Small Project Failing To Render Past 26% Bug Report/Project Included


michael-harrison wrote on 11/16/2021, 8:06 AM

@Former user yes, 7min.

You keep leaving out "proxy" when you list the settings you're using. Are you actually not using prores 422 *proxy* as listed in the op?

System 1:

Windows 10
i9-10850K 10 Core
128.0G RAM
Nvidia RTX 3060 Studio driver [most likely latest]
Resolution        3840 x 2160 x 60 hertz
Video Memory 12G GDDR5


System 2:

Lenovo Yoga 720
Core i7-7700 2.8Ghz quad core, 8 logical
16G ram
Intel HD 630 gpu 1G vram
Nvidia GTX 1050 gpu 2G vram


Former user wrote on 11/16/2021, 12:30 PM

Nope it appears not, i missed that bit, just had to go searching for it. i don't use prores render options & didn't understand when i couldn't see that in the list before, so i asked which format but nobody replied & until you mention it now nobody's pointed that out,

so i'll ask again, this one?

LongIslander wrote on 11/16/2021, 12:40 PM

Yes 👍

Former user wrote on 11/16/2021, 1:20 PM

Ok, Stalled at 65%, performed up to that point just like the others i've done

Former user wrote on 11/18/2021, 4:16 PM

@Former user Might have just made my PC worse 😂🤦‍♂️😕😢🤷‍♂️😂

I checked my motherboard specs,it says 3200mhz 👍

bought 8 DDR4 3200mhz ram sticks 🏃‍♂️👍

but Taskmanager only shows 2400 🤔

before i changed them it said 2667 😐😕

So i went online & found the default is 2400 & i can change it 🤸‍♂️👍

When i do this it lets me click Overclock but if i change the speed below to anything other than Auto (the max it offers is 3000) the PC won't start, won't even show me the BIOS again, there's a button on the back of the PC that sort of resets the BIOS or something, when i turn it off n on again i get BIOS back, I've spent the day trying to work it out but nope,

Former user wrote on 11/18/2021, 6:04 PM

Threadripper's are a specialty class of computing it seems. I just read about enthusiasts disappointment with memory speed and configurations(does not read xmp speed) . I guess that goes back to workstation origins where stability is key. My very cheap motherboard can run 4533mhz ram, but your very expensive motherboard looks to be limited to 3200 by your CPU

This is one of the first search results that pops up, so you've probably read it, but it's someone else that experienced your problem, and eventually he finds 8sticks that work fine.


LongIslander wrote on 11/18/2021, 9:20 PM

I have escalated this thread and reported the bug to the Vegas Team. 👍

Former user wrote on 11/19/2021, 2:59 AM

@LongIslander hopefully a solution will be found, post on here if you get one 👍

@Former user After a lot of searching & rebooting, no luck with 3200 ram, I've put the old ones back in & got 2667mhz back, Looks like i'm going on Ebay as these £900 of RAM are non returnable once opened 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤦‍♂️

Reyfox wrote on 11/19/2021, 8:54 AM

@Former user looking at the Kingston RAM you posted, it says "Intel". Is it supported by your motherboard? I couldn't find it in the list of QVL.

I made the mistake with my first Ryzen build (1700X) by not fully checking RAM support for the motherboard (Gigabtye) way back and was only able to get the 3200 RAM to 2666. With my current machine (signature), I made doubly sure that the RAM I bought was compatible at it's rated speed with Ryzen. No problems.

Last changed by Reyfox on 11/19/2021, 8:55 AM, changed a total of 2 times.


Vegas Pro 22 (VP18-21 also installed)

Win 11 Pro always updated

AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16 cores / 32 threads

32GB DDR4 3200

Sapphire RX6700XT 12GB Driver: Pro 23.Q3

Gigabyte X570 Elite Motherboard

Panasonic G9, G7, FZ300

Former user wrote on 11/19/2021, 2:26 PM

@Former user No i couldn't find it on that list, that was my fault, I did look at this ASUS page first, that's where the pic with a black background came from but i didn't find that tab list till after i'd bought & searched the web for an answer, that's why i put my old ones back in 🤦‍♂️🙃🤷‍♂️🤣 & i'm surprised by it tho, if you go to size - 8x32GB only 2 show up & they're 2666mhz

Former user wrote on 11/28/2021, 7:40 AM

@LongIslander & @Former user

Hi, I'll prob get banned for posting this, I know MEP Premium can't do the things Vegas can do & i'll continue using Vegas .. I'm just sharing 👍

but I just got an update for MEP Premium that i've used since 2004-ish & keep it updated, so thought i'd check it out, I put together a dozen or so 4k 3840x2160 files with random crossfades on the timeline, Exported MPEG-4 (MP4) Average bitrate 24,000 Max 48,000, which is the same as the default I use in Vegas, it maxed out my graphics card & exported in 5:41mins, 👍

