I don't have the NV encoder rendering option


pierre-k wrote on 6/2/2022, 5:41 AM

@Adam-Wicher, @K.G_Media: We have changed the way the automated hardware detection works in this update. Could you please reset the internal preference ( 'Enable hardware encoder/decoder detection at startup') to TRUE, and see if that helps?

I have a GTX 970 and it doesn't work in the new version. Neither your method nor the value of "Hardware Decode for So4 Compound Reader" to 4.

K.G_Media wrote on 6/6/2022, 7:26 AM

Hi, No Nvenc option no matter what setting in Build 636. True or False in Setting "Intern/ Harware encoder detection, no Nvenc was found.

At Version 550 all Nvenc Settings here.

Version 636

Version 550

any Idea?

Thanks. Koll Günter

j-v wrote on 6/6/2022, 7:37 AM


Version 636

any Idea?

Did you change things or is this the default setting the program made itself at installation?
Can you also show the picture you get after Help/Check for Driver Updates?


Last changed by j-v on 6/6/2022, 7:38 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

met vriendelijke groet

Camera : Pan X900, GoPro Hero7 Hero Black, DJI Osmo Pocket, Samsung Galaxy A8
Desktop :MB Gigabyte Z390M, W11 home version 24H2, i7 9700 4.7Ghz,16 DDR4 GB RAM, Gef. GTX 1660 Ti with driver
566.14 Studiodriver and Intel HD graphics 630 with driver
Laptop  :Asus ROG Str G712L, W11 home version 23H2, CPU i7-10875H, 16 GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 with Studiodriver 566.14 and Intel UHD Graphics 630 with driver
Vegas software: VP 10 to 22 and VMS(pl) 10,12 to 17.
TV      :LG 4K 55EG960V

My slogan is: BE OR BECOME A STEM CELL DONOR!!! (because it saved my life in 2016)


K.G_Media wrote on 6/6/2022, 7:58 AM

No, everything as it was during installation. Nothing changed.

I uninstalled the new version and reinstalled version 550 and everything worked again.

VEGASHeman wrote on 6/6/2022, 7:59 AM

@K.G_Media, @pierre-k, @Adam-Wicher: We have identified the problem of the auto hardware detection internal preference not working; it is related to the update to the hardware detection scheme to support multiple GPUs from the same vendor. We are working on a solution for this, and I will reach out to all of you once we have that ready.

In the meantime, can you verify if the Windows user account in which you run VEGAS have administrative privileges? If not, can you create an account with admin privileges and try to run VEGAS (with preferencess reset to default) and see if that helps?

K.G_Media wrote on 6/6/2022, 8:01 AM

I've also tried every option to turn it on and off. No change

K.G_Media wrote on 6/6/2022, 8:06 AM

Yes, it is my private PC. I'm logged in as admin. No change even when running the file as admin.

VEGASHeman wrote on 6/6/2022, 8:31 AM

@K.G_Media: Thanks for that clarification.

Could you post the contents of the following files; I may have asked for this before, but with the change to the newer logic, this is again required to help analyze what is going wrong:


C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\MAGIX\FileIO\1.0\So4HardwareDetectionError.log (if present)

Replace <USERNAME> with your actual Windows user name.

Also, please let me know what version (i.e. output of Winver) and language of Windows you are using?

K.G_Media wrote on 6/6/2022, 8:54 AM

Should I uninstall version 550 and reinstall version 636 or is it also evident from version 550?

Language is German and Win Version is Win 11 Pro 21H2 Build 22000.708

Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz  64,0 GB RAM


VEGASHeman wrote on 6/6/2022, 9:04 AM

build 636 is preferrable, as the logic of hardware detection has changed, but I think the problem you see is independent of that, so the above files for even build 550 should do, but make sure that the internal preference is set to TRUE before you collect the results of the above two files.

K.G_Media wrote on 6/6/2022, 9:24 AM

Version 550 switched to True

Nvenc option disappeared again Build 550

no data in the folder.


VEGASHeman wrote on 6/6/2022, 10:08 AM

Can you open a command console and run this command, and upload the results?

