OT: What do you look like?


fldave wrote on 2/19/2008, 5:50 AM
Here's my mug from New Years Eve, not a great quality pic.

rs170a wrote on 2/19/2008, 6:10 AM
Here I am, hard at work as usual :-)

PeterWright wrote on 2/19/2008, 6:21 AM
Serena - how did you get your pic on the right hand side - or is that secret women's business?
TorS wrote on 2/19/2008, 6:40 AM
After the (successful) cataract operations in November 2007 I had to get new glasses, which prompted my daughter to take this picture on our terrace in Antananarivo two weeks ago.
Our family blog is in Norwegian but does have some photos of Malagasy life, wildlife and scenery.
Shooting lemurs
My daughter is a keen photographer. It is a lemur on her head, not a monkey.
winrockpost wrote on 2/19/2008, 7:17 AM
a lot of voices ain't matchin the faces...Farss you are even cooler than i pictured ...dude,, love it

GregFlowers wrote on 2/19/2008, 7:55 AM

Just woke up in the morning before coffee.

Thanks Steve for the fix.
Steve Mann wrote on 2/19/2008, 8:10 AM
Greg, viewing your photo requires a Facebook account.
johnmeyer wrote on 2/19/2008, 9:44 AM
Hey Steve, I know what you look like, but how about a pic for everyone else?
johnmeyer wrote on 2/19/2008, 9:45 AM
Double post deleted
Jay Gladwell wrote on 2/19/2008, 11:31 AM
Drivers license photos are always dreadful, but that's all I've got.

craftech wrote on 2/19/2008, 11:53 AM
Sorry guys, all I have is a police mugshot of myself.

BrianStanding wrote on 2/19/2008, 12:20 PM
Me... a few... okay, 10... okay, okay TWELVE years ago...

So, imagine that, with the hair more grey, a few crow's feet around the eyes and a PD-150 instead of that VX1000.

MUTTLEY wrote on 2/19/2008, 1:20 PM
Hm, looks like ya can't hotlink from MySpace or Vimeo.

For the curious:
My MySpace Page

My Vimeo Page

- Ray
alfredsvideo wrote on 2/19/2008, 1:25 PM
Sorry guys. Can't afford the time to be snapped up by some talent scout and taken to a tropical island for a photoshoot with bikini clad gals".
CorTed wrote on 2/19/2008, 2:44 PM
It is nice to see some faces to the names.....

earthrisers wrote on 2/19/2008, 3:07 PM
Here's me, extensively retouched in Photoshop to make me look as old as I am...


where's a pic of Grazie?
Chienworks wrote on 2/19/2008, 6:16 PM
Mt. Washington! That's not too far from me. I've been up there several times. I'll admit to being a wuss though. I've never hiked the whole way up but i have hiked the last mile. I have hiked at least half a dozen of the other High Peaks. Mt. Washington's above the frost line so that makes it a bit tougher.
ushere wrote on 2/19/2008, 7:01 PM
one would have to say that, (with the exception of serena), as a generalisation editors;

a. can't afford razor blades

b. we don't present anywhere near as well as the talent in front of us

c. and rather than a blond on either arm, we seem to prefer a camera

sad state of affairs (do we have time for them?),

but now i feel more at home knowing i'm tal;king to a bunch of what appear to be serious, 'experienced' people,

another bald one
Jim H wrote on 2/19/2008, 7:19 PM
OK, let's try this...
and this...
I guess I would have thought twice had I read USHERE's last comment first....
Soniclight wrote on 2/19/2008, 8:13 PM

Considering I made somewhat of a, uh, derrière out of myself here recently...
maybe not the best time to show my face.

The dark area under eyes was not removed on purpose for I do have circles there.
I really should spend more time outside...
DSCalef wrote on 2/19/2008, 8:45 PM
Well here is a blast from the past...44 years ago!

Followed by today:

and just for ushere:

That was about five years ago when I, too, had a beard.

David S. Calef
John_Cline wrote on 2/19/2008, 8:51 PM
This thread has turned out better than I had hoped. What fun!
