Audio glitches after upgrading to Vegas 13 64 Bit


ChristoC wrote on 1/13/2015, 3:28 PM
Kevin from Support has emailed:

"I’m sorry to hear that you encountered an error on the Sony Creative Software website. We are working on the issue, but in the meantime we have a workaround. Once logged into your account, go to “Support” > “Knowledgebase”. Next, click the “My Stuff” link in the “Additional Resources” menu on the right side of the page."

MaleXLR wrote on 1/13/2015, 4:46 PM
I am able to access "My Support", but am just not getting any support!

I tried on-line chat today and didn't get any direct answers, but did get something of an assurance:

Travis G.: I apologize for that; our support e-mails are answered in the order that they are received and due to the holiday season, we receive more than normal.
Travis G.: I will be sure your current incidents are assigned shortly

We'll see - not holding my breath!
MaleXLR wrote on 1/23/2015, 3:31 AM
Ten days later...

...glad I didn't hold my breath - still waiting!

I have been something of a squeaky wheel and despite having no resolution to seven key issues I keep updating the support request with any additional, relevant information!

However, waiting for Sony to "get around to it" does make my overtures rather impotent and I am powerless to do anything other than wait and get more angry!
Greg_M wrote on 2/23/2015, 11:11 AM
FWIW, here's my take on Vegas 11,12,13. I've been a long time user of Vegas and it looks to me like the re-write from 32 to 64 bit was grossly botched. None of the 64 bit versions are at all usable.

I don't have hardware or plug-in issue. I have a PT HD Native system, An M-Audio system, and a couple of Presonus systems. On the same computer, these systems all work without issue. So, Pro Tools HD 10 and 11 work, Studio One 2 works. In fact Sound Forge, CD Architect, DVD Architect, and ACID Pro, all work just fine. My issues with Vegas (any 64 bit version) are exactly the same as those mentioned in this thread so I won't recap.

What I can say is that Vegas Pro 13 is the last version I will pay for. Sony needs to re-visit the whole 64 bit coding of Vegas before they will get my attention or money.

Sorry about the rant. It's frustrating.

MaleXLR wrote on 2/26/2015, 5:33 AM
It’s consoling to know that we share the same frustrations and plain annoying that Sony won’t step outside their glass box to enter the world that is our reality, or even simply offer an opinion on this forum.

BTW and needless to say – still waiting for answers to seven outstanding support requests – and they persist in asking questions that they have either already asked or I have already answered in detail. Are they deliberately trying to wind me up???
JMacSTL wrote on 2/26/2015, 2:34 PM
Similar to GregM, I've been running Vegas 11 and 13 on the same PC with ProTools 11. Both using the ASIO drivers with a MOTU intereface. I have Waves HORIZON bundle with both 32bit and 64bit versions. Vegas 11 32bit runs great with its 32bit Waves plugins. I do mostly audio Post work, and have sessions with dozens of tracks and dozens of plugin instances. If I have a similar session on Vegas 11 64bit, and re-add the 64bit plugins, it glitches audio. If I open the same session and let it use the 32bit versions of the Waves plugins, it mostly plays back ok, but the 64bit version won't import AAF, so it really serves no purpose for me. I gave up trying to get Vegas 13 to work, since it's 64 only, and they don't support video display output using my particular AJA video card. Frustrating for sure. I"ll stick with Sony Vegas, because it's so much faster to cut dialog than ProTools, but this issue of 64bit plugins is frustrating and has been for 2 years. No no info here, just another rant, and glad I'm not alone.

jmm in STL.

jmm in stl

Windows10 with Vegas 11 Pro (most recent build). Intel Core i7-3770 @ 3.40GHz 3.90 GHz, 32GB ram, separate audio and video disks. Also Vegas 17 Pro on same system. GPU: NVDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER. Dynamic RAM preview=OFF.

JMacSTL wrote on 2/26/2015, 2:51 PM
One thing I have NOT tried is this: removing all 32bit versions of all plugins that I can, and trying it that way, using only 64bit plugins.


Who has the time to try that, tho?

jmm in stl

Windows10 with Vegas 11 Pro (most recent build). Intel Core i7-3770 @ 3.40GHz 3.90 GHz, 32GB ram, separate audio and video disks. Also Vegas 17 Pro on same system. GPU: NVDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER. Dynamic RAM preview=OFF.

