OT: Apple Spin Doctoring Ad Wizards set straight


CorTed wrote on 5/8/2009, 10:14 AM
And we are ...how old????
Spot|DSE wrote on 5/8/2009, 10:59 AM
Ted, you have to admit it's a story line worthy of popcorn and a can of cold soda... ;-)
John_Cline wrote on 5/8/2009, 11:13 AM
Perhaps at the next NAB party you could have Blinky and Terje in an exhibition boxing match.
CorTed wrote on 5/8/2009, 12:12 PM
Yeah, it is somewhat entertaining.
blink3times wrote on 5/8/2009, 12:26 PM
"And we are ...how old????"

Well to be honest I'm not sure. That question could just get quite complicated. You see... there could very well be a technical side to this as well as a marketing side ;)
apit34356 wrote on 5/8/2009, 1:04 PM
Lets use some Jobs marketing logic........ Canada = cold, Norway = cold .... so Canada = Norway are the same........................ Canada =Blink, Norway=Terje so ,, Blink = Terje are the same........... but one must use a little advance math and perform some Laplace transformations, where S.F.+L.A. = Norway + Coursedesign or Norway=L.A. +S.F. Coursedesign............................................ a little reworking of the equation,
Blink= Terje+Coursedesign-dt to properly balance the equation................. for volume......

So a proper boxing event requires one PC and two Apples............ ;-)

Spot|DSE wrote on 5/8/2009, 2:20 PM
So a proper boxing event requires one PC and two Apples............ ;-)

Howzabout I just bring a box of apples and everybody makes nice. Better yet, a box of mixed fruit for those that don't like apples? I know there are some sour grapes in the fridge, and coupled with some passionfruit, we might make a good time of it.

BTW, Norway and Canada aren't that cold, any more than Australia is all that hot. Been to all three, and am writing you from the almost-balmy Brisbane Australia, and I'll be in Canada next week. Norway in August.
Myths propagate and it's insane how they morph.
BTW, if you wanna know what Coursedesign is an indisputable expert on, ask him about COFFEE! I'll never forgive what he's done to me.
blink3times wrote on 5/8/2009, 2:43 PM
"Lets use some Jobs marketing logic........ Canada = cold, Norway = cold .... so Canada = Norway are the same........................ Canada =Blink, Norway=Terje so ,, Blink = Terje are the same........... but one must use a little advance math and perform some Laplace transformations, where S.F.+L.A. = Norway + Coursedesign or Norway=L.A. +S.F. Coursedesign............................................ a little reworking of the equation,

Ah yes... that's pretty good. But the plot thickens Apit....

You see... my last name is Anthonisen. Yep.... can you say.... Norwegian? In fact I still have family there... they own/operate Anthonisen Seafood

CorTed wrote on 5/8/2009, 3:16 PM
Ok, than that settles it!
It must be the Northern European in both of you, 3 if we want to drag Course in it as well.
Now where does that leave me..... I'm really Dutch. Pretty Northern Europe as well. Just living in CA. Oops may just have opened up a can of worms.......lol

John_Cline wrote on 5/8/2009, 3:27 PM
Blinky Anthonisen.... has kind of a ring to it, but your real first name is George.
blink3times wrote on 5/8/2009, 3:33 PM
"but your real first name is George."

Named after my uncle:

Coursedesign wrote on 5/8/2009, 4:55 PM

You'll forgive me even less after I tell you that Starbuck's Colombia Nariño Supremo is the overall tastiest coffee I have ever had....:O)

Especially hand-ground and drip brewed at home (or on the road) through a Melitta-shaped filter, with some wet dark molasses sugar added!

That is now a seasonal coffee, so don't say I didn't warn you... :O)

Think "The Kobe Beef of coffee!" Grass-fed beans 0:^)

apit34356 wrote on 5/8/2009, 9:22 PM
Spot, I suspect Coursedesign is an expert in food as well as coffee! I think CD enjoys dining out as well as in, he should post his favourite restaurants!
Coursedesign wrote on 5/8/2009, 11:02 PM
I've been eating out every day the last two weeks on a road trip, but I generally prefer home cooking.

