Boycott Vegas 12 unless Vegas 11 gets stable!


VanLazarus wrote on 2/9/2012, 2:55 PM
Something just happened that blew my mind. I received an email from SCS about a support ticket entitled "Help us improve Vegas 11". In the ticket they say:
My name is Paddy Cassidy, and I’m a Software Quality Assurance Engineer for Sony Creative Software. Based on your recent posts in our Sony Vegas-Video forum, it appears you may be one of several users who have reported difficulty making the transition to Vegas Pro 11 from an earlier version.

We appreciate your passion and commitment to Vegas Pro, and if you share our desire to continue to improve it, please consider our offer to set up a call with us to discuss your specific situation. We would like to know what the major issues are preventing you from adopting Vegas Pro 11 into your workflow. If there are problems occurring that are unique to your system, we’d like the opportunity to help resolve those. If the problems are due to bugs in Vegas, we’d appreciate your assistance in helping to identify them in order to ensure they are fixed as quickly as possible.

If you’re encountering instability problems in Vegas Pro 11, we’d also like to gain a better understanding of your hardware configuration, third-party software tools, and overall workflow, so we can narrow down the cause. It's possible your issue(s) are among those that are fixed for our upcoming maintenance release. If so, perhaps you would be willing to beta test these builds prior to their release.

If you are willing to arrange a phone appointment, please update this support incident, including your phone number and a date and time that we can chat for 20-30 minutes.

Thank you for your consideration,

Paddy Cassidy
SQA Engineer
Sony Creative Software

I will spend some time gathering up my issues with Vegas 11, send them a full report, and will happily talk with an engineer in person on the phone.

I'll keep you posted.
i am erikd wrote on 2/9/2012, 3:12 PM
Man, it is getting pretty late here and this feels like a dream. First the ForumAdmin starts to speak up and now this? What gives I wonder? Anyone heard anything about why the sudden change of heart?

Zeitgeist wrote on 2/9/2012, 3:27 PM
Vegas 11 works really well for me. I edit AVCHD & MOVS. The Newblue Title plug is the only thing that causes crashes, so I stay away from it.
Andy_L wrote on 2/9/2012, 4:36 PM
We appreciate your passion and commitment to Vegas Pro, and if you share our desire to continue to improve it, please consider our offer to set up a call with us to discuss your specific situation

If that's indeed from Sony, just reading that sentence makes me vastly more willing to stay onboard and try V11.

Fingers crossed that Sony is actually going to reflect on the issues that have plagued V9, V10, and (it seems) V11 -- and makes some changes in how it develops and releases its products.
paul_w wrote on 2/9/2012, 5:11 PM
That really is good news. This is exactly the kind of brave, out of the box communication a lot of us have been waiting for. Go for it.
My attitude towards the SCS support system is changing daily it seems :)

Moving forward.

FuTz wrote on 2/10/2012, 6:37 PM
Very simple: I'm boycotting 'til they don't give me full BWF poly edit-export.
dibbkd wrote on 2/11/2012, 7:20 PM
I didn't read every comment, but why not just download the free trial of v12 when it comes out, and if it works for you, buy it if you want.
Steve_Rhoden wrote on 2/12/2012, 7:52 AM
Unfortunately, you are missing the point dibbkd.
Suvin111 wrote on 3/17/2012, 5:07 PM
I’m sure I’m missing something here – but this is not a charity case – SCS is a for-profit company. Why aren’t we asking for a refund based on SCS not meeting the implied warranty of merchantability? They haven’t responded to my requests for help since 2-27-12 when they said the next upgrade would fix it. My problems continue – so one of two things must be true. They don’t have an answer or they are inundated by the requests for help. In either case I think they fail the implied warranty of merchantability test. IMHO
Spectralis wrote on 3/17/2012, 5:29 PM
On the last project I did with quite a lot of effects VP 11 had a hair trigger crash/hang error when adjusting NewBlueFX and BCC7 at first but it seemed to settle down as the project developed. But now I've got into the habit of saving before every FX adjustment which is a PITA.

