
Cornico wrote on 3/2/2017, 1:31 PM

Here, but as you can see it is discontinued. The Pro version is available as Vegas plugin.

Red Prince wrote on 3/2/2017, 1:38 PM

According to VASST download page, Ultimate Lite 1.0.6 has been discontinued. So, my guess it you can’t buy it and will have to buy the Ultimate S Pro instead.

He who knows does not speak; he who speaks does not know.
                    — Lao Tze in Tao Te Ching

Can you imagine the silence if everyone only said what he knows?
                    — Karel Čapek (The guy who gave us the word “robot” in R.U.R.)

MartinE wrote on 3/2/2017, 1:44 PM

Many thanks guys. Maybe I'll be lucky and it'll keep working.

Rich Parry wrote on 3/2/2017, 2:59 PM

Unless something has changed in the last few weeks, Ultimate S Pro does NOT work with VP14 which is why I have not upgraded to VP14. In fact, many VASST products like Scatter Shot does not work with VP14.

Do you homework, I'm happy to be proven wrong. There is a thread on this forum that VASST was working on VP14 compatibility but that was a half year ago.

BTW, I love Ultmate S Pro, worth every penny.

CPU Intel i9-13900K Raptor Lake

Heat Sink Noctua  NH-D15 chromas, Black

MB ASUS ProArt Z790 Creator WiFi

OS Drive Samsung 990 PRO  NVME M.2 SSD 1TB

Data Drive Samsung 870 EVO SATA 4TB

Backup Drive Samsung 870 EVO SATA 4TB

RAM Corsair Vengeance DDR5 64GB


Case Fractal Torrent Black E-ATX

PSU Corsair HX1000i 80 Plus Platinum

OS MicroSoft Windows 11 Pro

Rich in San Diego, CA

GJeffrey wrote on 3/2/2017, 3:27 PM

Unless something has changed in the last few weeks, Ultimate S Pro does NOT work with VP14 which is why I have not upgraded to VP14. In fact, many VASST products like Scatter Shot does not work with VP14.

Do you homework, I'm happy to be proven wrong

Vasst products are working with VP14.

Cornico wrote on 3/2/2017, 3:29 PM

Unless something has changed in the last few weeks, .............

Do you homework, I'm happy to be proven wrong.

It's not so difficult to prove you're wrong.😁
Probably you missed a few things, but since 2 month your statement is wrong.




Rich Parry wrote on 3/2/2017, 3:53 PM

Thanks good news, now I don't have a reason to avoid VP14. I've upgrade every version since VP6.

Thanks again,


CPU Intel i9-13900K Raptor Lake

Heat Sink Noctua  NH-D15 chromas, Black

MB ASUS ProArt Z790 Creator WiFi

OS Drive Samsung 990 PRO  NVME M.2 SSD 1TB

Data Drive Samsung 870 EVO SATA 4TB

Backup Drive Samsung 870 EVO SATA 4TB

RAM Corsair Vengeance DDR5 64GB


Case Fractal Torrent Black E-ATX

PSU Corsair HX1000i 80 Plus Platinum

OS MicroSoft Windows 11 Pro

Rich in San Diego, CA

Red Prince wrote on 3/2/2017, 3:53 PM

Unless something has changed in the last few weeks, Ultimate S Pro does NOT work with VP14

Well, here is a screen cap from that download page I linked to. The highlighted portion disagrees with you.

Do you homework

Wow, the arrogance!

He who knows does not speak; he who speaks does not know.
                    — Lao Tze in Tao Te Ching

Can you imagine the silence if everyone only said what he knows?
                    — Karel Čapek (The guy who gave us the word “robot” in R.U.R.)

Rich Parry wrote on 3/2/2017, 8:28 PM

One of the problems with written communication it that it is easy to be misinterpreted, without body language or intonation words can be misunderstood, which apparently my comment was. I thought I was being kind and generous telling the OP that he/she should do some research (homework) and confirm what I said.

I'm sorry if my comment was misinterpreted, I'm sorry, perhaps I could have could have communicated better.

Anyway, I very happy to learn I was wrong about VASST, but bothered by the "arrogance" response, I think it was uncalled for. I thought I was being generous with my time and knowledge and glad I learned I was wrong.

Again, I'm sorry about the "homework" comment and sorry it was misinterpreted.


