Forum Changes - My Account


SonyKSA wrote on 3/8/2005, 9:54 AM
I don't know if you noticed, but I did make the words "Reply by:" an anchor link that will jump you up the page to the post that any message is a reply to. As with any anchor link, it doesn't work so great at the bottom of the page, but I was hoping it would help on long threads.

I thought that this was any okay way to help non-threaded users figure out the thread without adding to much clutter or overly intensive database calls.

Let me know what you think.
JackHughs wrote on 3/8/2005, 2:56 PM
This is a test post to assure myself that re-registration worked.

Lili wrote on 3/9/2005, 10:58 AM
Has there ever been any thought given to a Vegas Video forum,specifically for newbies, (like me), or would this serve no useful purpose?

When I have a question, that I've tried to find the answer elsewhere first, I vacilate, -- "to post or not to post? " How do the majority of them view newbie questions and do any of THEM wish we had our own forum? I wonder.

Having said all this I may, or may not, be posting a question later today.

Liam_Vegas wrote on 3/9/2005, 11:05 AM
Could we please be allowed to TRULY delete posts that we create that no-one has yet responded to? That would at least allow us to clear up any "Accidental" posts (like the many duplicate posts today for instance).

FrigidNDEditing wrote on 3/10/2005, 11:29 AM
Far as I know, we all usually look at a post that suggests that we may be able to help, or we may well me able to learn something buy reading it (and then we usually give our 2 cents +/-)

MUTTLEY wrote on 3/11/2005, 2:03 PM

As it seems that all is running smooth here in our happy little forum, I just wanted to reiterate my desire to remove the " " Last edited by " from posts. I, as others, have already expressed several reasons why.

Also would still LOVE to have the ability to use " sigs " as in other forums. Not graphics or anything quite that obnoxious, but a simple line or two as you see mine below. It doesn't detract or clutter things up and would make things a little easier.

- Ray
Liam_Vegas wrote on 3/11/2005, 2:34 PM
My own opinion is - I prefer the "last edited by" stays. I appreciate there is a different opinion... but just wanted to make sure that it didn't seem as if there was only one opinion here. As a general rule - if I make a substantial change / addition to a post I will put a little explaination myself anyway... but nevertheless I personally like the fact there is a message placed there by the system.
B.Verlik wrote on 3/13/2005, 2:37 AM
One more request, that you'll probably ignore. How about putting a sequential number on the right side of the columm, so when I'm scrolling down, I can find where I left off in a second? I think it would really come in handy in long threads. Like this one.
JJKizak wrote on 3/13/2005, 8:57 AM
Or a very large bright red highlight.

Randy Brown wrote on 3/14/2005, 7:58 AM
Hey I just noticed the forum is displaying local time...unless of course they just switched it to Mountain time for everyone....thanks either way Sony : )
jetdv wrote on 3/15/2005, 12:09 PM
How about a "goto post #" option on the SEARCH screen. When you get:

Displaying Matches 101 - 200 (18844 total)

and you know you are looking for something really old, you could, say, go straight to post 18500 without hitting "Next" 185 times.
Grazie wrote on 3/15/2005, 2:26 PM
There is ? . .. Isn't the line under the line ion the post page for this? Under the Forum List line? Isn't that the thing? You can go straight to a post number - if that is what you want - no?

jetdv wrote on 3/15/2005, 6:48 PM
No, Grazie. NOT on the Posts screen - on the SEARCH RESULTS screen.
Grazie wrote on 3/15/2005, 9:41 PM
Yes, Edward, I did understand about the search screen, honest. But wouldn't this help you? No? Are you wishing for a kind of NNN <= X => NNNN search option? Wonder if you could make some code for this?!?

Seems a shame we got this in the screen I mentioned, and not within the other you mentioned. I would have thought it must be a simple case of duplicating the fields for that page - and maybe allowing for some kind of Boolean search? But what do I know?

Grazie wrote on 3/15/2005, 10:02 PM
Ok . .My wish .. building on Edward's Search thang!

Having just done a Search for Motion Blur, I was offered more than one page - no surprise there - but, and this has been galling me for sometime now, can we have the "next page" and "previous page" buttons repeated at the bottom of each search report page so I don't have too scroll back up through the 100 presented to then page forward or backwards. It would be a natural research process resulting in a simple enhancement to what is already a major asset for Sony - I thank you.


. . . and yes, my edted post here waws purely about my ribbish spulling, and nothung elkes! And I'm nit buying parinood efer! KO? Good, I'm gled I clared that oop.

stepfour wrote on 3/17/2005, 5:21 PM
Sometimes I search just the subject lines looking for a particular topic, but other times I have to search whole threads that may have a subject line different than what I am looking for but still contain valuable info on my desired subject inside. Would automatically highliting the word(s) I have searched for be possible with the current forum design? Right now, I use IE "Find" funtion once I am inside the thread but that is cumbersome.
Chienworks wrote on 3/18/2005, 5:39 PM
Netscape does this too. ;)
jetdv wrote on 3/20/2005, 7:26 PM
Today I logged in on another computer and, later, logged back out. This evening my normal computer was not automatically logged in (like it has been every use since the change-over). So when you log out on any machine it logs you out on all machines????
Chienworks wrote on 3/21/2005, 6:57 AM
Apparently so. They must only allow one cookie to be tracked at a time.
FrigidNDEditing wrote on 3/21/2005, 9:35 AM
Sony - I don't suppose theirs any chance that a thread starter could be given the ability to lock his/her own thread? just a thought, but it might put too much power in the hands of the users. Anyway - thanks for all you guys do, sorry if any of my posts caused more trouble.

T*Bob Tubb wrote on 3/22/2005, 6:49 AM
yeah, apparently hotmail regards sony as spam, which stinks.

does registering our email addresses mean we're going to get a whole bunch of spam now? Is this a way to make money by selling registered email adresses, or is it to truly provide better service? maybe this will intimidate people who aren't really serious about the forum. (good/bad?) glad I'm finally back on now.

Liam_Vegas wrote on 3/22/2005, 7:35 AM
tb - I think your questions will be answered by reading the Privacy Statement (look at the bottom of every page)
Spot|DSE wrote on 3/26/2005, 7:52 AM
I wish we had the option to see threads that were responding to "Ignored Users" as there are often great tidbits of information in those responses.
FrigidNDEditing wrote on 4/1/2005, 8:43 PM
Made you look :)
