Vegas 10d


ushere wrote on 5/5/2011, 9:15 PM
ray, when you gonna post the pics?

musicvid10 wrote on 5/5/2011, 9:37 PM
You had to ask.
Here's your "Honeybun" (anyone who doesn't get the reference deserves to be flogged).

MUTTLEY wrote on 5/5/2011, 9:50 PM

lmao, I love when a bad thread turns good.

ushere, even if I was genuinely upset I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.

As for the rest I skim over the forums a good couple times a day but I could easily gloss over many a personality in my browsing. If there were other conflicts I was oblivious, and thankfully so. =)

- Ray
Underground Planet
BobbyMurcerFan wrote on 5/6/2011, 3:10 AM
May 4th was FOUR DAYS after the end of April. Just sayn.
VidMus wrote on 5/6/2011, 4:48 AM
The article said late April. I guess April is late this year. LOL!

ushere wrote on 5/6/2011, 5:56 AM
maybe april is somebodies gf and what they're saying is after (late) april('s gone)?
rs170a wrote on 5/6/2011, 8:42 AM
The expression goes "April showers bring May flowers".
We had rain almost all of April and are still getting it in May so maybe Sony is waiting for the rain to stop for more than one day :)

Former user wrote on 5/6/2011, 10:15 AM
I wanna do some conspiracy theory math (since we've enjoyed the birthers, the deathers, and other various kookiness).

My conspiracy theory: The release date was based on the FISCAL year. Often fiscal years start July 1, so that would make July January (and they both start with J, so that makes perfect sense). Therefore...

July: January
August: February
September: March
October: April

See? It makes perfect sense based on a fiscal year...unless they're using a Gregorian calendar. DOH!
SuperG wrote on 5/6/2011, 12:06 PM
Oh no, it looks like this fire's dying down, who's got a can of gasoline?

<just kidding>
FrigidNDEditing wrote on 5/6/2011, 12:27 PM
Hey guys, I was at NAB demoing for VASST in the Sony Creative Software booth, and I can tell you that everyone in the Creative Software section seemed to know that it was not available yet, and no-one there called the update a patch. So I'm going to guess that either you got that information from the camera guy ( who may or may not have known anything because Sony is HUGE, and they don't communicate well between divisions from my experience ), or you may have spoken to one of the other 3rd party people at the Sony Creative Software booth that were not aware that the release they were demonstrating on was not an available update online yet.

Either way, I know it does and will accept the TD10 footage because I demonstrated some of it while I was there, and I also know that it's frustrating to be told something by someone and have it not happen when you depend on it. I am on the other side of the coin, kind of happy to see the release not being dictated entirely by a deadline.

Sorry for the frustrations, hope everything works out for ya soon.

Editguy43 wrote on 5/6/2011, 12:29 PM
Hey here is a little petrol, where is the Cinescore replacment that we were told about months and months ago. Not one peep, conspiricy on that. hahaha :-)

I just hope 10d is late because SCS just really wants to get it right, also they do not want 4000 threads by whiners who find all the bugs.

I still love Vegas and apperently so does Apple ( Final Cut X)
Seth wrote on 5/6/2011, 12:38 PM
Former user wrote on 5/6/2011, 12:45 PM
FrigidNDEditing wrote on 5/6/2011, 12:56 PM
Ha!, I post and minutes later it's available.. there's timing for ya :)
Stereodesign wrote on 5/6/2011, 1:54 PM
Installed my Vegas 10 Academic, it downloaded to 10.0c then 2 hrs later it downloads 10.0d.
I can confirm that the Academic licence version is the full version, working very smoothly under Win 7x64.
I'm impressed.
Woodenmike wrote on 5/6/2011, 2:12 PM
So far so good...the audio problem when taking sound into sound forge and then losing audio while in sound forge has been fixed. My audio edits from Vegas to sound forge are once again seamless! Anxious to hear from the power users how many of the HD editing issues have been fixed in this version, as I am getting closer to building a new editing machine and going into HD. (thanks Sony for fixing the audio issue!)
Tom Pauncz wrote on 5/6/2011, 4:22 PM
It may not be relevant for you, but...

I am using BMD's Decklink Studio card for monitoring via HDMI to an LCD TV. Also have set the audio to use the BMD ASIO driver.

With that config, when ripple edit is turned on "undo" crashes Vegas every time without fail. If I delete the audio track, undo works just fine.

Accepted as a bug and reproduced by SCS, fix did not make it into 10.0d. Disappointing, but I know not everything for everyone can be fixed in an update.

ushere wrote on 5/6/2011, 5:10 PM
but I know not everything for everyone can be fixed in an update.

i'm very happy to see 10d (though i'm going to wait and see how it's accepted by the majority before installing), but i would have hoped that EXISTING WELL DOCUMENTED bugs would have been taken care of, otherwise what's the point of updates?

btw - i'm NOT saying they haven't....

dibbkd wrote on 5/6/2011, 7:35 PM
Let's just say there are 10 EXISTING WELL DOCUMENTED bugs, and Sony can fix 8 of them right now, the other 2 for some reason are really tough and take more time.

So they release an update that fixes 8 of them now, you wouldn't see the point of that?

And then hopefully sometime in the future they fix the other 2, and maybe a few more they find, and it's another update.
ushere wrote on 5/6/2011, 8:48 PM
hi dibbkd,

i WASN'T complaining - can't really since i haven't, as yet, installed 10d. all i was writing was that it would be good if outstanding, well documented bugs were fixed first.

i'm more than happy they fixed the tc in media bug - which for me was almost a show stopper. any other bugs they've fixed is an added bonus....
NickHope wrote on 5/6/2011, 9:10 PM
The color curves tangency bug seems to be fixed (thanks!), but not mentioned in the release notes.

Color pickers still do not display selection areas.

File names of offline files are still truncated to 50 characters.

Sunflux wrote on 5/6/2011, 9:46 PM
So far so good for me.

The XDCAM EX + M2T video smart render corruption I was seeing seems to have been fixed as well!
FrigidNDEditing wrote on 5/7/2011, 12:09 AM
"The XDCAM EX + M2T video smart render corruption I was seeing seems to have been fixed as well!"

Hoping this is the case since I've been having to actually re-render DVD's after they've gone through the review process and rec'd their changes :). I got spoiled with the render it once, and just stitch in the changes routine.
