What Sound card can I use for vp17 5.1


Sheriff-adeyemi wrote on 3/26/2020, 8:13 AM

Still not working


Sheriff-adeyemi wrote on 3/26/2020, 8:40 AM

@Sheriff-adeyemi … I imagine then that you realise what the next step is.

It's working but I thought the sound would send it to each individual speaker in this case it send sound to the left speaker when I'm planning it to the left in this around planner but no sound is coming out from the right so if I wanted to send sounds to the subs how would I do that and to each individual speaker without left or right would I get a separate output for each speaker

Former user wrote on 3/26/2020, 9:00 AM

I get 5.1 monitoring from Vegas through my onboard soundcard. You have to use the analog out, it does not work with digital out. Your amp/monitor must have analog 5.1 inputs or you must feed 5 powered speakers the individual outputs. That is hard to do because the stereo cable can carry the LFE and center channel on the same output.

Turd wrote on 3/26/2020, 9:12 AM

Mixing 5.1 for the television broadcast world:

  • Channel 1 = Front Left
  • Channel 2 = Front Right
  • Channel 3 = Front Center
  • Channel 4 = LFE (Low Frequency Effects (Subwoofer))
  • Channel 5 = Surround (Rear) Left
  • Channel 6 = Surround (Rear) Right
  • Channel 7 = SAP (Second Audio Programming) Left
  • Channel 8 = SAP (Second Audio Programming) Right

Unfortunately, I don't currently have a way to monitor 5.1 audio while I'm mixing, but since I work at a TV station I simply walk my rendered projects over to master control and give them a listen there. That's been my workflow for many years, so I've become pretty good at knowing ahead of time how things will sound in the final mix just by watching the meters closely while I mix and knowing which sounds should be placed on which channels at which levels.

I wish I could help you with your mix monitoring dilema, but I hope I helped a little here. I've gotten this far with pure brute-force experimenting until everything fell into place in my head. It was A LOT of hours getting it right before I allowed my 5.1 projects to air. Now it's actually pretty easy, but it'd still sure be nice to monitor 5.1 while I mix, so I'm watching this thread closely!

Note to self (everyone else please look away -- the note that follows is a reminder for mine eyes only): Figure out a clever, kick-booty signature that suggests I'm completely aware of how to properly and exhaustively party on and that I, in fact, engage in said act on a frequent and spontaneous basis. All joking aside, listing my computer's properties is a futile endeavor. I edit multimedia in a local television station newsroom that has Vegas Pro installed on several machines with widely varied specs. We began editing non-linearly with Pinnacle Studio Version 8. That didn't last long before we upgraded to Vegas Video Version 4, then to Vegas Pro 10.

Grazie wrote on 3/26/2020, 9:20 AM

........but since I work at a TV station I simply walk my rendered projects over to master control and give them a listen there.

@Turd - Colour me green.... 🤢

...... but it'd still sure be nice to monitor 5.1 while I mix, so I'm watching this thread closely!

Oh yeah.

Turd wrote on 3/26/2020, 9:39 AM

........but since I work at a TV station I simply walk my rendered projects over to master control and give them a listen there.

@Turd - Colour me green.... 🤢

...... but it'd still sure be nice to monitor 5.1 while I mix, so I'm watching this thread closely!

Oh yeah.

They ain't no reason to feel green, Grazie. They ain't no money in local TV no more no-how! It sure ain't how it used to be 😢

Note to self (everyone else please look away -- the note that follows is a reminder for mine eyes only): Figure out a clever, kick-booty signature that suggests I'm completely aware of how to properly and exhaustively party on and that I, in fact, engage in said act on a frequent and spontaneous basis. All joking aside, listing my computer's properties is a futile endeavor. I edit multimedia in a local television station newsroom that has Vegas Pro installed on several machines with widely varied specs. We began editing non-linearly with Pinnacle Studio Version 8. That didn't last long before we upgraded to Vegas Video Version 4, then to Vegas Pro 10.

Former user wrote on 3/26/2020, 9:43 AM

I use an older Kenwood Surround Receiver VR-507 that I got at a yard sale for $15. It has analog inputs for 5.1 so it is easy to monitor. I use the 3 audio outputs from the soundcard (FL, FR, RL, RR, Center and SUB) and it works great. Check out yard sales or such for older units that have Analog 5.1 inputs.

