Red Giant Kills Vegas Support


Spectralis wrote on 4/24/2011, 4:56 AM
"Yeah, Vegas is more and more PIA! That is the whole point. When I look at Adobe's suite, it's sweet... and I wonder what happened to Vegas. I good instance of this is the vegas titler PTT. It sucks in every way a titler shouldn't and it it gets worse with every update. It is as if the makers of sony want us to go to Adobe because of some unseen reason."

So AE has better titling than Vegas, Vegas has much better audio options. Titling in Vegas has improved with every new version so your opinion is not based on fact.

"This new open fx plugin architecture for Vegas has only made us lose more plugs, yet it was touted that it would bring more plugs. It is just a plain lie. In fact we have less plugs since its appearance and more companies are dropping support all the time. You'd have to be in serious denial not to see these obvious FACTS!"

But you're not offering FACTS - just AE fanboy concern trolling. It's already been pointed out very clearly that OFX opens up much greater plugin compatibility - that is a FACT! BCC 7 plugin integration in Vegas 10 is proof of this.

"Vegas 11 will not get my money!"

And all because MBL isn't compatible with Vegas any longer - get a grip!
jwcarney wrote on 4/24/2011, 4:00 PM
Spectralis, no need for a cross grade deal. MBL works on any supported host on your system. If you install AE, just install the AE plug-in. No extra charge. Same if you have Avid. At least that's what they used to do.
Spectralis wrote on 4/25/2011, 4:32 AM
Thanks jwcarney, you're right, I just checked and I've got it working in AE and I don't remember buying an AE version. Shows how seldom I use it I suppose.