Vegas Replaced the footage


MUTTLEY wrote on 8/31/2011, 8:30 PM
1. Do you have Media Manger installed and enabled?
Installed but disabled.
2. Does your project use any subclips?
3. Are any of your media files contained on an external drive or network?
4. In the Options -> Preferences -> General tab are the following checked, or unchecked:
a. "Close media files when not the active application"
Yes (Almost have to, lots of times have to change/edit files in other apps like Photoshop)
b. "Create project file backups"
c. "Enable autosave"
5. Are you using the 64-bit version of Vegas?
No, I still like Magic Bullet! Boooo Magic Bullet!
6. Do you have your internal hard drives set so that they spin down if not used for a period of time?
Not Sure
7. Are you using Windows 7?
No, Vista

- Ray
Underground Planet
PeterDuke wrote on 8/31/2011, 9:35 PM
If things can happen so that you need to use CHKDSK, then it should be no surprise that things can happen to Vegas media pointers. The need to use CHKDSK has been around since the days of DOS.

What is needed is double checking or error correction of pointers in Vegas such that if corruption does occur, Vegas knows about it and reacts appropriately.

BTW, CHKDSK is now invoked differently in Win 7:
Right-click disk>properties>Tools tab>Check Now
rmack350 wrote on 9/1/2011, 11:19 AM
I move a lot of data around all day for other things outside of Vegas. Honestly, probably much, much, much more than Vegas would do. I don't have problems with files having the wrong content in them.

I really seriously doubt that file system errors outside of Vegas are the problem, but never say "never".

At a certain point there's nothing a user base can do to test things without the developer's participation. I used to have huge problems with DreamWeaver until Macromedia got involved and gave me versions of the executable that would output more debugging info. We then discovered that the application was running a routine twice at shutdown. It wouldn't have been noticed normally but my site was so large that you could easily see the doubled shutdown time.

Vegas has had a number of bugs over multiple versions that I think fall into the same bucket:
--Vegas replaces media on the timeline
--Vegas replaces (or used to replace) media in bins
--Vegas leaves errant frames from unrelated media in renders
--Vegas leaves black frames here and there in renders