Greg_M wrote on 2/27/2015, 10:19 AM
FWIW, I have Vegas Pro 13 pointed only at 64 bit plugins.

JMacSTL wrote on 9/26/2016, 12:30 PM

Update:  Magix new Vegas 14: same issue for me with 64bit Waves plugins.  Unusable, even if I DON"T zoom in or out on the screen whilst audio is playing. It still glitches like mad.


jmm in STL

jmm in stl

Windows10 with Vegas 11 Pro (most recent build). Intel Core i7-3770 @ 3.40GHz 3.90 GHz, 32GB ram, separate audio and video disks. Also Vegas 17 Pro on same system. GPU: NVDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER. Dynamic RAM preview=OFF.

NickHope wrote on 9/26/2016, 8:51 PM

Update:  Magix new Vegas 14: same issue for me with 64bit Waves plugins.  Unusable, even if I DON"T zoom in or out on the screen whilst audio is playing. It still glitches like mad.


jmm in STL

Submit a support request at  This should reach the right people more than a post on the forum will.

michael-mcdonald wrote on 9/27/2016, 12:30 PM

I am so glad to know I am not the only person with this problem.  I too have had the same glitching audio problem since switching from Vegas 9 32bit to Vegas 13 64bit and also now in the demo of Vegas 14 64bit.  I am professional, mostly audio guy with only 10% of my income from video.  I have large track counts with lots of plug-ings using all legal up to date software.  I have used Vegas since day one and love its ease of use.  My new computer is a Sweetwater Creation Station i7.  It hardly breaks a sweat with 20 tracks and several dozen VST plug-ins running.  Here is what I have found with Vegas 13 and now 14.  After trying all the above thread tweaks, at Sony's suggestions, with buffers, drivers, and even different audio interfaces with only slight improvement in stuttering I have narrowed it down to this.  My system runs fine with many VST plug-ins on each individual track but as soon as I drop even one VST plug-in on the master bus the stuttering starts and gets worse with each plug-ing added to it or each new sub bus with VST plug-ins added to it.  BTW: I can render a stuttering song and it renders perfect but it is imposable to mix while it is stuttering.  And as a reminder, these stuttering songs play back perfectly on Vegas 9 32bit using the same plug-ins.  I can even put up a video of this problem in action if this would help the Magix team to track down this problem which keeps me from using Vegas 14 or any 64bit version for that mater.  And I can see in this thread that Sony was able to recreate it and said they would work on it.  I would like to take advantage of the special upgrade offer from 13 to 14 price but reluctant to fork out more money for another version with this same problem.  Thank you anyone for any work on this issue.  Michael McDonald      

jenson-wnsonW wrote on 2/5/2017, 10:18 AM

Hi to everyone,

Rarely adding to a forum myself but this time I feel the need to do so. Exactly the same problem with Vegas for me, stuttering and glitching when moving the cursor within its interface screen.

I can confirm that, when adding plugins the problem starts. I have also deduced that the problem only arises when you add waves plugins (or any other 64bit plugin) to an audio bus or to the master bus: the problem starts. If you add a waves plugin (or any other 64bit plugin) to an individual track the problem does not exist!

I recently bought a new pc, installed my good old Vegas 12 on it and added brand new 64 bit plugins to it. It was the first time I encountered the problem. On my previous pc I used Vegas 12 with an older set of wave plugins (the gold bundle) dating from 2008. That all worked without any issue. It seems that, on my system, the new waves plugin set (but also a plugin from Avox) are now generating this issue.

Let's see what happens if I uninstall the new set of plugins and add the old set (the gold bundle from 2008).

I also cannot deduce wether it might be a combination problem of pc hardware vs software used, like a conflict between audiodriver and intergrated graphics (on my pc an Intel HD iris 6100 and an M-Audio Eight Track) as I no longer have my old pc.

Indeed, if the problem arises you cannot work with Vegas. Moving the cursor fast almost eliminates the sound completely and it glitshes like crazy.


Adding (64bit) FX to audio bus and master generates problem

Adding (64bit) FX to individual track problem does not arrive.

Adding native sony FX generates no problem at all. Adding to bus/master/track all fine.

I'll keep looking a bit more (restoring old set of plugins) and see what happens. Love Vegas for its good interface so I cannot (don't want to) switch to other DAW.