Quite honestly if Sony can't, for whatever reason, improve the stability of v11 then I'll do what I did when ACID wasn't being developed and move to another application. I really enjoy using Reaper for audio and having learnt After Effects CS5 it seems logical to move to Premier Pro. CS6 is around the corner so perhaps, like me, many might be tempted to switch over from then on. If I do I'm sure I'll really miss VP at first but I can't stick with an NLE where I'm worrying about random crashes and hangs all the time.
TheRhino wrote on 3/18/2012, 12:13 AM
I was so hoping 11.595 would fix all of the problems that have been present since 10 plus the new ones 11 introduced (random render of clips to black...) I had actually considered switching to FCP before the whole X fiasco. We own CS5.5 at the studio but I haven't had time to improve my workflow. However, I got in on the $180 educator deal for CS5.5 & hope to spend more time with it on some personal projects at home. Runs rock stable on all of my systems at both work & home. If I can get my color correction speed up to that of Vegas I will likely be gone.

I have been with Vegas since 3.0 but two failed releases in a row is too much for me to take. Today was beautiful outside - highest temperatures in 50 years... However, I spent most of the day editing a project that was not completed due to Vegas failures. Had I switched to PP already, I could have spent today with my family...

My problem is that Vegas will render clips to black. Vegas 10 rendered whole clips and now 11 is rendering just handfuls of frames here & there - sometimes only a few seconds so they are hard to catch. Plus, Vegas 11 renders slower than 10 on CPU renders.

It's hard to be loyal when I have had to work two Saturdays in a row due to Vegas failures. The reason I did not stay in Vegas 9 is because I am trying to decide whether to stick with V11 or switch to PP. I wanted to give 11.595 a full test before making my decision...

Workstation C with $600 USD of upgrades in April, 2021
--$360 11700K @ 5.0ghz
--$200 ASRock W480 Creator (onboard 10G net, TB3, etc.)
Borrowed from my 9900K until prices drop:
--32GB of G.Skill DDR4 3200 ($100 on Black Friday...)
Reused from same Tower Case that housed the Xeon:
--Used VEGA 56 GPU ($200 on eBay before mining craze...)
--Noctua Cooler, 750W PSU, OS SSD, LSI RAID Controller, SATAs, etc.

Performs VERY close to my overclocked 9900K (below), but at stock settings with no tweaking...

Workstation D with $1,350 USD of upgrades in April, 2019
--$500 9900K @ 5.0ghz
--$140 Corsair H150i liquid cooling with 360mm radiator (3 fans)
--$200 open box Asus Z390 WS (PLX chip manages 4/5 PCIe slots)
--$160 32GB of G.Skill DDR4 3000 (added another 32GB later...)
--$350 refurbished, but like-new Radeon Vega 64 LQ (liquid cooled)

Renders Vegas11 "Red Car Test" (AMD VCE) in 13s when clocked at 4.9 ghz
(note: BOTH onboard Intel & Vega64 show utilization during QSV & VCE renders...)

Source Video1 = 4TB RAID0--(2) 2TB M.2 on motherboard in RAID0
Source Video2 = 4TB RAID0--(2) 2TB M.2 (1) via U.2 adapter & (1) on separate PCIe card
Target Video1 = 32TB RAID0--(4) 8TB SATA hot-swap drives on PCIe RAID card with backups elsewhere

10G Network using used $30 Mellanox2 Adapters & Qnap QSW-M408-2C 10G Switch
Copy of Work Files, Source & Output Video, OS Images on QNAP 653b NAS with (6) 14TB WD RED
Blackmagic Decklink PCie card for capturing from tape, etc.
(2) internal BR Burners connected via USB 3.0 to SATA adapters
Old Cooler Master CM Stacker ATX case with (13) 5.25" front drive-bays holds & cools everything.

Workstations A & B are the 2 remaining 6-core 4.0ghz Xeon 5660 or I7 980x on Asus P6T6 motherboards.

$999 Walmart Evoo 17 Laptop with I7-9750H 6-core CPU, RTX 2060, (2) M.2 bays & (1) SSD bay...

Suvin111 wrote on 3/28/2012, 12:05 PM
I have had serval responses for SCS - but they have all been pretty generic - disable services - reinstall - update drivers.
SVP11 still does not work reliably.
Has anyone found a solution yet?
Gene Aum wrote on 3/28/2012, 6:16 PM
I agree with TheRhino.

