Some interesting memory observations and avchd...


srode wrote on 4/26/2009, 6:55 AM
How are you getting 8.1 to render AVCHD to 1920x1080? I can only get 1440x1080.
Sebaz wrote on 4/26/2009, 6:59 AM
My guess is that you screwed up somewhere. I just tried it in my 8.1 and am rendering fine as we speak.

That's weird. No, other than setting the 2 GB flag and saving the file, I didn't do anything else.
blink3times wrote on 4/26/2009, 7:21 AM
"That's weird. No, other than setting the 2 GB flag and saving the file, I didn't do anything else."

Did it ask you to overwrite the original file? (It should)

Try changing the flag and hit the red X to close cff explorer. It will ask to save file... click YES... it will then ask to overwrite original file... click YES... then cff will close. Start cff again to change the next file. (This is the way I do it anyway)
srode wrote on 4/26/2009, 7:36 AM
Not with Cff - with Vegas - it overwrote the origional rendered file without asking after I made the changes with cff - it used to not do that - it always asked if I wanted to overwrite it because it has the same name in the same location.
rbi wrote on 4/26/2009, 8:40 AM
Are all AVCHD files created alike? I've had no problem with rendering MTS files (using Pan HMC-150.), even at 60 minutes. Nothing complex, though... just 1M to 3G clips lined up for 60 minutes. I see people are talking M2T files.

BUT I am having lots of problem with 24fps clips. I haven't tried the memory fix, but might give it a try. I'm wondering if 24fps fits into the thought of complexity having equal part in this issue, plus the files created by different camcorders - not all AVCHD files created equally?
Sebaz wrote on 4/26/2009, 9:05 AM
Did it ask you to overwrite the original file? (It should)

I did actually, saved it by overwriting it.

Now, a question in general, if somebody already tried this in both 8.0c and 8.1, other than the stability many mention, do these changes make 8.0c snappier? I mean, 8.0c, being all 32-bit, is supposed to take a performance hit under Vista 64, am I correct?
Xav72 wrote on 6/19/2009, 11:53 AM
Thanks a million for this tip.

The rendering was always freezing after 200 frames in my current project in Vegas Movie Studio Platinium 9.0b (core i7). I had to disable all core except one in the BIOS to do the rendering.

I did exactly what you suggest and the rendering now works with all my cores activivated.

Sony should pay you.

Laurence wrote on 6/19/2009, 4:47 PM
These sorts of memory issues are the reason for going with the 64 bit version of Vegas.
blink3times wrote on 6/19/2009, 5:45 PM
Dunno about that Laurence.

I'm still on Vegs32 (on Vista64) and I have to say that I have yet to run into any memory issues at all in vegas 9.... (or 8 with the above fix). Right now I'm rendering raw un-resized JPG's, about 6megs each, over to avc .... 2 tracks (one faded 50%). My memory is sitting at a pretty solid and steady 3.5gigs (which includes other apps). Every so often it creeps up a couple hundred megs but then drops a bit too.
hoodoo wrote on 7/9/2009, 6:08 AM
Thanks for the info blink. I am running Win7 64 with Vegas 9 32 with the CFF Explorer "fix". I would normally get memory errors within the first 10 frames of a render. That issue has been eliminated. Thank you so much for the info on CFF Explorer.
vtxrocketeer wrote on 7/30/2009, 4:17 PM
I just wanted to report that I fixed a similar crashing/random hang problem using HDV footage, no AVCHD. Vista 64 Ultimate, Vegas 8.0(c). m2t clips on the timeline, MBLooks, levels, and unsharp mask. Never got past 10% rendered to Blu-ray before, now it works flawlessly to completion.

A thousand thank-yous to blink for posting this fix. ;)
Lou van Wijhe wrote on 8/13/2009, 1:17 AM
As I didn't feel confident altering the software, I tried the tip nesting a troublesome project in a new one and then it rendered OK!

Another interesting observation:

- Rendering directly showed a 100% load on the CPU and when the memory usage reached 50%, the program halted and showed this "too low on memory" error msg.

- Rendering as a nested project showed the CPU load hovering much lower at about 60% and the memory usage going up to 65% without a problem. The only drawback was that the rendering was much slower but it finished anyway.

The processing between the two must be different but who knows in what way.

I use Vista 32 Home Premium on a Intel Core2 Duo CPU E4500 2.20GHz with 4GB of RAM.

johnthor wrote on 8/13/2009, 2:33 PM
I also wanted to thank Blink.
Anyone suggest a good Video Card and does Vegas really need one?
I am an old dude using Vegas for personal Travel DVD memories. Have used Vegas many years, but not the pc techy type, other than try to keep a good pc. Anyway, My Sony SR11 could be the HQ 1024 whatever, but I still use the 4:3 ratio stuff with the Sony set at "SD" quality definition. The files dowload as Mpeg2 and must have lots of data cause I too crashed or locked up if more than20 minutes were brought in. The fix of 8.0 has no problem NOW with 60 minutes. Still stuff to add like jpeg and audio. 8.1 did not work, but I may have missed something. Strange a 64 bit doesn't work on a 64 bit.
Anyway, thankyou very much. I will keep checking the Forum to see if folks get 8.1 to work with exactly the same changes AND I will retry later, but now it is happy editing again.
ritsmer wrote on 8/14/2009, 2:01 AM
Lou van Wijhe: interesting what you have found and good that it can be repeated. Could you pls. send SCS a support ticket about it?
Might be an issue that could improve other things too.