I put together the same clips in Vegas, it used a bit more CPU but only 40% of the GPU & took over 14mins to render

So after that in MEP playing those 4k crossfades flawlessly without proxy, prerender or preview screen res reduction & exporting the 25mins 4k in 5½mins i thought i'd try your project @LongIslander I used your orig clips in this project, i cut them, altered speed & crossfaded as best i could but they are still the same 5k 5312x2988 59.94

The sound track i just rendered from your project as mp3, I don't think i got that right, it sounds slow but the rendered file was the correct length to the recreated project in MEP 🤷‍♂️

I know you weren't looking for a work-around but i was curious & i just thought i'd share,

MEP doesn't have ProRes & i don't use HEVC so i took some advise from the Magix forum on the settings & exported your project,

This is how it went, Proxies were already created from 1st time i imported, but don't take long to create. HEVC 4096x2160, 59.94 av bit rate 90,000 Best, exported in 2.40mins-ish

Youtube -

Former user wrote on 11/28/2021, 8:17 AM

MEP aka VPX was gutted and it's 'engine' rebuilt a couple of years ago. It is modern software that can utilize modern gpu's and cpu's. That never happened to Vegas, and at this stage it doesn't look like it will. More features are added, improved stability(but not enough). Just yesterday was editing a project that needed to be released as soon as possible. Vegas kept crashing, I turned off the decoder, Vegas kept crashing, Dynamic ram to zero, Vegas kept crashing. That was it, due to these delays what I hoped to edit in 10 minutes had now taken 40minutes. I ditched Vegas moved to another editor, no errors no crashes, rendered and uploaded.

You have to accept the Vegas limitations as far as stability and utilization of modern GPU and CPU, or go somewhere else and make another editor that isn't our preference your primary editor. I do that sometimes based on what's required, but if I can I stick with . The Vegas Magix team know the limitations of their software but for reasons, probably financial and risk adversity don't improve upon the core of Vegas, CPU, GPU utilization, GPU decoding compatibility and stability.

Former user wrote on 11/28/2021, 8:33 AM

@Former user Yeah the die-hards on here won't admit that however good it is at some things Vegas needs a serious update, I was surprised how MEP did that 25min 4k export, i had to do it a few times to check 🤣 I used it for many yrs, more than 14yrs with very few crashes, so i suspect i'll be back there more often, Maybe a little bit of Vegas Stockholm syndrome got me, 🤔🤣

Msg me what you've moved over to if you don't want to say on here 👍

Reyfox wrote on 11/28/2021, 10:29 AM

Here I guess everyone's thoughts on other editors is different. For "me" with Vegas, it's been fairly stable on my computer build for several versions now. Is it perfect? Of course not (I still hate the way you view Video FX not in their proper folders like in VP17), but neither are the other editors, ranging from consumer, prosumer, pro that I own. None perform more stable/faster to any extent to make me want to use them as my primary.

If you go to the MEP/VPX forum, you will find a bunch of unhappy users. Many were reverting back to last years version of both software or Magix giving them a license to do it if they didn't have one. A new patch was released, but not enough posts to determine if most will be happy. I had MEP 2015 and 16. I also have VPX (2 versions old) on my computer.

I've always said to use the best tool for the job and one that works best for you. For me in the here and now, Vegas is that tool on my computer that I open first.



Vegas Pro 22 (VP18-21 also installed)

Win 11 Pro always updated

AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16 cores / 32 threads

32GB DDR4 3200

Sapphire RX6700XT 12GB Driver: Pro 23.Q3

Gigabyte X570 Elite Motherboard

Panasonic G9, G7, FZ300

Former user wrote on 11/28/2021, 11:39 AM

👍 Yep, Vegas has been fairly stable for me, mainly since sticking to AVC files but MEP has been too, It's swings & roundabouts between the two, I'd used MEP for so long it's a trusted editor but i've been using Vegas for quite a while now & I have the full Boris suite so it will be no1 for anything like that,

For my simple vids with a simple crossfade transition the MEP export times i've had recently are hard to ignore, i just put together a 21min project & exported it at 4k in 5mins, but.. on the MEP timeline the track at the bottom is the one in the forefront on the screen, that's always puzzled me 🙃🤷‍♂️ & like i say, there's a lot of Boris's effects that don't totally work,

If Vegas render times matched MEP..... I wish i could select the parts i want from each & squish them together into one 😁🤸‍♂️👍

Yep like you say, best tool for the job 👍👍

EricLNZ wrote on 11/28/2021, 4:19 PM

I sometimes wonder when rendering times are compared whether posters are really comparing apples with apples. Usually no mention is made of the render quality setting.

