VEGAS Pro 15 Update 3 (build 311) - General Discussion


Marco. wrote on 2/21/2018, 2:34 AM

I'm working on several projects all of them filled with 1080p24 footage from the GH2. It's working fine here, not a single crash with build 311 while I use stabilize, denoise, sharpen and CC fx. I usually import the GH2 footage via the Vegas Pro Device Explorer which maybe can make a difference because this changes the file wrapper.

I'm preparing a project now with GH2/GH5 mixed media to try to repro the issue. Did you use an 8 bit or a floating point project?
Any chance to share the project file which crashed?

Ustik wrote on 2/21/2018, 3:35 AM

@VEGAS_CommunityManager I'm wondering how your company and developing team still exists.

I have an answer why you are so unsuccessful with providing updates and customer satisfaction.

And why most of customers leave you and go to Adobe or other alternatives.

The answer is very simple: YOU DON'T HEAR US.

Actually you hear, but don't listen.

The difference between great developing team and intermediate one is their dialogue with end customer.


When you hear, listen and give feedback to them.

When their opinion matters.

Achieving this is simple - you can listen what we are asking about, and make priorities based on that.

But you make those priorities made on your assumptions.

Assumptions YOU make about what WE need.

WE = customers.

Customers = money income for you.

You ignore us = we ignore you.


@VEGAS_CommunityManager Is it hard to create a poll or survey where customers can vote for most important features?

Everybody can see it, everybody can be on the same track and know what to expect in the next update...


But for now we waste our time on this forum writing our MONOLOGUES to see in the next "update" how we are ignored.



P.S. I know this post is rude. But it is genuine. This is exactly how it happen now.


glovercover wrote on 2/21/2018, 3:48 AM

Hey guys! Does everyone have the same situation? Pan/Crop and VideoFX windows still have this bug

Former user wrote on 2/21/2018, 4:42 AM

I'm working on several projects all of them filled with 1080p24 footage from the GH2. It's working fine here, not a single crash with build 311 while I use stabilize, denoise, sharpen and CC fx. I usually import the GH2 footage via the Vegas Pro Device Explorer which maybe can make a difference because this changes the file wrapper.

I'm preparing a project now with GH2/GH5 mixed media to try to repro the issue. Did you use an 8 bit or a floating point project?
Any chance to share the project file which crashed?

Marco .. When I did the small Haswell test to confirm 10 bit support for hevc, initially the 311 hung, had to crash close, hadn’t had to do this for quite some time, Win 10. Maybe theres a developing issue here? a few users have reports of hanging at a very early stage. Update, redid the same steps with the same small test project and couldn’t get it to hang again, maybe just a once off.



Wolfgang S. wrote on 2/21/2018, 5:38 AM

Hey guys! Does everyone have the same situation? Pan/Crop and VideoFX windows still have this bug

What bug do you mean? What works wrong according to your understanding?

Desktop: PC AMD 3960X, 24x3,8 Mhz * RTX 3080 Ti (12 GB)* Blackmagic Extreme 4K 12G * QNAP Max8 10 Gb Lan * Resolve Studio 18 * Edius X* Blackmagic Pocket 6K/6K Pro, EVA1, FS7

Laptop: ProArt Studiobook 16 OLED * internal HDR preview * i9 12900H with i-GPU Iris XE * 32 GB Ram) * Geforce RTX 3070 TI 8GB * internal HDR preview on the laptop monitor * Blackmagic Ultrastudio 4K mini

HDR monitor: ProArt Monitor PA32 UCG-K 1600 nits, Atomos Sumo

Others: Edius NX (Canopus NX)-card in an old XP-System. Edius 4.6 and other systems

Marco. wrote on 2/21/2018, 7:31 AM

That screen recording was edited at around timecode 11:10 to 11:11. So obviously a section was deleted where the Noise FX was added. So can't see any other strange thing either.

wilri001 wrote on 2/21/2018, 8:36 AM

I came from another NLE that crashed a lot, too. They implemented logging of requests. So when the program is restarted, nothing is EVER lost. Yes, I certainly wish v15 didn't slow down, hang and crash. But if you implemented logging of requests - which can't be too difficult since there is already a CTRL-Z list of requests that just needs written to disk - then at least we wouldn't lose our work.

And perhaps this request log could be sent to support so you can easily see what we were doing before the hang/crash.

wwjd wrote on 2/21/2018, 8:42 AM

Will all of us unable to actually USE VP15 due to these bugs, get a free upgrade to 16 when available?