V10 was stable (at least for me) by the fourth release. VP11 is fraught with problems. Way too many to mention.
I've been purchasing VP (since v6) with personal funds even tho I could have my employer provide CSx.
If the problems aren't substantially fixed on the next update I will begin migration to Adobe.

BTW, I'm having to export EDLs and open in VP10 (of course after redoing all the edits EDLs don't export) - which then renders w/o any problems.

Very frustrating.

MTuggy wrote on 3/28/2012, 10:03 PM
My workflow now is to do the work in V10e and if I want a faster render, open it and render it in V11 (595) if I know there aren't any GPU accelerated plugins. Lame, I know, but at least with V10, I can get the project done without a crash. I'm just glad that right now I not doing anything for pay like I was for the past couple years. I too have had the same generic responses from SCS with no effect on the outcome with V11.

I do feel sorry for those of you trying to use it to make a living if neither 10 or 11 is free of bugs for you.

Suvin111 wrote on 4/4/2012, 8:30 AM
JohnMeyer - "Vegas 10 & Vegas 11 are not fit for their intended purpose "
Isn't this the whole point here? They have failed the "Implied warranty of Merchantability test." As I have asked before - any lawyers out there? They said it would work, unconditionally - because they failed to give specific hardware configurations - and for many of us it does not.
I think SVP is the best out there - but I can't operate with an unpredictably unstable system. But because they have delivered a product the fails the "Implied warranty of Merchantability test," shouldn¡¦t we be asking for a refund?
Okay - I know this is foolish - because they most likely have better lawyers than engineers - but I just had to say it. :-)
For me they have not provided a single idea that was not a "stalling" idea; reinstall, update drivers, shut down all startup programs and non-Microsoft services, and so on - all things I had tried all ready.
Now they are asking for a detail error report. Now this is a good point. But all I get is "Vegas has stopped working" It gives the option to debug - but then says "no debugging software is installed on your system." Hey, does anyone out there have something that can be used to bebug this "Vegas has stopped working error?"
Thanks to all of you out there for participating in this thread!
Steve Mann wrote on 4/4/2012, 9:11 AM
Out of curiosity, have you installed SP1? Have you tried running Vegas with your antivirus utility turned off? (If you have Norton, you can't turn it off. When you "stop" Norton from it's control panel, all it does is stop logging and fixing errors. It is still scanning in the background).
Suvin111 wrote on 4/4/2012, 12:36 PM
Yes I have updated to SP1. I do have Norton - I should look for a way to be sure SVP11 can get through the firewall - in case it's trying to call home for some reason.
monoparadox wrote on 4/4/2012, 2:36 PM
The first thing I do with any new computer is dump the security software and install Microsoft Security Essentials. My theory is that Msft has all the inside dope on their API's.

Unless one has a special situation, I would highly recommend it.

Pavlos wrote on 4/4/2012, 3:50 PM
All this!! Get serious !! Vegas is stable.And Vegas will be better if we supported seriously ...not for games , ot for the stupid tutorials found on youtube about intros and blah blah..AND Vegas is NLE not game, not antivirus AND PUT IT ON WORKASTATION NOT GAME PCS ,NOT INTERNET,NOT WORD on the same machine....i wish one day Vegas used onlu by pros not kids and people that dont know...there are other programs for them....ans SCS has no problem to stop to develop Vegas if it sees moves like that... Sorry but i answer to the first posts... cant read all...
TheRhino wrote on 4/4/2012, 4:56 PM
I built our workstations from the ground-up using workstation class motherboards (P6T6 WS) puls only the best memory (24GB) and power supplies (Corsair 850W+). I can run (3) instances of Vegas 9e all day long without a problem. Adobe CS5.5 is glitch-free. Vegas 10e never crashes but sometimes renders to black or swaps footage. However, Vegas 11.595 is buggy. It crashes for now reason plus it still has the render to black issue.

