Vegas 10d


JimboWHO wrote on 5/5/2011, 11:20 AM

From my perch you have little to apologize for. It's clear you've gone to great lengths to see only that SCS is held accountable to the claims they've made. As if you're not entitled to write and call, etc??

How dare you sign up in this forum for the sole puprpose of making yet another inquiry (if not blowing off a little steam as well)!

I have to laugh at some in this crowd - yet another post critical of SCS has them quickly ascertaining how many posts & when you joined a forum that they seemingly, over time, regard as their own.

And the retorts from the Cap't Obvious-types that suggest that with regard to 10.d "you'll get it when you get it and no sooner" and "SCS wants to fix the bugs" Please.


noslenwerdna wrote on 5/5/2011, 11:29 AM
Thank you JimboWHO,

I am not upset by this, it is very difficult to understand tone in people's posts, my first post was after hours of trying to get info from Sony and running out of time. I did post hastily as I was in a hurry. I obviously was not as clear as I could have been. I also understand that people who are on a forum, especially those who have been on for years, have seen bad behaviour from people posting just to cause problems and not solve problems. I get it. I am sorry that anybody thinks I was one of these, however, again, thank you for understanding where I was coming from.

-Andrew Nelson
Seth wrote on 5/5/2011, 11:38 AM
Here's your patch.
David Newman said at NAB that Cineform's 3D transcoding application for the GoPro 3D Hero would process essentially any camera's 3D footage. Will it 'see' MVC encoded footage? I don't know. But this is free, and available now. If you wind up trying it, please let us know how it goes.

The free converter utility from Cineform/GoPro only imports .MP4 files. Just downloaded and opened it. Not half bad for a freebie. Does free Cineform transcoding of any standard HD size and framerate :)
MUTTLEY wrote on 5/5/2011, 1:00 PM
Call me a skeptic but from everything I could see there really was no mass mob type mentality of "heat" that you're implying, as if there were that many people lined up to buy that cam and jump over to Vegas and were simply gobsmacked that it didn't support it yet. I'd be surprised if more than five people inquired specifically about Sony Vegas and the HDR-TD10 ("inquiring" being far cry from "heat"). You keep speaking about NAB as if it was some far of mythical place that only you were at, I was there as well. And as far as camera's go from all I could tell the HDR-TD10 wasn't the doll of the show, the CineAlta F65 was the one that was getting the majority of the buzz, the HDR-TD10 had already debuted at CES. The HDR-TD10 is a neat little camera but its consumer level and a $1500 camera is generally below the radar of the average NAB goer. By saying something like "they were taking all kinds of heat" it makes your post more than a little suspect, imho if you're not lying than maybe you're just prone to wild exaggeration.

I've said before and I'll say again I don't have any problem with people who take issue/complain about various problems they may have with Vegas or Sony, I'm all for my software improving as a result. There's a big difference to me though between those that are just complaining to complain and looking to needlessly bash as opposed to offering constructive criticism. If one wants to simply ask what's up with the update thats fine, but the song and dance that was going on here was just silly. And to me, if only to me, raising pitchforks on a slight delay for a free update, less than a week overdue at present, is just beyond unreasonable.

Andrew, at the end of the day I don't really care, weave whatever tale you want to tell, doesn't matter to me. Anyone else is welcome to believe you or jump on your bandwagon, to each their own. If people wanna have a hemorrhage over this let em, meanwhile I'll go back to happily editing along with my perfectly fine 10c. Good luck with the huge uber important 3D project you have due, hope ya figure it out before the sky falls ... really.

- Ray
Underground Planet
noslenwerdna wrote on 5/5/2011, 1:19 PM
Thanks Ray,

To be honest, I am really excited about being able to play with my new toys! For now I am importing downloaded 3D footage to practice with Vegas but I really do want to play with some test shots from the TD10. I want to see what different shooting techniques will do and how to deal with it in Vegas. It's going to be great but like you said, I do need to just be patient.

Rob Franks wrote on 5/5/2011, 2:32 PM
"Here's your patch.'

Won't work with the TD10

The TD10 shoots Frame packed interlace.
dlion wrote on 5/5/2011, 3:25 PM
it's deja vu all over again.

seems there's a cycle going on. a few versions back there was a list of serious bugs a mile long, caused by rushing out a product. sony made promises, didn't keep 'em, everybody on the forum was outraged. eventually, someone from sony came on the forum and said, we're sorry, we'll listen to you guys, blah blah blah. some were placated, others not.

cut to today. more of the same.

the arrogance of these companies, big or small (i use sonar too, check out their bbs, now they're issuing QuickFixes), to lie to their loyal user base, issue statements that are false and then refuse to comment or be accountable in any way.

i used to get updates the minute they came out, i usually pre-paid for version upgrades. no more. now, i'll wait to see if the update actually fixed anything and/or didn't break something that wasn't broke before.

sony: no, i don't want you to release any sw until it has been thoroughly tested, but we deserve a response - a dialogue - between the corporation and the users. we'd like to think that you've got our back, even as we get burned time and time again...

throw us a bone...
Geoff_Wood wrote on 5/5/2011, 3:35 PM
Would it help you if they said that it's nearly ready but they don't want to release it with some known bugs that require urgent attention ?

Cos if they suggested it might be available late April, and it isn't yet, that scenario should be pretty evident. And I'm sure they are better saying nothing than " Next Tuesday. Oops no, Wenesday afternoon. Oh, maybe Friday ...." , and so on....

We should know from experience that service releases come when they come, and even then some still have bugs.

Geoff_Wood wrote on 5/5/2011, 3:37 PM
"I want my, I want my, I want my MTV ..."