Cheers, Jenson.

Chuzz wrote on 3/14/2017, 8:58 AM

🚾 Well, strangely I've never suffered this until V14, I have a project here that worked fine in 13 but now is a stu... stu.. stuttering mess, I haven't been able to make any progress whatsoever on this project in V14, just one audio glitch after another, endlessly, it is a major problem..💩

I think Vegas is just pining though.... for the fjords 💀

songsj wrote on 3/14/2017, 7:27 PM

I am new to edit Pro 14 but not new to Vegas, used versions 5 through 8 then jumped to 14, I got rid of a lot of the audio stutter by doubling the size of my audio buffer. My system is new, good but not the best Dell XPS 6th gen i7 quadcore 3.4. 16 gb ram 2 separate 1TB hard drives, Creative sound card and upgraded video card that came with the machine. I get more stutter when I am moving FX windows around or resizing the main program window. If I add or remove an fx from the chain I might get a click, also if click on the save icon I get a stutter. And yes I checked because I still have my old system and version 8 with my ancient Waves plugs give me little to no trouble. Increasing the audio buffer on my system really helped with scrolling in and out. I get almost no stutter doing that. It was a huge improvement for me, [I actually can live with it for now] as I have other make or break issues with V14 that may chase me to a different DAW.

Chuzz wrote on 3/14/2017, 7:44 PM

Yes  I bumped up the  buffer, it had helped fractionally, maybe I'll turn up to 11 . I have a similar system to yours and have been using Vegas since  Version 6 or 7 , I have never experienced this kind on glitching... Oh I should say the VSTs are not waves, they are mostly ones that actually shipped with Vegas or from companies that supplied plugins ( iZotope) although there are a couple that I'm not that familiar with yet( nevertheless why is Vegas suddenly flipping out?)

songsj wrote on 3/15/2017, 2:22 AM

There are 2 buffers in the audio preferences I doubled both of them. Several users here have told me to cut bait and go with a DAW that is dedicated or at least committed and known for their audio results since that is 99% of what I do. I am about there and will probably start trying a new program this weekend. I guess Vegas is and for a few versions has been focusing on their video editing capabilities and the audio is becoming more tailored to what is needed for video production not what is expected out of a DAW. I was out of recording for several years and was not aware of this. I made some compatibility assumptions based on prior versions and experience that I should not have and it cost me some money. I'm over it and moving on. I'm sure they will do some audio upgrades when necessary to support the video editing platform like supporting VST3 etc., but many here doubt they will do much more than that. I guess time will tell. Too bad because I like the work flow and hate to learn a new program but it just may be time to quit trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. I'm not a young man, 60, the clock is ticking, I have several recordings I want to make while I am still healthy and able. This is my hobby not my job, I only have my spare time to work with. I can't sit around and wait to see if my current needs fit into Magix's future plans for the program and if so when that might be. No hard feelings, sometimes companies and consumers have to part ways. I'm sure I am not their target market. That said some of my best recordings were done on Vegas software with Waves plugins. Waves and maybe Antares will be coming along with me, Edit Pro my get left behind.


Chuzz wrote on 3/15/2017, 5:58 AM

The thing is that Vegas 13 handled  this file just fine, without mucking with the buffer at all.

I've maxxed it out now but this track with the dialogue  is silent when I play the full piece.

I used a DAW for the score but , this is editing territory and it is absolutely appropriate for it to work.

Magix  should be aware of that .

Thanks heaps for the reply :)

michael-mcdonald wrote on 4/25/2017, 4:54 PM

I've had this problem since Vegas 9 64bit, I am still running Vegas 9 32bit perfectly.  When I upgraded to a top end Sweetwater Creation Station I upgraded to Vegas 13 and found it still had the stutter problem in playback.  After months of back and forth with then Sony nothing was resolved and my issue was labeled resolved.  When Magix took over I had hope, upgraded to 14 Pro and now at build 252 it still has the problem.  I made a short video showing the problem (any single VST plug-in added to a sub buss or master buss with the stuttering getting worse as you added more VST plug-ins.  Increasing the buffers helps only slightly on a screaming fast machine).  Magix emailed me in November 2016 and said they had recreated the issue and "This is now entered into our backlog to be resolved in a future application update.  Thank you for reporting this issue".  Since recording is my fulltime gig and have been on Vegas since the it's first introduction by Sonic Foundry I love how fast and at home I am with this program and now that I'm producing music videos too it has just made sense to stay here.  But like many above it might be time to move to a new DAW.  Michael McDonald

studioredfern wrote on 4/25/2017, 7:27 PM

Just a quick return to this post. For everyone's information the problem disappears if you use Windows Classic Wave Driver. PITA when it has not been an issue in any other DAW. It has constrained my decision to upgrade to 14. Come on Magix it can't be that hard!