"\Program Files\VEGAS\VEGAS Pro 19.0\So4HardwareDetection.exe"

K.G_Media wrote on 6/6/2022, 10:36 AM

When I run the command I just have a short pop and then it disappears immediately. The command does not work in the command console. I think I'm typing something wrong here.

VEGASHeman wrote on 6/6/2022, 11:16 AM

It would be useful to know what the popup message says.

Could you try the following instead:

1. Open a command console (right click on Windows logo in the start menu/bar at the bottom, select "Run", and type in "cmd").

2. Navigate to your VEGAS installation folder. I assume this is on your C:, otherwise change it to whatever drive you have VEGAS installed. Also let me know if VEGAS is not installed on your C: drive, as that be a possible hint.

C:\Users\<USERNAME>>cd "\Program Files\vegas\VEGAS Pro 19.0"

3. Run the hardware detection utility from the command console:


K.G_Media wrote on 6/6/2022, 1:55 PM

Vegas was installed on a Samsung M2 SSD. Work is done from there. Completely normal installation. Soundforge Audio Studio 14, Photoshop Elements, Nero Burning Rom are also on this drive. If I run this file, I only see the window for a fraction of a second and cannot see what is written here. As if the application had no function.

VEGASHeman wrote on 6/6/2022, 2:41 PM

Is that Samsung M2 SSD your C: or does it show up as a different drive letter (e.g. D:)? Do you have any virus scanner installed which might be blocking it from running?

K.G_Media wrote on 6/6/2022, 5:15 PM

The Samsung SSD is my C Main Drive. D is only for Backup. I have the win 11 included Defender only

pierre-k wrote on 6/7/2022, 11:42 AM

@K.G_Media: Thanks for that clarification.

Could you post the contents of the following files; I may have asked for this before, but with the change to the newer logic, this is again required to help analyze what is going wrong:


C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\MAGIX\FileIO\1.0\So4HardwareDetectionError.log (if present)

Replace <USERNAME> with your actual Windows user name.

Also, please let me know what version (i.e. output of Winver) and language of Windows you are using?


VP19 version 550.


the folder is empty and has always been since version 17.

"\Program Files\VEGAS\VEGAS Pro 19.0\So4HardwareDetection.exe"


VP19 version 636



"\Program Files\VEGAS\VEGAS Pro 19.0\So4HardwareDetection.exe"

old and new Nvidia Drivers

VEGASHeman wrote on 6/7/2022, 11:57 AM

@pierre-k: Could you post a screen shot of your C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\MAGIX\FileIO\1.0 folder?

pierre-k wrote on 6/7/2022, 12:08 PM

@pierre-k: Could you post a screen shot of your C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\MAGIX\FileIO\1.0 folder?

VEGASHeman wrote on 6/7/2022, 12:50 PM

@pierre-k, @K.G_Media, @Adam-Wicher: Thank you for all the screenshots and help trying to diagnoze the problem. Because of that, we are now able to reproduce it locally, and should hopefully have a fix for it very soon. (I am talking about the original problem of hardware detection not working at all, even in older builds, not the internal preference which got broken in b636).

RogerS wrote on 6/7/2022, 3:50 PM

That's great news!

K.G_Media wrote on 6/23/2022, 9:03 AM

I have the update to Build 643 and if I use Decoder instead of true false in the Internal / Hardware Encoder setting, it works again! All Nvenc settings are back! Also in settings file I/O nvenc can be selected again! Very good and done very quickly!

pierre-k wrote on 6/23/2022, 12:29 PM

@pierre-k, @K.G_Media, @Adam-Wicher: Thank you for all the screenshots and help trying to diagnoze the problem. Because of that, we are now able to reproduce it locally, and should hopefully have a fix for it very soon. (I am talking about the original problem of hardware detection not working at all, even in older builds, not the internal preference which got broken in b636).

It doesn't work in version 643. I / O is Off.

If I disable Hardware Detection in the internal settings, the GPU selection will appear in I / O, but the GTX970 is asleep. The GTX970 card does not work.

Additionally, a value of 102 appears in the "Hardware Decoder for so4 Compound Reader" line. Is this correct?