I'll post my favorite dishes instead :O).

Most of them are easily replicated, leading to great surprise over how totally marvelous "simple food" can taste when prepared the right way and with the right [inexpensive if bought at the right place] ingredients.

But first I want to sleeeep, after driving 3,200 miles from Southern California to British Columbia, Canada and back (alternating with a co-driver).

Directions from Google:
Follow Santa Monica Blvd. east, turn left on the 405/5 freeway, stop at border to show passport, end.

Show passport at border, turn right onto Highway 101/1, turn right on Santa Monica Blvd., end.

Pretty straightforward really.

(No pun intended).

(Well, maybe a little one, but I'm a bit punchy at this point :O).

Porpoise1954 wrote on 5/9/2009, 1:34 AM
Well, I think Omersub are far superior to Imersion. And never mind about the Apples - wot about the Oranges & Bananas? They've got lots of goodness in them too...

Bastards! I've wasted half an hour reading this thread - and sprayed three mouthfulls of coffee! Someone owes me a new laptop!

Cliff Etzel wrote on 5/9/2009, 6:52 AM
hmm.. well, only another freediver would know what you're talking about here Porpoise ;)

TBH, The Waterway #2 blades are a great set of blades for the money. Then there's the topic of monfin -versus bi-fins. Then there's the whole topic around wetsuit's - my pick is Elios if I could afford them - but I have two Picasso Suits. Then there's the issue of masks.. LOL

Cliff Etzel
Videographer : Producer : Web Designer
Porpoise1954 wrote on 5/9/2009, 3:46 PM
Not to mention band versus pneumatic... ;-)

Mmmm...... nice soft Yamamoto neoprene...
Terje wrote on 5/10/2009, 2:16 PM
>> you were WRONG, which means you could well be
>> (and certainly are) wrong about other such things

Oh Gee... I was wrong about a marketing trick. Cool. Nothing else. You are wrong almost every time you talk about technical aspects of computers. Still, you keep harping on the one time you were right about a marketing trick. Peculiar.

>> Wrong

"I hate Mac"... Yeah, you are not a zealot.

I hope you get well soon, providing they find a cure for you particular brain dysfunction.

>> Being a member of a cult .... kind of like you.

Given the fact that I in these fora have never preached any kind of fanboyism for any platform or any product of any kind, this is a particularly odd statement. I wonder, the fact that you just make up stuff and lie about it, is that part of your particular mental disease?
Terje wrote on 5/10/2009, 2:19 PM
>> you could have Blinky and Terje in an exhibition boxing match.

He wouldn't remain on his feet for a whole round.
Terje wrote on 5/10/2009, 2:20 PM
>> Norway in August.

What are you doing in Norway? Any kind of lecturing? Me come see.
blink3times wrote on 5/10/2009, 3:58 PM
"I wonder, the fact that you just make up stuff and lie about it, is that part of your particular mental disease?"

Careful Terje.... I would re-read the rules and regs of the forum before continuing much further on this track.
blink3times wrote on 5/10/2009, 4:02 PM
"Oh Gee... I was wrong about a marketing trick. Cool. Nothing else."

You were wrong about vista and memory AND you were wrong about my work around not having an effect on Vegas 64.

You were wrong.... PERIOD.
Spot|DSE wrote on 5/10/2009, 11:05 PM
Skydiving, teaching Vegas for extreme sports/fast output, and then on to Finland for the same. Still trying to work out whether Sweden is on the itin.
newhope wrote on 5/11/2009, 3:39 AM
Skydiving, teaching Vegas for extreme sports/fast output

Spot... and you took the time to post on this thread?

Don't you have enough thrill seeking pursuits in your life?
Enjoy Brisbane, sorry we didn't get to see you in Sydney.