We edit video 8-10 hours per day and I have NO OTHER SOFTWARE on (2) of our workstations. I install Windows 7 64, driver updates & SP1 on a bare SSD. I then add Vegas 11.595 all by itself. It renders to black & has crashed at least once. I then add windows updates & get the same thing. I then add the Blackmagic drivers for a Decklink HD card & now Vegas 11.595 crashes whenever I load Motion-JPEGs made from Decklink captures. I then add 3rd party FX like NewBlue and stability goes out the windows.

Rebooting to my spare SSD with just 8c, 9c & 10e everything runs peachy except for the render to black bug mostly in 10e & the occasional swap footage bug, mostly in 10e...

In conclusion, when software does not run on a system where everything else runs just fine 24/7 then it is likely the software.

Workstation C with $600 USD of upgrades in April, 2021
--$360 11700K @ 5.0ghz
--$200 ASRock W480 Creator (onboard 10G net, TB3, etc.)
Borrowed from my 9900K until prices drop:
--32GB of G.Skill DDR4 3200 ($100 on Black Friday...)
Reused from same Tower Case that housed the Xeon:
--Used VEGA 56 GPU ($200 on eBay before mining craze...)
--Noctua Cooler, 750W PSU, OS SSD, LSI RAID Controller, SATAs, etc.

Performs VERY close to my overclocked 9900K (below), but at stock settings with no tweaking...

Workstation D with $1,350 USD of upgrades in April, 2019
--$500 9900K @ 5.0ghz
--$140 Corsair H150i liquid cooling with 360mm radiator (3 fans)
--$200 open box Asus Z390 WS (PLX chip manages 4/5 PCIe slots)
--$160 32GB of G.Skill DDR4 3000 (added another 32GB later...)
--$350 refurbished, but like-new Radeon Vega 64 LQ (liquid cooled)

Renders Vegas11 "Red Car Test" (AMD VCE) in 13s when clocked at 4.9 ghz
(note: BOTH onboard Intel & Vega64 show utilization during QSV & VCE renders...)

Source Video1 = 4TB RAID0--(2) 2TB M.2 on motherboard in RAID0
Source Video2 = 4TB RAID0--(2) 2TB M.2 (1) via U.2 adapter & (1) on separate PCIe card
Target Video1 = 32TB RAID0--(4) 8TB SATA hot-swap drives on PCIe RAID card with backups elsewhere

10G Network using used $30 Mellanox2 Adapters & Qnap QSW-M408-2C 10G Switch
Copy of Work Files, Source & Output Video, OS Images on QNAP 653b NAS with (6) 14TB WD RED
Blackmagic Decklink PCie card for capturing from tape, etc.
(2) internal BR Burners connected via USB 3.0 to SATA adapters
Old Cooler Master CM Stacker ATX case with (13) 5.25" front drive-bays holds & cools everything.

Workstations A & B are the 2 remaining 6-core 4.0ghz Xeon 5660 or I7 980x on Asus P6T6 motherboards.

$999 Walmart Evoo 17 Laptop with I7-9750H 6-core CPU, RTX 2060, (2) M.2 bays & (1) SSD bay...

Laurence wrote on 4/4/2012, 5:12 PM
One of the things that bothers me is that it isn't just the investment in Sony Vegas, it is the investment in plugins. Like many here, I have even more invested in Sony Vegas specific plugins than I do in Vegas. Switching to another platform like Adobe Premier Pro CS5.5 would be a very expensive move.

Right now I really want to invest in BCC-8, but I'm afraid to because it would be Vegas specific and I'm not sure of the future of this platform. It is entirely possible that a version 12 will be released and some of us will need to go back 2 or three versions in order to actually work, and that new plugins won't be compatible with these older versions. I'm not trying to badmouth SCS. I really want this software to succeed. I am just really worried, and for me it's a livelihood, not a hobby.
Gene Aum wrote on 4/4/2012, 8:23 PM
Been meaning to look into this: If one decides to move from, say VP to PP, could one call Newblue/Boris support and get the license keys swapped from one to the other?
Suvin111 wrote on 4/4/2012, 9:35 PM
Thanks Tom,

I have Microsoft Security Essentials running on a different computer and it's fine. I have Norton on this one because something got thru Microsoft Security Essentials and I had to get Norton to clean it up for me.

But it's worth trying again.