Vegas Pro 8 at IBC?


rmack350 wrote on 8/16/2007, 1:53 PM
I think some of that will depend on whether there are two bit-versions of the same release, or whether the 64-bit version is actually something more -Like "Vegas Pro, Pro".

If that's the case there's always trial versions and that should cover you anyway.

Rob Mack
Coursedesign wrote on 8/16/2007, 3:52 PM
...whether there are two bit-versions of the same release...

No, there will be only one two-bit version of Vegas in this release.

winrockpost wrote on 8/16/2007, 4:04 PM
lol .... good one course

ya know i really thought that maine site was a hoax but ita still there,

Film your productions ... seemed a little strange
You asked - we delivered ....seemed a little billy maze oxi-cleanish

but still there
rmack350 wrote on 8/16/2007, 5:31 PM
I was trying not to encourage that...and I failed.

rmack350 wrote on 8/16/2007, 5:32 PM
I'd have thought Sony would have asked them to take it down for the moment.

kraz wrote on 8/22/2007, 1:37 AM
A few other stores already have it for sale - but backordered. And with the same -copy

btw hope I don't get busted - but I too started with Vegas with an illegal copy of 4 studio - bought 5 studio - then bought 7 (pro) I am sure had I not had those first few months to fall in love with Vegas I never would have bought it. Sure for eveyone like me there may be 10 who never pay but .. this is in reality how it works ..
ushere wrote on 8/22/2007, 2:29 AM
yes, kraz, as far as most of the people i know.

i have ever rarely NOT tried a cracked version of a program i'm seriously thinking of buying. ps, vegas, prem, lightwave, etc.,

if i spend upwards of $500 on something, i'm going to make sure it damn well works; stability, features, and every other aspect of the program. it's intention is to MAKE me money, not cost me.

i think software is the only area that having paid a reasonably large sum of money for something, you can't get it back when you find it doesn't do what it promised, or has more bugs than is acceptable. (i'll live with my two black frames for now, but not forever!)

yes, trials are all well and good, but they're either timed (and my testing is spasmodic; trying real world situations when they arise), or wanting to save what i've done for comparision or analysis.

i do not use illegal programs to make money. but the ones that are legal make money for me.

farss wrote on 8/22/2007, 3:24 AM
The latest issue of Audio Technology in their review of Sound Forge 9 says SF became popular when it first came out as it was easy to crack and compact enough to share over the web.

Then again I bought Vegas 4 without even downloading the trial.
But in another twist I bought SF9 as a physical copy and My Software still says I can buy the upgrade for $x and has my serial number but shows the download as Unavailable. I was going to take this up with tech support but they'd probably just tell me to uninstall all Sony products, purge the registry and re-install everything.


busterkeaton wrote on 8/22/2007, 7:48 AM
If you have your reciept, Sony support might just issue you a new serial number.
FuTz wrote on 8/23/2007, 4:59 PM

...any screenshots of Vegas8 ?

craftech wrote on 8/23/2007, 7:20 PM
...any screenshots of Vegas8 ?
Yes here it is showing the improvement I have DREAMED about since Vegas 2.

FuTz wrote on 8/23/2007, 8:05 PM
I get your point... seems to be lots of people who got this dream here, huh ? ; )
Grazie wrote on 8/24/2007, 12:38 AM
Craftech? Please don't tell me "Alien" was out in 1979?!??

Ah the old West London Shepperton and Bray lots!! I didn't know that either?

Nearly 30 years old folks . . . .
