Boycott Vegas 12 unless Vegas 11 gets stable!


Suvin111 wrote on 4/4/2012, 9:41 PM
Thanks Rhino - it sure seems like that to me too. Everything else is smooth sailing. MS Office, APP, APE, Photoshop. But I really prefer SVP - I hope they find the fix!
Oh, is your video card AMD or NVidia. I sometimes wonder if they haven't really worked out all the details of OpenCL and CUDA.
Suvin111 wrote on 4/4/2012, 9:46 PM
I think you speak for a lot of us. I am torn. If I can't get productive then this whole thing is over. It's like I have to bet on Sony - or take the leap and invest in Adobe. Oh, and then I have to replace my AMD video card as well.
Suvin111 wrote on 4/4/2012, 9:51 PM

Can I get the specs for your machine?
Suvin111 wrote on 4/4/2012, 10:10 PM
Thanks - I'll give this Sony Diagnostic program a try!