VEGAS_CommunityManager wrote on 2/21/2018, 8:50 AM

@Fiola First of all, we need to figure out what happens in your case. Actually, this FAQ(point 8) from Nick is very helpful. Especially these two can help us a lot for reproducing a possible issue:

MediaInfo and File Properties can be useful.

A link to online media samples and a .veg project file can be useful.

So, if you don't mind, you can attach this to your existing ticket. Furthermore, just in case, I would follow the instructions you already got in the support ticket (I know, you think this is not helpful. If I would be in your shoes, I'd try it anyway. I'm a person who doesn't want to leave any chance open.😉)



@MathiasH Is it hard to create a poll or survey where customers can vote for most important features?

We could actually do that. I will address that internally.

Everybody can see it, everybody can be on the same track and know what to expect in the next update...

How an implementation of a bug fix or feature is prioritized, still lies in the hands of the VEGAS team. There are sooo many factors which need to be considered (Gary talked about this multiple times).

The difference between great developing team and intermediate one is their dialogue with end customer.


When you hear, listen and give feedback to them.

If you look into the past general discussion or release threads, you will always find at least someone from the development team, who is engaging with the community. That is why I think our team is a great one, because they face the community criticism.

There would be way less stress, when we would straight up ignore the forum. I for one know, that a lot of developers are looking into the community every day and that – I believe – is the maybe more uncomfortable but right way.

OldSmoke wrote on 2/21/2018, 8:54 AM

Will all of us unable to actually USE VP15 due to these bugs, get a free upgrade to 16 when available?

We all said the same about almost any version of Vegas.

Proud owner of Sony Vegas Pro 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13 and now Magix VP15&16.

System Spec.:
Motherboard: ASUS X299 Prime-A

Ram: G.Skill 4x8GB DDR4 2666 XMP

CPU: i7-9800x @ 4.6GHz (custom water cooling system)
GPU: 1x AMD Vega Pro Frontier Edition (water cooled)
Hard drives: System Samsung 970Pro NVME, AV-Projects 1TB (4x Intel P7600 512GB VROC), 4x 2.5" Hotswap bays, 1x 3.5" Hotswap Bay, 1x LG BluRay Burner

PSU: Corsair 1200W
Monitor: 2x Dell Ultrasharp U2713HM (2560x1440)

wilri001 wrote on 2/21/2018, 9:08 AM

Well, I’ve only been around since version 13, but I’m using it with almost no hang/crash. So v15 isn’t in the same league as v13 from my experience.

OldSmoke wrote on 2/21/2018, 9:31 AM

Well, I’ve only been around since version 13, but I’m using it with almost no hang/crash. So v15 isn’t in the same league as v13 from my experience.

It was the last version made by Sony but also had a lot of issues when it came out. But yes, by far less issues compared to VP15. Still, some bugs version 12 or even 11 where only resolved in 13, some are still there until today. For me too it is the only version I use for production; my VP14 is installed but I just can't work with the monochrome icons.

Proud owner of Sony Vegas Pro 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13 and now Magix VP15&16.

System Spec.:
Motherboard: ASUS X299 Prime-A

Ram: G.Skill 4x8GB DDR4 2666 XMP

CPU: i7-9800x @ 4.6GHz (custom water cooling system)
GPU: 1x AMD Vega Pro Frontier Edition (water cooled)
Hard drives: System Samsung 970Pro NVME, AV-Projects 1TB (4x Intel P7600 512GB VROC), 4x 2.5" Hotswap bays, 1x 3.5" Hotswap Bay, 1x LG BluRay Burner

PSU: Corsair 1200W
Monitor: 2x Dell Ultrasharp U2713HM (2560x1440)

Wolfgang S. wrote on 2/21/2018, 9:44 AM

I use Vegas Pro 15 for my 4K editing, with 10bit UHD 50p XAVC-I footage from the FS7. Or with UHD 25p 10bit Long-GOP EVA1 footage, and in future more with UHD 50p 10bit ProRes. While there are still performance issues for example with XAVC-I, the System behaves stable in most cases with Vegas Pro 15. Sometimes I also edit HD mepg2 422 footage from the FS7 - nice so far.

Especially for the EVA1 footage I see significant improvements for the 10bit EVA1 Long GOP footage in build 311.

While there is still room for improvement, it is possible to edit the footage with Vegas Pro 15. In some cases with LUTs if I shoot log, in other cases with Filmconvert if I grade for rec709. In the future more with ACES 1 maybe, if I start to grade more for HDR and when Vegas will have the capabilities to support also HDR.

I have also an Edius 9.1 but also a Resolve 14 Studio license. But my prefered Editor is still Vegas, since I like the Surface and the approach how to edit.

