WE the people, in search of a more perfect V10...


MUTTLEY wrote on 1/25/2012, 4:30 PM
"If V10 works great for you I'm very happy for you." Actually I've been rather candid that I had issues with 10 and the "swap media" bug, I persevered through it and managed to complete projects on time despite the occasional setback by adjusting my workflow.

I have also posted that I initially had problems with timeline playback in V11 where I was getting as little as under 1fps but after spending a day of fiddling about somehow managed to fix whatever it was that was causing the issue and now V11 is performing like a champ. While V10 was a known bug V11 appeared to be something on my end.

I have no problem acknowledging issues, I am not by any means against their being discussed and addressed. My only real problem is with your escalating petulance and blatant misrepresentation of the facts so flagrantly displayed by your thinking that just because some agreed with you on one point that you can use their names in perpetuity and stamp a "we" on any and every addendum you might concoct later. Despite your delusions of grandeur you have not started a militia nor has anyone appointed you King. I would have been much less apt to chime in had you said "I am going to bother with V12 if Sony can't get it right! Do you hear this SCS? I don't care about any new hype or any new features, or whatever other promotion you want to throw out for V12 if you can't deliver to me what I ALREADY PAID FOR!!!!!"

In my humble opinion you would be much better served if you simply stop using the "we" card outside of anything other than what posters originally agreed to.

- Ray
Underground Planet

i am erikd wrote on 1/26/2012, 12:56 AM
Muttley, still nothing new... are you finished yet? There's still time to say the same thing again and again and again if it will make you feel better.

One other thing.

WE want an update to V10. WE want what WE paid for.

Chienworks wrote on 1/26/2012, 9:01 AM

I guess i get spoiled by the open source community where generally the last several versions are available, specifically because often the newer version is unfit for the user's purpose or hardware. Even when the new version is "stable", the previous version is recommended "just in case", because it's already been beaten on and patched.

And it's not just open source. I have seen this with more than a few commercial packages too. Sometimes it's because the new version requires some substantially new hardware or the newest OS so they keep the older version available for those who haven't upgraded their systems yet (like me, who's passing on Win7/Vegas 11+ until other factors necessitate an upgrade). Sometimes it's because the older version is more streamlined and some people don't want to deal with new features they don't need. Sometimes it's because the older versions are discounted and that draws new users in to give it a try. Sometimes it's just because folks like the older version better. These publishers are smart enough to know that a sale of an older version is better than no sale at all.
i am erikd wrote on 1/27/2012, 2:49 AM
Second time this week that a user has posted that their V10e editing project was devastated by the VEGAS REPLACED THE FOOTAGE bug. Please see Marc's post:


As you already know this MAJOR BUG was never patched in V10. SCS you have a responsibility to set things right and release one more update for V10.

WE want an update to V10.


Marc S wrote on 1/27/2012, 2:59 AM
Please add my name to the list: Marc Salvatore

i am erikd wrote on 1/27/2012, 3:15 AM
Just added your name to the list Marc. Thanks for your support!

The list so far:

Nick Hope
Bob Moyer
Rory Cooper
Randy Brown
Alf Hanna
Radio Guy
Steve Rhoden
paul w
Marc S

Any MAJOR BUG in any version is expected to be patched. The 'VEGAS REPLACED THE FOOTAGE" bug is MAJOR and unpatched!

WE want an update to V10! WE want what WE paid for!

JackWhite wrote on 1/27/2012, 11:31 AM
Of course old versions can still be downloaded - always have been able to do that -