Turd wrote on 3/26/2020, 9:51 AM

I use an older Kenwood Surround Receiver VR-507 that I got at a yard sale for $15. It has analog inputs for 5.1 so it is easy to monitor. I use the 3 audio outputs from the soundcard (FL, FR, RL, RR, Center and SUB) and it works great. Check out yard sales or such for older units that have Analog 5.1 inputs.

Hi Dot...

Can you actually monitor 5.1 audio from the timeline in real time while you mix?

My opinion only: It's truly a shame this industry as a whole makes it so difficult to work with multichannel audio beyond simple stereo. Is it really that hard to come up with a modern sound card that easily connects to a modern amplifier to do this without jumping through hoops or happen across a lucky old amplifier find? We must combine our strengths and we must revolt! Who's with me?!!!

Note to self (everyone else please look away -- the note that follows is a reminder for mine eyes only): Figure out a clever, kick-booty signature that suggests I'm completely aware of how to properly and exhaustively party on and that I, in fact, engage in said act on a frequent and spontaneous basis. All joking aside, listing my computer's properties is a futile endeavor. I edit multimedia in a local television station newsroom that has Vegas Pro installed on several machines with widely varied specs. We began editing non-linearly with Pinnacle Studio Version 8. That didn't last long before we upgraded to Vegas Video Version 4, then to Vegas Pro 10.

Grazie wrote on 3/26/2020, 9:57 AM

@Turd - Speak for yerself..... I’m revolting enough by myself, I don’t need assistance.

Former user wrote on 3/26/2020, 10:02 AM

Turd, yes I can. Using the analog outputs of the built in 5.1 soundcard. Vegas only monitors it as analog, not digital out.

Turd wrote on 3/26/2020, 10:12 AM

Turd, yes I can. Using the analog outputs of the built in 5.1 soundcard. Vegas only monitors it as analog, not digital out.

Well, that's at least a step in the right direction! Today's computers rarely offer multichannel analog outs and today's amplifiers rarely offer multichannel analog ins. First -- we shouldn't even have to deal with analog to do this. Second -- why did the industry(s) take a step backward with multichannel audio monitoring with modern equipment??? Don't make no sense!!!

Sorry, Dot -- I hope you don't think my rant is aimed at you!!! I'm just thinking out loud -- LOUDLY.

Note to self (everyone else please look away -- the note that follows is a reminder for mine eyes only): Figure out a clever, kick-booty signature that suggests I'm completely aware of how to properly and exhaustively party on and that I, in fact, engage in said act on a frequent and spontaneous basis. All joking aside, listing my computer's properties is a futile endeavor. I edit multimedia in a local television station newsroom that has Vegas Pro installed on several machines with widely varied specs. We began editing non-linearly with Pinnacle Studio Version 8. That didn't last long before we upgraded to Vegas Video Version 4, then to Vegas Pro 10.

Former user wrote on 3/26/2020, 10:33 AM

No offense here. 5.1 started as an analog only setup. Dolby allowed that analog to be encoded into a single digital stream. The first DVD players that offered 5.1 had 6 audio outputs. I guess that tech has not been updated.

Turd wrote on 3/26/2020, 10:46 AM

Yeah -- I know the history with Dolby and it's expensive licensing. But I don't understand why nobody I know of sells an 8-channel PCM sound card that can easily and digitally connect to a newer amplifier. I'd be very happy to use an HDMI cable for that connection or even an optical or a coax cable! Most new amps still offer those connections. Easy! Maybe I have a million dollar idea here that I just gave away!

Note to self (everyone else please look away -- the note that follows is a reminder for mine eyes only): Figure out a clever, kick-booty signature that suggests I'm completely aware of how to properly and exhaustively party on and that I, in fact, engage in said act on a frequent and spontaneous basis. All joking aside, listing my computer's properties is a futile endeavor. I edit multimedia in a local television station newsroom that has Vegas Pro installed on several machines with widely varied specs. We began editing non-linearly with Pinnacle Studio Version 8. That didn't last long before we upgraded to Vegas Video Version 4, then to Vegas Pro 10.

Sheriff-adeyemi wrote on 3/26/2020, 10:46 AM

I get 5.1 monitoring from Vegas through my onboard soundcard. You have to use the analog out, it does not work with digital out. Your amp/monitor must have analog 5.1 inputs or you must feed 5 powered speakers the individual outputs. That is hard to do because the stereo cable can carry the LFE and center channel on the same output.

