Isolating ONLY Teeth (For Whitening) With Color Corrector (Secondary)?

Ken-Theriot wrote on 8/17/2023, 3:09 PM

I have lights that that cause my teeth to look a bit orange sometimes. And I found a tutorial for how to whiten those up a bit. But it uses Color Corrector (Secondary) and that ALSO tends to change other things in the video, like bright spots on the side of my head or my eyes. So any change to make the teeth look whiter ALSO makes those other spots look weird.

Is there a way to tell Vegas (using Vegas Pro 20) to apply changes only to the area around my mouth and ignore anything else in frame?


DMT3 wrote on 8/17/2023, 3:15 PM

Learn about masking.

fr0sty wrote on 8/17/2023, 3:59 PM

It's better to use the HSL curves in the color grading panel combined with an animated mask around your mouth (can just be a square around your mouth that tracks where your mouth is as it moves around). You can motion track your mouth, then use the bezier masking tool to motion track that mask to your mouth, which will allow you to adjust the color using HSL Hue vs. Hue curves to shift one hue to another, or hue vs. saturation so you can desaturate the orange hues. Then put an unaffected duplicate of your face talking underneath the masked out track.

Ken-Theriot wrote on 8/17/2023, 4:01 PM

Thanks. I'll try that!

Howard-Vigorita wrote on 8/17/2023, 4:29 PM

@Ken-Theriot I think the Color Corrector (Secondary) really is the best and easiest mask generator to whiten teeth. To keep it from affecting other areas, follow it with a Bezier Mask that encloses the mouth. Then check the Mask FX box so the Bezier only affects FX that precede it and limits them to its enclosed area. You may need to animate the Bezier to keep the box aligned. But if you can tweak the mask Color Correction (Secondary) makes (using the Limit drop-down options), you might not need Bezier or animation because it's self tracking.

Ken-Theriot wrote on 8/17/2023, 5:19 PM

One other thing I'm noticing is that when I "Select effect range" in Color Corrector (Secondary) and click on an area of my teeth, it only selects like 2 teeth? I use Limit sliders and play with the Chrominance sliders but after that everything only effects those 2 teeth. I've tried clicking on a different area of my teeth and the same thing happens. I can't seem to be able to select ALL my teeth. The teeth behind the front few are darker, of course, being deeper inside my mouth. How would I rectify this? Or is that simply a limitation of the CC (Secondary) tool?

Former user wrote on 8/17/2023, 5:20 PM

Full Beauty filters will have the teeth whitening option but standalone or in a library of FX typically expensive. You can use the free editor capcut as a free FX though, import your video, select teeth whitening, export.

As for how well it tracks, I haven't looked into this much, only needed it less than 5 times, it looked fine in real time playback. It's a quick and easy option.


Ken-Theriot wrote on 8/17/2023, 6:10 PM

Full Beauty filters will have the teeth whitening option but standalone or in a library of FX typically expensive. You can use the free editor capcut as a free FX though, import your video, select teeth whitening, export.

As for how well it tracks, I haven't looked into this much, only needed it less than 5 times, it looked fine in real time playback. It's a quick and easy option.


Interesting. I don't think I need to go quite that far. I'd love to be able to touch up certain lines on my face, maybe. But nothing is going to make me beautiful :-).