Last changed by Wolfgang S. on 2/21/2018, 9:45 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Desktop: PC AMD 3960X, 24x3,8 Mhz * RTX 3080 Ti (12 GB)* Blackmagic Extreme 4K 12G * QNAP Max8 10 Gb Lan * Resolve Studio 18 * Edius X* Blackmagic Pocket 6K/6K Pro, EVA1, FS7

Laptop: ProArt Studiobook 16 OLED * internal HDR preview * i9 12900H with i-GPU Iris XE * 32 GB Ram) * Geforce RTX 3070 TI 8GB * internal HDR preview on the laptop monitor * Blackmagic Ultrastudio 4K mini

HDR monitor: ProArt Monitor PA32 UCG-K 1600 nits, Atomos Sumo

Others: Edius NX (Canopus NX)-card in an old XP-System. Edius 4.6 and other systems

Fiola wrote on 2/21/2018, 9:48 AM

@Fiola First of all, we need to figure out what happens in your case. Actually, this FAQ(point 8) from Nick is very helpful. Especially these two can help us a lot for reproducing a possible issue:

MediaInfo and File Properties can be useful.

A link to online media samples and a .veg project file can be useful.

So, if you don't mind, you can attach this to your existing ticket. Furthermore, just in case, I would follow the instructions you already got in the support ticket (I know, you think this is not helpful. If I would be in your shoes, I'd try it anyway. I'm a person who doesn't want to leave any chance open.😉)

Thank you Mathias, I will do more than that! I will collect everything in one super-pack which I will hand over to you to look at it with MAGIX team. Next monday I am producing new episode of our web show. The lenght of that show is around 2:30 minutes, so it's the best real case scenario thing I can show you.

I will collect all my HW information, all the VEGAS and System information logs, I will record my editing process using SHADOWPLAY - to showcase you exactly how I struggle with even basic editing and how VEGAS gets slower and slower even after 3 minutes in usage. I will highlight in that video the biggest issues I have every week during producing that show. And then, I will create package with all the media used for that video, upload it to you in our cloud storage and you can download it, load it at office and see for yourself how it works.

I will do that under hidden administrator account mentioned in support ticket (even I am working on that account entire time :D). I will do that with so4 enabled AND disabled - just to be sure - but I guess there will not be much different results.

In general, I have three different problems with VEGAS which I see as very important. And I am sorry for mixing them together in my previous posts. But just to be clear. I am talking here about:

  1. VEGAS getting slower and slower - keeps crashing randomly when you are editing for some time or leaving VEGAS opened too much on background
  2. Unwatchable video preview playback (stuttering) - When using PROXY files VEGAS keeps crashing
  3. Very very slow rendering final output file in 4K (4K content, using NVENC MAGIX codec or without NVENC - utilization of GPU is never more than 3%)

All of these problems you will see in a video I will do next monday :).

After that I think you will get enough information about used hardware, system setup, codecs, or even production data for easy and clear reproduction, hopefully that will be enough for making VEGAS better and push your dev team forward in right direction.

PS: I dont want to be rude, but @Wolfgang S. I am so happy for you that you have no problems with editing in current version of VEGAS. That's really great you can edit everything without these issues! But I think, we are capable here to see this is widespread issue. I am not investing my time here or anyone else to be just rude, arrogant or "bitchy". I am not requesting any new feature. I just want to find a way how to make editing work again at least to bearable minimum. VEGAS 15.311 is great piece of software, but it has problems. So, please, try to understand that if something works just fine for you without any problem, it doesn't mean there is no problem at all. You have probably different rig and we are trying to find what is so wrong on our configurations that so many people has these exact problems. On top of that. How is that I don't have same problems with Premiere, on the same rig? I understand, that you don't know who is behind each computer, but I can assure you, that I know what am I doing - at least from the perspective of system administration. Right now, it doesnt matter if you're using GH2 or GH5 footage, if you have 10bit or 8bit projects, using All-Intra or not. Generally speaking, the VEGAS 15.311 isn't working smoothly for many users, and we need to find out why - together! - hopefully Mathias will address that with little of our help here. Thanks for understanding! :)

robyr1 wrote on 2/21/2018, 9:51 AM

could somebody show what kind of controls/metadata for RED cameras Vegas addded to the new update?

Fiola wrote on 2/21/2018, 9:57 AM

Hey guys! Does everyone have the same situation? Pan/Crop and VideoFX windows still have this bug

This should see @VEGAS_CommunityManager! That's exactly that bug/glitch. Which is getting slower and slower also. You click on Pan/Crop and after 30 minutes in VEGAS editing you need to wait at least 3 seconds when that sub-window will stop flashing/refreshing to be actually usable! Yes!