Chienworks wrote on 1/27/2012, 11:34 AM
Jack, sure. But if hadn't already bought a license for an old version, Sony won't sell you one now.
JJKizak wrote on 1/27/2012, 12:35 PM
I am really overwhelmed by all of the new parameters involved with V11 which are SSD's, Cuda, USB external drives, Bluray burners, Windows 7, 3D, Multi camera, a gillion new codecs, OFX incorporation, .net proliforation, new memory stability, and such.
I am still not convinced of the stability of Windows 7 with "somewhat" older pluggins and equipment. Everybody says it's like a rock but that ain't so. Vista 64 bit ultimate was like a rock to me and it swallowed up ten year old software like "Grog". First thing I had to replace was my 3 year old DSL modem which Win7 would not recognize. Second thing was the 3 year old dual DVI video card which sent Win 7 into banana land then dump and repair. Third thing is the networking which will not communicate with my Vista and XP computers. Fourth is how the IEexplorer works with "POPUPS" ---Sometimes you have to have it activated and sometimes you don't. Roll the dice. Next thing is trying to find files with explorer which is not that easy anymore. Sixth thing if you try to install old software it goes right on bulldozing through files then says "cannot install" By this time windows has some files roached out and you have to do a repair. They should have a disclamer on the Win 7 package saying "Will not function with old hardware".
JHendrix wrote on 1/29/2012, 6:49 PM
add me to the list...another evening wasted
i am erikd wrote on 1/30/2012, 12:22 AM
JHendrix, thanks for the feedback and I will put you on the list. Your eight word post literally speaks volumes about those of us who really need an update to V10. "ANOTHER EVENING WASTED."

SCS-ForumAdmin please see the type of pain we are talking about in this post from today.


For any MAJOR BUG from any release, we expect an update to make whole our purchase from SCS.

John_Cline wrote on 1/30/2012, 12:33 AM
Erik, have you ever tried to call SCS on the phone and see what you can get done about this?
i am erikd wrote on 1/30/2012, 12:39 AM
Okay, why not? I'll call them tomorrow and report back what they say.


p.s. John really? I'm advocating a lynch mob?
johnmeyer wrote on 1/30/2012, 1:21 AM
Jack, sure. But if hadn't already bought a license for an old version, Sony won't sell you one now.I think you are correct, but as I read that, I couldn't help thinking: Why not??

Go with me for a second on this one ...

Every company gives their existing customers the ability to upgrade to a new version of the software for a discount compared to buying the software for the first time. They obviously want to bring everyone forward and have them all using the same software because it reduces their support costs.

On the other hand ...

If those new versions are so buggy that the support team cannot keep up with all the tech support emails and phone calls, why not let EVERYONE who has a valid Vegas 11.x license download and use any of the previous versions?

Would SCS lose any money if they did this? Since the software cannot be used until activated online, SCS can be in complete control of how many computers these older versions could be used on, and under what conditions the license could be activated.

I suppose I could drop this idea into the suggestion box ("Product Suggestions" at the top of this page), but when I was a kid back in the 1950s I remember seeing the following cartoon in Punch Magazine (I actually still have it), and as a result, I've never trusted "suggestion boxes:"

Chienworks wrote on 1/30/2012, 5:56 AM
I'd argue that they would actually reduce support costs as you'd end up with an ever-growing number of users using a stable version and then not complaining about crashes all the time.

Even Microsoft lets you purchase a Win7 license and then install, activate, and use XP with that license key.
i am erikd wrote on 1/30/2012, 1:45 PM
Just to update on the idea of calling SCS about the need for a V10 update. I called this morning around 9:30am CST and got a message about "due to heavy call volume we suggest you try your call later or go to the web site". I decided to try and wait it out to see if I could get a warm body. At the 5 minute mark my call was automatically disconnected.

I then called back about 4 hours later but got the exact same message as before. There is not an option to leave a message unfortunately. Again, at precisely the 5 minute mark the call is automatically disconnected.

It's around 10pm NOW my time so I probably won't try anymore today but will try again tomorrow. I'll let you know...

i am erikd wrote on 2/1/2012, 12:41 AM
Well, I tried two more times today to get a phone call into SCS customer service and had the same results as yesterday. "Call volume" heavy and call back later. No way to leave a message. 5 minutes later the call is disconnected. So, it looks like SCS doesn't have the capacity to take any meaningful number of calls at customer service.

Jay Gladwell wrote on 2/1/2012, 7:10 AM

Erik, what Time Zone are you in?

diverG wrote on 2/1/2012, 11:10 AM
Somewhat OT:

Reading through the forum would certainly put me off purchasing VP11 at this point in time.

So what options are available? *******************

Fair comment Nick:
Thoughts duly removed.