Would also be nice to hear ForumAdmins thoughts on that - if they are not all busy testing 9.0b 24/24 - that is :-)
Lou van Wijhe wrote on 8/14/2009, 7:38 AM
I did file a bug report with SCS. When I have a response, I'll post it here.

Lou van Wijhe wrote on 8/17/2009, 12:46 PM
I received a number of suggestions from SCS of which the following was succesful:

Thank you for contacting Sony Creative Software. Please disable Startup applications and Background Services. To disable these items from starting, you can go to the Start menu and select Run. Then type msconfig into the field provided and press Enter or OK. In Windows Vista, there is a field at the bottom of the Start menu that you can type directly into.

Open the Startup tab, press the “Disable All” button and then Apply. Then go into the Services Tab, check the box next to “Hide All Microsoft Services” at the bottom of the window and choose Disable All. Then press Apply and OK and reboot the computer.

** Note: This measure is for testing purposes. If you are disabling these services, none of these services are critical for your computer to start or function. We recommend this troubleshooting step to remove as many variables from the problem as possible; though you may also be disabling desired services like anti-virus or portable device recognition services like iPod Service, etc. If this solves your issue, you may want to repeat the steps above to open the MSCONFIG dialog so that you can re-enable most of these services. You may want to spend some time re-enabling these one at a time until you find the culprit. Most likely there are just one or two services that are causing the conflict.

I only disabled all startup applications and not the Microsoft services but this was apparently enough (at least with my project on my system...). I don't know where the conflict was but there is no harm in only disabling all startup applications.

Maybe this helps with your project too.

Birk Binnard wrote on 8/31/2009, 12:34 PM
My Vegas Movie Studio Platinum Ver 9b has crashed consistently when trying to render AVCHD files with 5.1 Surround Sound (WMV format.) This fix stopped that from happening. I am impressed!

Sony should post this fix or include it in an update tomorrow!

Thanks a bunch.
rmack350 wrote on 8/31/2009, 4:24 PM
I don't think they'll be making 32-bit Vegas "Large Address Aware" any time soon. They're providing a conservative build of Vegas and this flag is fairly non-standard for 32-bit Windows applications.

On the other hand, Adobe sets the flag for PPro, afaik.

The better long-term bang for their buck is to focus on the 64-bit versions of Vegas.

Rob Mack
Locust wrote on 9/6/2009, 11:53 AM
I just tried throwing a bunch of clips together and rendering them as AVCHD 1920x1080 50i 5.1 DD without this fix, and it crashed immediately. (Vegas Movie Studio 9.0b)

Applied the fix, loaded up the saved project and rendered it using the same parameters, and it's already past 56%, and seems to be rendering quite well.

I had given up on VMS long ago because it was pretty much worthless if I couldn't render out in the format I had recorded in. Hopefully this will work! (62%!)
fausseplanete wrote on 9/15/2009, 9:26 PM
B3T: Thanks a lot for pointing that one out and the list of which files to change. I have been getting lots of crashes for my big project making use of HD & HDV footage, so I'll give it a try (after backing-up files).

SONY: I notice (as did ushere) there are two instances of "sonymvd2pro_xp.dll", one at path "C:\Program Files\Sony\Vegas Pro 8.0" and another at "C:\Program Files\Sony\Vegas Pro 8.0\FileIO Plug-Ins\m2tsplug". I wonder if there should only be one file by that name, else engineers could get confused when testing etc.
Ara-D wrote on 9/17/2009, 10:01 PM
Thank You Blink. Amazing
I like to add my two 2 cents also.
Using an I7 920 2.7 ghz 4g ram on Win XP. 58 min home video with 8 crossfades, some text, cuts and one video overlay. Using the standard installation defaults I could only render 1% (Original footage was AVCHD 1920x1080 15mbs to standard DVD). I first only changed the rendering threads to 1 and then got 40%. I then changed Dynamic RAM preview to 24mb and used CFF explorer as per Blink's instructions and it rendered 100% in about 2 to 2 1/2 hours (it was getting late and I am not excatly sure of the time). Happy now. Now to try to burn a Blu-Ray...
trainfan wrote on 9/19/2009, 4:31 PM
none of the fixes helped render AVCHD video still kept crashing

But when I reset my cpu and memory to non overclocked settings than all works good, Can finish a long render process no crashes
rmack350 wrote on 9/19/2009, 10:34 PM
Resetting to standard clock settings ought to be one of your first troubleshooting steps.

Rob Mack
ritsmer wrote on 9/20/2009, 1:05 AM
At the end of this thread the "2 GB setting" seems to have helped more users again. So let's recall:

This issue is not a specific Vegas problem - it is just a way to work around a Windows memory issue that disturbs many programs – and it works well also in i.e. Flight simulator, FIFA Manager 09, Gothic 3 etc.

Obviously the programs are written to utilize more than 2 GB – but something goes wrong when Windows tries to allocate space over 2 GB via the page file -and here the "2 GB" setting helps - probably because it makes Windows allocate the memory in another way, I guess.