This really is starting to sound like a bunch of spoiled impatient children.

The professional thing is to 'do it right'. Not to 'do it fast'.

Geoff_Wood wrote on 5/5/2011, 3:39 PM
If one wants to be pedantic (and hey, who doesn't ?!!!), they didn't actually say April 2011, did they ?

Rob Franks wrote on 5/5/2011, 4:37 PM
"the arrogance of these companies,"

The only arrogance I see are the ridiculous comments in this waste-of-space thread.

SCS is late. How late it is.... nobody is exactly sure because a rock solid date was never stated. The update will come when it's ready and when SCS decides to release it. What's more is that this update AS USUAL.... so I COMPLETELY fail to see where the lies and cheating are coming from.....can you please show me

Pathetic is the word I use here... and not towards SCS but rather the absolutely stupid and uncalled-for comments contained in these posts. Yes... you're right... it's deja vu all over again... and shame on YOU for it.
PLS wrote on 5/5/2011, 4:43 PM
Nice to hear some common sense spoken Rob, fully agree with you.
JimboWHO wrote on 5/5/2011, 5:31 PM
Yeah, man. Everybody chill out, shut up, flip the pages on the calender and wait for your free fixes. Maybe cut and paste some of these threads and send them to your clients who, by the way, need to chill too.

d will be free. After all.

Geoff_Wood wrote on 5/5/2011, 5:49 PM
... and sounds like with new features nearly worthy of a 'version upgrade' rather than a free update.

JimboWHO wrote on 5/5/2011, 6:00 PM
A "new feature" to me (and it seems many others) would be the ability to get jobs out the door.

My problem is I don't how fortunate I am to have the opportunity to be a Sony Vegas user. If I did, I would direct my frustration at some of these damn posters instead of SCS.

MUTTLEY wrote on 5/5/2011, 7:02 PM

Um, if you or others lack the ability to get your jobs out the door methinks the problem lies outside of Sony Vegas.

- Ray
Underground Planet
John_Cline wrote on 5/5/2011, 7:26 PM
"seems there's a cycle going on. a few versions back there was a list of serious bugs a mile long, caused by rushing out a product. sony made promises, didn't keep 'em, everybody on the forum was outraged. eventually, someone from sony came on the forum and said, we're sorry, we'll listen to you guys, blah blah blah. some were placated, others not."

I've been an active forum member here since 2002 and I can only remember one time where a "show-stopper" bug was introduced in an update and they fixed it quickly.
JimboWHO wrote on 5/5/2011, 7:29 PM

Thought you went "back to happily editing with (your) perfectly fine 10.c"? You know, could care less, doesn't matter to you ....

Move along honey, nothing to see here. Maybe go back to playing Mr. Prosecutor with the next imposter.
musicvid10 wrote on 5/5/2011, 7:52 PM
@ Jimbo,
Your repetititious trolling on these forums is very close to breaching the terms of service, in my humble and disinterested opinion.

We are generally supportive of each other here, and preemptive personal barbs and insults are generally not well-taken, as differentiated from some other video forums.

I admire the fact that you bring some intelligence to the discussions, however your tact is a little beyond what is expected or warranted under the circumstances.

Forewarned is forearmed:
Rob Franks wrote on 5/5/2011, 7:59 PM
"... and sounds like with new features nearly worthy of a 'version upgrade' rather than a free update. "

While other companies like Avid, Adobe, Apple... etc, would save new features for money making version upgrades, SCS is not one of them. Native avchd import/editing for example was a free update with SCS. Vegas 64 bit was a free update. The new trimmer/previewer was a free update.... on and on and on. The import and edit of MVC files will also be a FREE update. When I think of all the extra money SCS COULD have charged us and didn't... well... Accusations of 'large arrogant companies' shows me how small some people can actually be.

Bottom line... SCS treats its customers a hell of a lot better than that of other companies. To those who sit here and look these gift-horses in the mouth... go some place else and find out how much extra this stuff would REALLY cost.
MUTTLEY wrote on 5/5/2011, 8:26 PM

Honey huh? Witty retort there Jimbo. Clearly by calling me "honey" your ever so sexy dominant alpha male masculinity is only equaled in status and stature by your profound and astute sense of humor and keen sense of comedic timing. How else could one possibly interpret one man calling another man "honey"? I humbly bow to your lambasting hilarity and will leave this thread with my head hung low, ashamed that I dare not risk attempting to reply further for I could not bear to breathe another breath if I had to face yet another of your shrewd and cutting if not ever so jocular retaliations.

If you'll forgive me now I truly must go slip on my lacy negligee and get back to some editing.

- Ray
Underground Planet
musicvid10 wrote on 5/5/2011, 8:42 PM
Nice comeback, Ray. Your antagonist will soon be banned, I predict.
MUTTLEY wrote on 5/5/2011, 9:09 PM

Meh, thanks man but it's cool, if anyone does get banned I hope it's not on my account, this whole thread was pretty silly out of the gate and not worthy of anyone being banned over.

Honestly it would have been wiser for me to have just let it go and not chimed in in the first place but some of the wild accusations being bandied about over what was or was not said by Sony at NAB I felt should be addressed by someone else that was there least someone who doesn't know better stumbled on this thread.

Lemme just say now for the record just so that I'm clear I honestly have no hard feelings towards anyone in this thread, we've all had our say and that's enough for me. =)

- Honey
Underground Planet
musicvid10 wrote on 5/5/2011, 9:14 PM

Uh, it's not this thread Ray, just have a look at the guy's history.
It's normal to think it's your doing if this is not your first exposure to the behavior, but in this case nothing could be farther from the truth . . .