I found a another bug with the new audio ducking feature. This was something which was plaguing me the last two days, I first thought that Audio ducking was acting weirdly, not really working as I would expect, in fact, rather boosting instead of following the command line for ducking. One hears the transition point, but then there was no lowering the volume, but rather a boost.
How to reproduce the bug:
Preparation (just to hear it clearly):
- Audio track 1 (control track) : sound fragments, like speech or laughter
- Audio track 2 (listener track): a steady sound like a waterfall
- create an audio duck (floor -96, peak 0)
How to Reproduce:
- Right click an audio track header, disable "Show Output Meters" (toggle it off)
- That is all there is to it, now Audio ducking does not work anymore, but rather seem to boost...
Reenabling the track output meters will fix the audio ducking again, so you always need to keep the track output meters enabled...