Sys 1 Gig Z370-HD3, i7 8086K @ 5.0 Ghz 16gb ram, 250gb SSD, 2x2Tb hd,  GTX 4060 8Gb, BMIP4k video out. (PS 750W); Vegas 18 & 19 plus Edius 8WG DVResolve18 Studio. Win 10 Pro (22H2) Bld 19045.2311

Sys 2 Gig Z170-HD3, i7 6700K @ 3.8Ghz 16gb ram, 250gb SSD, 2x2Tb, hdd GTX 1060 6Gb, BMIP4k video out. (PS 650W) Vegas 18 plus Edius 8WG DVResolve18 Studio Win 10 Pro (22H2) Bld 19045.2311

Sys 3 Laptop 'Clevo' i7 6700K @ 3.0ghz, 16gb ram, 250gb SSd + 2Tb hdd,   nvidia 940 M graphics. VP17, Plus Edius 8WG Win 10 Pro (20H2) Resolve18


Chienworks wrote on 2/1/2012, 9:25 PM
Check ebay or B&H. Often licenses (which are often legit on ebay and always legit from B&H) for older versions are available.
i am erikd wrote on 2/2/2012, 3:07 AM
Jay, I'm UTC/GMT +2 hours but what's important to know is that I'm calling during business hours of Madison which is CST. I do the math and call at the right times.

Chienworks, thanks for the reminder tip on purchasing older versions of Vegas on ebay and B&H. I need to remember that.

Christian de Godzinsky wrote on 2/5/2012, 12:10 PM

Any luck yet contacting SCS by phone ?

Even if I don't normally contribute to this kind of lists I'm now so frustrated about VP10 behaviour, so that you can add me to the list.

I have upgraded with every version, every bug release since VP6. Deterioration of this otherwise fantastic application started seriously at VP9. VP10 is causing me so much extra work to get something done, when I need some of the advertised features (like stabilisation, keyframing). I bought VP11 in the hope that if would fix these problems - but no. OK it fixed some problems but has problems of its own. So this is a deadlock, cannot use VP10, cannot used VP11 - for other reasons. I am so p***ed of at this moment, I had a deadline to meet that I missed due to all the problems, and I'm just finding myself trying to work around things that should not be there in the first place... 95% of my editing time today I have used just restore my project to a state were to be able to continue, but this time a little differently to avoid the problems... This is soooooo frustrating. Yes, I save often, but some bugs can have manifested themselves some versions earlier (without noticing it and then you already have lost much work). This is not funny anymore!

If SCS does not pull the act soon together, this was my last Vegas upgrade. I have poured a considerable amount of money into a tool that once worked like a charm but has now rusted. The most serious showstoppers VP10 should be fixed - no questions asked. VP11 must soon be fixed too, just read this forum and you'll see why.

Sorry for the rant, but wherever else would I ventilate? I might get your anger, or your sympathies - but most of all I would like to get my old an faithful Vegas tool back!


WIN10 Pro 64-bit | Version 1903 | OS build 18362.535 | Studio 16.1.2 | Vegas Pro 17 b387
CPU i9-7940C 14-core @4.4GHz | 64GB DDR4@XMP3600 | ASUS X299M1
GPU 2 x GTX1080Ti (2x11G GBDDR) | 442.19 nVidia driver | Intensity Pro 4K (BlackMagic)
4x Spyder calibrated monitors (1x4K, 1xUHD, 2xHD)
SSD 500GB system | 2x1TB HD | Internal 4x1TB HD's @RAID10 | Raid1 HDD array via 1Gb ethernet
Steinberg UR2 USB audio Interface (24bit/192kHz)
ShuttlePro2 controller

CWP Photography wrote on 4/22/2012, 6:16 PM
I was able to use Vegas studio version 10 once before the "TWAIN" messages started and the program would not start. When I inquired twice I get a totally useless form response, then they close the issue and identify it as solved. These people at Sony do not give a damn about their customers. I paid my money and got nothing in return. It will be a cold day in hell before they get any more of my money for V 11 or any other software they offer. The public needs to be warned of these rip off artists
Tech Diver wrote on 4/22/2012, 6:44 PM
Most of us are likely to be sympathetic to your wrestles with software issues and wish to help solve your problems. However, if you post to merely vent at Sony you should at least do so in the right forum, as this is for the Vegas PRO product not Vegas STUDIO.