Can you use the this one. I'm going to be using active studio monitors and one sub


Sheriff-adeyemi wrote on 3/26/2020, 11:02 AM

I get 5.1 monitoring from Vegas through my onboard soundcard. You have to use the analog out, it does not work with digital out. Your amp/monitor must have analog 5.1 inputs or you must feed 5 powered speakers the individual outputs. That is hard to do because the stereo cable can carry the LFE and center channel on the same output.



And when I try it with my mixer it send .
Channel 1 = Front Left
Channel 3 = Front Center
Channel 5 = Surround (Rear) Left
To one output which is the left output on my behringer mixer

And does the same for the other one on the light channel
Channel 6 = Surround (Rear) Right
Channel 2 = Front Right
Channel 3 = Front Center
So how would you separate each channel to each speaker

And whenever you turn the volume up on the laptop you get a distorted sound for some reason


Turd wrote on 3/26/2020, 11:35 AM

Anybody know if VP recognizes and outputs 8-channel audio to this bad boy in real time directly off the timeline:


If it actually works the way I hope, it'd be the answer to my prayers. Perhaps yours, too?

Edit: I just learned the optical port (the only digital port) on this unit supports only two channels. My dream to keep multichannel monitoring audio beyond stereo without having to convert to analog is once again dashed 😭

However, maybe that's not so bad in the long run after all. At some point an amplifier would need to do the digital conversion anywayz. It'd just be nice to have a simple hook-up scheme rather than having to use several audio cables to get the job done. Oh well, first-world problem. Dare to dream.

Last changed by Turd on 3/27/2020, 9:10 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Note to self (everyone else please look away -- the note that follows is a reminder for mine eyes only): Figure out a clever, kick-booty signature that suggests I'm completely aware of how to properly and exhaustively party on and that I, in fact, engage in said act on a frequent and spontaneous basis. All joking aside, listing my computer's properties is a futile endeavor. I edit multimedia in a local television station newsroom that has Vegas Pro installed on several machines with widely varied specs. We began editing non-linearly with Pinnacle Studio Version 8. That didn't last long before we upgraded to Vegas Video Version 4, then to Vegas Pro 10.

Former user wrote on 3/26/2020, 11:36 AM

My soundcard has 3 outputs. Output 1- FL, FR, Output 2-RL RR, Ouput 3-Center, LFE. They come out on a Stereo line each which is separated into 6 RCA plugs that plug into the amp which has 6 inputs, 1 for each channel. I can't use the ASIO audio for this, I have to use the Computer audio mapping.

Sheriff-adeyemi wrote on 3/26/2020, 11:38 AM

Where can you get the sound card from or any recommendations for sound card

Sheriff-adeyemi wrote on 3/26/2020, 11:39 AM

My soundcard has 3 outputs. Output 1- FL, FR, Output 2-RL RR, Ouput 3-Center, LFE. They come out on a Stereo line each which is separated into 6 RCA plugs that plug into the amp which has 6 inputs, 1 for each channel. I can't use the ASIO audio for this, I have to use the Computer audio mapping.

Can it be any sound card withjust outputs

Former user wrote on 3/26/2020, 11:57 AM

Mine is the on the mainboard. You can buy soundcards, or used to be able to. If they are 5.1 or 7.1 compatible and have the analog outputs for the channels, it should work.

Sheriff-adeyemi wrote on 3/26/2020, 12:14 PM

Mine is the on the mainboard. You can buy soundcards, or used to be able to. If they are 5.1 or 7.1 compatible and have the analog outputs for the channels, it should work.


This one has 6 outputs at the back would it work

Former user wrote on 3/26/2020, 12:53 PM

I am sorry, I don't know that card. You used to be able to get internal soundcards that were around the $50 range that would do it. I haven't shopped for these things for a while so I can't help. Maybe contact the seller or manufacturer and see if it will do what you want.

fr0sty wrote on 3/26/2020, 4:36 PM

This gives you 16 channels of input and 8 channels (up to 7.1) of output.




AMD Ryzen 7 1800x 8 core 16 thread at stock speed

64GB 3000mhz DDR4

Geforce RTX 3090

Windows 10


ASUS Zenbook Pro Duo 32GB (9980HK CPU, RTX 2060 GPU, dual 4K touch screens, main one OLED HDR)

Grazie wrote on 3/26/2020, 5:02 PM

@fr0sty - Sweet!