songsj wrote on 4/26/2017, 2:55 AM

Not really relevant but I am now a Reaper user at the suggestion of many on this forum. I bought Edit 14 and still have Vegas 8.0 32 bit on my old system that I may use for some things. I may come back to Vegas if they fix the audio glitches and support VST3 etc. However I am getting used to using Reaper and Waves Tune and it sounds like Vegas may never support that. If autotune is the deal breaker I may buy Antares again if Vegas ever supports VST3 which I believe they will almost have to at some point and probably soon. I only have 5 to 10 more years to be doing this and I could not wait for Magix give me what I needed. The 200.00 I spent on Edit 14 was basically money thrown away. Maybe I will use it for some things. I will have to see. I wish Magix the best and would love to come back if they ever meet my needs. I'm just not a video guy and have to have the audio basics.

philippe-gaudens wrote on 4/28/2017, 3:05 AM

Hi to everyone,

Rarely adding to a forum myself but this time I feel the need to do so. Exactly the same problem with Vegas for me, stuttering and glitching when moving the cursor within its interface screen.

I can confirm that, when adding plugins the problem starts. I have also deduced that the problem only arises when you add waves plugins (or any other 64bit plugin) to an audio bus or to the master bus: the problem starts. If you add a waves plugin (or any other 64bit plugin) to an individual track the problem does not exist!

I recently bought a new pc, installed my good old Vegas 12 on it and added brand new 64 bit plugins to it. It was the first time I encountered the problem. On my previous pc I used Vegas 12 with an older set of wave plugins (the gold bundle) dating from 2008. That all worked without any issue. It seems that, on my system, the new waves plugin set (but also a plugin from Avox) are now generating this issue.

Let's see what happens if I uninstall the new set of plugins and add the old set (the gold bundle from 2008).

I also cannot deduce wether it might be a combination problem of pc hardware vs software used, like a conflict between audiodriver and intergrated graphics (on my pc an Intel HD iris 6100 and an M-Audio Eight Track) as I no longer have my old pc.

Indeed, if the problem arises you cannot work with Vegas. Moving the cursor fast almost eliminates the sound completely and it glitshes like crazy.


Adding (64bit) FX to audio bus and master generates problem

Adding (64bit) FX to individual track problem does not arrive.

Adding native sony FX generates no problem at all. Adding to bus/master/track all fine.

I'll keep looking a bit more (restoring old set of plugins) and see what happens. Love Vegas for its good interface so I cannot (don't want to) switch to other DAW.

Cheers, Jenson.

This is my analyse too...

No problem when adding plugins to individual tracks...
The problem only occurs with busses and master.


This problem started from the really first 64 bits version of Vegas and has never been solved ! It is a shame !


philippe-gaudens wrote on 6/12/2017, 3:30 AM

Good news !

I finally got an answer from MAGIX support regarding this problem. They reproduced the problem, so now they will work on it for a next update.

Here is their message:

Thank you for your message.
We were able to reproduce the issue.  This will be resolved in a future application update.  Thank you for reporting this issue."
Thank you for contacting Magix Support.

michael-mcdonald wrote on 6/12/2017, 9:53 AM

Thank you Philippe, I still have hope but I also got this message October 4, 2016 but it goes back as far as Vegas 9-64bit for me.  I even made a very short video on how to reproduce the problem using a single VST plugin on master or sub-master buss on V13 and V14.  I'm sure Magix is overwhelmed with bug fixes that piled up from Sony days and keeping Vegas current with ever changing video needs.  And I realize that us audio guys are probably a very small part of their revenue and these fixes require very intense hours of code writing and expense.  I've had to jump ship to another DAW in the mean time as I make my living from tracking, mixing, mastering music and an occasional music video.  I miss and love how easy it is to work with Vegas so I will come back if this ever gets resolved.  Michael McDonald