I opened a project and it was slow then opened another and it was slow and so on with about 6 projects. When I re-opened one that was already opened and closed it was real fast as with all the rest. I closed Vegas then re-opened vegas and everything was blazing fast. Re-boot and the same thing happens all over again.
This forum is a valuable resource. Thank you all for alerting users to the terrible problems with the new "patch." I would normally just install new patches as a matter of course, but I downloaded "d" and then read these posts before installing. Needless to say, I did not install it. I will stick with 9.0b-64 and 9.0c-32 for now. Neither work as I need them to, but with the two of them, I can work around Sony's problems.
I fixed the slow load problem. Vegas projects now load faster than ever before. I reassigned all my file types (with the exception of mp3 from QT to DivXX Pro.)
Just found time to install it my self and play a little bit with it.
Running on my i7 / 12GB / win7-64
Uninstalled 9.0c 64
Ran CCleaner
Installed 9.0d
Opened od project - all fine and fast
Tried AVCHD TL playback, and it just was great, started with 25 fps almost asap - not the old lack for ½ sec., seems faster than before.
Have yet to try it out more, but so far it seems great for me.
I wouldn't use a registry cleaner. I have used them in the past and they have damaged my registry creating an unstable system. Additionally I personally have never seen any difference in my system performance during the time I used them.
I had to open 2 Vegas projects that I created in 2007. I update two segments on a DVD for a 2010 version and everything went very smooth. Used 9d 32bit. No problems at all. Plus I was able to create a much better image because of 2 additional plug-ins that I own to handle chroma key.
Thanx for the timely info *S*. I'm just left wondering if the un-install routine will scrub all the reg keys instead of having to manually go thru regedit.
Any advice / suggestions etc.would be greatly appreciated ( 9.0d is unworkable ).
Again, thanx for your consideration,
Legacy Videos Arizona
2.4g amd
4g ddr2
Nvidia dual head card
sata drives
Yes, and it will put a dent in the global warming. I am worried about the super duper humongous one in Yellowstone which is 40,000 years overdue and will pretty much eliminate humanity besides throwing us into a 2000 year ice age. There is a 5 square mile deep magma buildup underneath Yellowstone and it is rising every year by satellite measurement. Where are you located?