Small Project Failing To Render Past 26% Bug Report/Project Included


Former user wrote on 12/7/2021, 12:01 PM

@Reyfox Yeah i think i'm sticking with what i've got, when i had this PC built my main aim was a decent GPU because from what i'd learnt/read/heard about a lot of the software is looking at the GPU doing the "heavy lifting" as you say 👍

If i change anything it will be to help the CAD software i use, trying to keep the video editing in mind at the same time.

RickJameBish wrote on 12/14/2021, 4:05 PM

I wish I had read up more on this prior to my upgrade purchase from MS 17 to Vegas Pro 19. I tried MS 2022 Platinum and it smokes Vegas Pro 19 at encoding, but it was limited in other areas. I basically chose Vegas Pro because the interface is practically identical to MS 17 and costing what it does, I was expecting at least slightly decent GPU acceleration.

Last changed by RickJameBish on 12/14/2021, 4:06 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

  • Edition     Windows 10 Pro
  • Version     21H2
  • Installed    ‎ 12/‎11/‎2021
  • OS build     19044.1415
  • Processor     Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz   3.60 GHz
  • RAM     32.0 GB
  • System   64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
  • Graphics Geforce RTX 3090
  • Driver DCH 472.84
LongIslander wrote on 12/14/2021, 4:36 PM

Magix Team Has reached out to me and is currently investigating my support ticket in regards to this thread. 💪

Former user wrote on 12/15/2021, 1:09 AM

@LongIslander HEVC decoding was never implemented by Sony, it was done by Magix, and for whatever reason they can't access all the CPU cores, it looks like they can only use 1/10th of my CPU for HEVC decoding. I compare Magix MEP to Magix VP18, To cause a stress test, I disable GPU decode on both, so I don't expect smooth playback of 4K HEVC on either i'm interested in cpu use

Bicycle footage is 4K60 AVC, the clip after is 4K60 HEVC. Both play AVC as they should, and CPU core use is fine, but the HEVC playback shows why Vegas is so bad at HEVC, it appears to only use 4 threads, but not constantly, the work is swapping between cores. The rest of the cores have nothing to do. It's been like this since VP14, it's not like the engineers wouldn't know this.

Your videos are harder to play then others at similar resolutions so still an interesting specimen

RogerS wrote on 12/15/2021, 4:25 AM

Do you see this with the HEVC legacy or the newer decoder or both?

Former user wrote on 12/15/2021, 4:58 AM

@RogerS It is the same with GPU decode turned off, OR Legacy HEVC ticked.

My point is more to do with GPU decoder ON which is standard use for HEVC 4K. Vegas can have problems with high frame rate and high resolution HEVC even when aided by GPU decode. It will drop frames instead of use CPU and this is most likely why, it has only a very limited amount of CPU it can use, then it dumps the frames

I was thinking this also may be why LongIsland's 5K file's can lock up Vegas when rendering, they are more demanding on decode and processing

Jon-W wrote on 4/4/2024, 7:27 PM

I have found this thread as one of my videos has been refusing to render beyond 31%. It is just this one project and others are rendering fine. There are two video tracks and I have a 7 minute edit and a 4 minute edit in two files. Each time it is stopping at the same point in both videos. There is nothing special about this and no effects- the same two videos have been cut and overlaid in the same way throughout all the video. But after reading a lot of stuff here, removing this short section has now made the video render after having tried various things for hours. I have spent more time trying to fix problems with Vegas Pro than editing the past three days. Goodness, Vegas Pro is hard work.

Last changed by Jon-W on 4/4/2024, 7:37 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

HP Pavilion All-in-One Desktop 24-ca0xxx     
Processor    AMD Ryzen 7 5700U with Radeon Graphics            1.80 GHz
Installed RAM    16.0 GB (15.4 GB usable)
System type    64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Edition    Windows 11 Home
Version    23H2
Installed on    ‎02/‎02/‎2023
OS build    22631.3374
Experience    Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22688.1000.0

Vegas Pro Version 20.0 (Build 411)

mark-y wrote on 4/7/2024, 10:11 AM

The compelling suggestion is that there is something wrong with your source media at that exact point.

Start your own thread for your unique problem, and provide the following information, please.