I start VEGAS_Pro_19.0.0.648 on my computer ( win 10 )
I was worked ( about 01.2023 ) Note that : Nothing is changed on my computer
And now, It start, and crached. Just I can see splash screen, and stop
I 've try to :
- reinstall VEGAS_Pro_19.0.0.648
- remove all in appdata about vegas
- start with shift + ctrl to remove all prefs
- reinstall my graphics card drivers
- download VEGAS_Pro_19.0.0.651 ( without issue ) but I've see on forum that version don't work
( from this : https://www.vegascreativesoftware.info/us/forum/faq-where-can-i-download-vegas-pro-and-other-vegas-software--104782/ )
And now ?
please help me !
VEGAS Pro build : don't start on win10
wrote on 5/5/2023, 6:14 AM