Presumably @Former user with Vegas Pro you us the "Best" setting and the equivalent highest setting with MEP/VPX?

Former user wrote on 11/28/2021, 7:50 PM

I sometimes wonder when rendering times are compared whether posters are really comparing apples with apples. Usually no mention is made of the render quality setting.

Presumably @Former user with Vegas Pro you us the "Best" setting and the equivalent highest setting with MEP/VPX?

A good test is to render into a hardware encoder, as long as there's no fault with the implementation then hardware encoder is a bottomless pit, that will suck in rendered frames as fast as they're created. All the cpu resources are then allowed to go to the render engine, instead of encoding. This is the problem area for Vegas, it's performance is dire compared to it's competition, but even so if you have time to wait for the longer render does that matter?

YES , 100% it does because playback on a timeline is rendering without the encoding at BEST/FULL. If vegas is rendering to hardware encoder at 1/4 of the speed of a competitor then playback performance could be expected to be 1/4, which can be very limiting for real time playback with transitions and effects , or smooth jog/shuttle at various speeds. I playback 4K at 1/2 resolution BEST, so it's not entirely accurate but a fast render engine means everything works better, not just encoding @EricLNZ

Former user wrote on 11/29/2021, 2:25 AM

I put together a dozen or so 4k 3840x2160 files with random crossfades on the timeline, Exported MPEG-4 (MP4) Average bitrate 24,000 Max 48,000, which is the same as the default I use in Vegas, it maxed out my graphics card & exported in 5:41mins, 👍

I put together the same clips in Vegas, it used a bit more CPU but only 40% of the GPU & took over 14mins to render


@EricLNZ Hi, i understand what you're saying but i did try to carefully copy the export/render settings available the best i could, the rendered out files were almost the same size, bit rate etc.. & playback quality was indistinguishable between the two.

Not long ago i tried this exercise & MEP was slower, by quite a bit, esp with 4k, but i think recent updates have improved MEP a lot as far as export is concerned, I was surprised by this latest update,

LongIslander wrote on 12/4/2021, 4:42 PM


Former user wrote on 12/7/2021, 6:16 AM

@Former user @Reyfox Returned the 8 Kingston Ram & refunded, cost me £7 postage to return them & it looks like they've taken £9 for their admin, so £16 mistake or £16 to try something 😂😂🤷‍♂️ I'm happy i got the majority of my cash back 😁😁👍

Reyfox wrote on 12/7/2021, 10:15 AM

@Former user that's great news! Now that you have MORE money to spend... what's next? 😅


Vegas Pro 22 (VP18-21 also installed)

Win 11 Pro always updated

AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16 cores / 32 threads

32GB DDR4 3200

Sapphire RX6700XT 12GB Driver: Pro 23.Q3

Gigabyte X570 Elite Motherboard

Panasonic G9, G7, FZ300

Former user wrote on 12/7/2021, 10:45 AM

@Reyfox 😂😂 yeah that's the problem, i've already spent it once so why not, when i arranged the return of those sticks i asked what could i do to improve my PC,

1 add another 3090 GPU & NvLink them, - not recommended apparently.

2 change the GPU completely to an RTX A5000 24GB Pro Graphics Card & flog the one i have, - I've just bought this 24GB one, not sure if i'd see the benefit, different people in that shop have differing opinions, the A5000 is more solid for pro graphic work flows & it's more compatible with NvLinking but the 3090 is better for general video editing & games, & I can't be arsed.

3 change the CPU to the 64core version - I don't see the point, i rarely see the CPU using much esp with Vegas & GPU acceleration which i normally use,

Former user wrote on 12/7/2021, 10:57 AM

I'm going with this it makes my GPU appear better but there doesn't seem a whole lot of difference between them

Reyfox wrote on 12/7/2021, 11:24 AM

@Former user I don't see a performance gain going to the A5000. As for 64 core CPU, there is software out there that will use it, but not in my software "world". With a lot of the "heavy lifting" now being programmed to use the GPU, I rarely see my "lowly" 12core/24thread CPU get hit hard. Now my AMD GPU is a different story!


Vegas Pro 22 (VP18-21 also installed)

Win 11 Pro always updated

AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16 cores / 32 threads

32GB DDR4 3200

Sapphire RX6700XT 12GB Driver: Pro 23.Q3

Gigabyte X570 Elite Motherboard

Panasonic G9, G7, FZ300