected to render a 1920x1080i PAL project to the same Blu-ray Mpg2 template.
The playback on the timeline works in both versions of Vegas with no problems...
What kind of conclusions can we make tof this ???? 8.1 is more stable and works even if there is somewhere a glitch in the timeline (that Vegas caused by itself - not me)?? Or what do you think?
Glad to solve my problem at least for now, but I'm confused. This at least provea that 8.0c and 8.1 is not coming from the same codebase, but we already knew that didn't we, because of some lacking features in 8.1, that are new in 8.0c...?
Vegas 8.0c did not fix my 32-bit rendering issue. I open the project in 8.1 and render - no problem whatsoever. My conclusion is that 8.1 has better memory management/access to more memory and it should being 64-bit.
8.1 is not without issues, but I use it preference.
So would I too, but not a single plugin I have and need works in 8.1. That renders 8.1 useless for most of my work for now.
Sad that there were no migration phase possible(?) here for 32 bit plugins (that worked well in 64 bit windows with 32 bit Vegas) to work also in 64 bit Vegas...
Man I am glad I am still in the SD world maybe by the time I am ready for HD things will be worked out. I still Love Vegas though even with its problems.
I have been having the exact same set of problems. My system runs windows vista. I was able to render avchd files from my canon hf 10 with the 8b 1440x1080 sony template. However, since my camera records in 1920x1080, I was excited to try out 8c that should support this. I get the same problems as you: 1) vegas disappears during the render, 2) stack trace or 3) stuck frame count. I've given a test file to the tech support but haven't heard back. It seems like others are having some problems with 8c aw well
I have had to revert to 8b and go back to the 1440x1080 template. In 8c, the 1920x1080 sony, 1920x1080 bluray, and 1440x1080 sony all crash at random times during the render.
My machine is a dell quad core 2 duo with 4 GB ram as well. I noticed that 8b used less memory and more cpu that 8c. Also 8c's memory usage keeps increasing during the render. Not sure if this means there is a memory leak...
I have no answers yet. Have you figured anything out?
I tried my first render today - just got Vegas Pro 8 and immediately updated to 8.0c. - a 16 minute render to MPEG2 - DVDArchitect NTSC Widscreen Video Stream - and it crashed after about 5 minutes everytime I tried. Page files were up to 2.75gb each time - this is with XP32 Media Edition, Q6700 with 4gb of ram installed - windows sees 3. I'm a newbee so could be something I'm doing I suppose - however when I did rendering on my XP64 OS with the demo version it worked fine - wasn't 8.0c though just 8.0b.