CPU Intel i9-13900K Raptor Lake

Heat Sink Noctua  NH-D15 chromas, Black

MB ASUS ProArt Z790 Creator WiFi

OS Drive Samsung 990 PRO  NVME M.2 SSD 1TB

Data Drive Samsung 870 EVO SATA 4TB

Backup Drive Samsung 870 EVO SATA 4TB

RAM Corsair Vengeance DDR5 64GB


Case Fractal Torrent Black E-ATX

PSU Corsair HX1000i 80 Plus Platinum

OS MicroSoft Windows 11 Pro

Rich in San Diego, CA

Red Prince wrote on 3/2/2017, 9:38 PM

Oh,no problem. 😉

He who knows does not speak; he who speaks does not know.
                    — Lao Tze in Tao Te Ching

Can you imagine the silence if everyone only said what he knows?
                    — Karel Čapek (The guy who gave us the word “robot” in R.U.R.)

walter-i. wrote on 3/3/2017, 6:07 AM

You make me curious.

On the download page there is no product-info and no price.
Do you know where can I get it?


Red Prince wrote on 3/3/2017, 7:40 AM

On the download page there is no product-info and no price.
Do you know where can I get it?

I do not see it anywhere on their web site.

He who knows does not speak; he who speaks does not know.
                    — Lao Tze in Tao Te Ching

Can you imagine the silence if everyone only said what he knows?
                    — Karel Čapek (The guy who gave us the word “robot” in R.U.R.)

MartinE wrote on 3/3/2017, 5:05 PM

I just sent an e-mail to Vasst support re info and price. The only place it appears on the web site is on the download page and the info tab is greyed out.

JohnnyRoy wrote on 3/4/2017, 9:44 AM

I downloaded VAAST Ultimate Lite 1.0.6 and find it useful. I can't work out how to buy it. Can't find it on the website. Am I missing something?


Ultimate S Lite has been discontinued and replaced by the FasstApps which cost $9.95 USD each. You can buy the features that you need separately instead of paying for a large multi-tabbed application that you might not use all of the tabs.

Here is the mapping between the Ultimate S Lite tabs and FasstApps:

Photo Montage:
- VASST Still Motion (subset of functionality)

- VASST Marker Maker (Create Markers, Remove Markers, Load / Save Markers)
- VASST Marker Editor (Edit Markers, Convert Markers, Goto Marker)

Film Looks:
- VASST CinemaLooks Vol 01 - 13

Lower Thirds:
- VASST TitleStrip Vol 01 - 04

- DVD Prep
- SubText

- VASST Media Tools (Set up media bins only)


John Rofrano
VASST Software

walter-i. wrote on 3/5/2017, 2:34 PM

I just sent an e-mail to Vasst support re info and price. The only place it appears on the web site is on the download page and the info tab is greyed out.

@ JonnyRoy
Do you know anything about it?


JohnnyRoy wrote on 3/5/2017, 3:23 PM

I just sent an e-mail to Vasst support re info and price. The only place it appears on the web site is on the download page and the info tab is greyed out.

@ JonnyRoy
Do you know anything about it?


Yea, the download page is pretty accurate. The product has been discontinued which is why there is no product page or way to buy it. It is listed under Legacy Products and the product cell says [discontinued].

It's on the download page so that people who have bought it can download it again and use it with their existing license key. You can get similar capabilities by buying the various FasstApps that replaced it.


walter-i. wrote on 3/6/2017, 4:33 AM

I think, there is a little bit misunderstanding:
I mean the Ultimate S Pro 4 under chapter "Vegas Pro Plug-ins" where [Product Info] is also greyed out

JohnnyRoy wrote on 3/6/2017, 12:40 PM

I think, there is a little bit misunderstanding:
I mean the Ultimate S Pro 4 under chapter "Vegas Pro Plug-ins" where [Product Info] is also greyed out

You are correct it was a misunderstanding. This thread is about Ultimate S Lite so I though that's what you were referring to.

Yea, there is no product info page for Ultimate S Pro because we currently have no way to sell it. Our other plug-ins are sold through the Sony Partner Page. We are currently evaluating the best way to fix this going forward.


walter-i. wrote on 3/7/2017, 3:44 AM

Thanks for information - Please keep us up to date.