OldSmoke wrote on 2/21/2018, 9:59 AM

@Fiola Do you have any Antivirus software running in the background?

Proud owner of Sony Vegas Pro 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13 and now Magix VP15&16.

System Spec.:
Motherboard: ASUS X299 Prime-A

Ram: G.Skill 4x8GB DDR4 2666 XMP

CPU: i7-9800x @ 4.6GHz (custom water cooling system)
GPU: 1x AMD Vega Pro Frontier Edition (water cooled)
Hard drives: System Samsung 970Pro NVME, AV-Projects 1TB (4x Intel P7600 512GB VROC), 4x 2.5" Hotswap bays, 1x 3.5" Hotswap Bay, 1x LG BluRay Burner

PSU: Corsair 1200W
Monitor: 2x Dell Ultrasharp U2713HM (2560x1440)

Wolfgang S. wrote on 2/21/2018, 10:14 AM


So, please, try to understand that if something works just fine for you without any problem, it doesn't mean there is no problem at all.

Did I state somewhere that I do think that there are no problems at all? Of that I think that you or other users do not have the problems that are described?I do not think that you will find such a statement from my side.

But frankly spoken, give your Information package to Magix. That is great and maybe it helps. But without detailed informations what is going wrong and given the mixture of Problems also in your postings that will be hard to Repro (with the Information that I have seen here in the discussions).

For example, I undestood that you have suffered from  a core utilization of 100% with GH5 footage and maybe crashes? Is that gone with the new build?

Personally I think it is must be also fine to state that the software works fine as it does for me. The general trend to state here how terrible Vegas and that the new upgrade must be terrible too is something that I cannot follow, simply because I have a different experience and because it ignores the hard work done by the guys in the development team. And I know that they work hard to improve the situation.

Desktop: PC AMD 3960X, 24x3,8 Mhz * RTX 3080 Ti (12 GB)* Blackmagic Extreme 4K 12G * QNAP Max8 10 Gb Lan * Resolve Studio 18 * Edius X* Blackmagic Pocket 6K/6K Pro, EVA1, FS7

Laptop: ProArt Studiobook 16 OLED * internal HDR preview * i9 12900H with i-GPU Iris XE * 32 GB Ram) * Geforce RTX 3070 TI 8GB * internal HDR preview on the laptop monitor * Blackmagic Ultrastudio 4K mini

HDR monitor: ProArt Monitor PA32 UCG-K 1600 nits, Atomos Sumo

Others: Edius NX (Canopus NX)-card in an old XP-System. Edius 4.6 and other systems

Wolfgang S. wrote on 2/21/2018, 10:15 AM

Hey guys! Does everyone have the same situation? Pan/Crop and VideoFX windows still have this bug

This should see @VEGAS_CommunityManager! That's exactly that bug/glitch. Which is getting slower and slower also. You click on Pan/Crop and after 30 minutes in VEGAS editing you need to wait at least 3 seconds when that sub-window will stop flashing/refreshing to be actually usable! Yes!

But that is not shown in this video. Or is it?

I do not see a slowdown even on my weaker Laptop - but I have not waited for 30 minutes. And I do not see that my machines adds the noise filter too.

So if you state that there is a slowdown in the response of Vegas - ok. With that type of footage, with what project pettings, how large is the project in terms of how many different Clips are used ...

Last changed by Wolfgang S. on 2/21/2018, 10:21 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Desktop: PC AMD 3960X, 24x3,8 Mhz * RTX 3080 Ti (12 GB)* Blackmagic Extreme 4K 12G * QNAP Max8 10 Gb Lan * Resolve Studio 18 * Edius X* Blackmagic Pocket 6K/6K Pro, EVA1, FS7

Laptop: ProArt Studiobook 16 OLED * internal HDR preview * i9 12900H with i-GPU Iris XE * 32 GB Ram) * Geforce RTX 3070 TI 8GB * internal HDR preview on the laptop monitor * Blackmagic Ultrastudio 4K mini

HDR monitor: ProArt Monitor PA32 UCG-K 1600 nits, Atomos Sumo

Others: Edius NX (Canopus NX)-card in an old XP-System. Edius 4.6 and other systems

wilri001 wrote on 2/21/2018, 10:16 AM

Yes, same for me. @OldSmoke, yes I have Windows 10 antivirus, but it doesn't affect Vegas 13, so it can't be that. I would love to give Magix support a good dump file, but when this happens CTL+SHIFT while pressing SEND doesn't work. In fact, I've only been able to make that work once out of 173 dumps. I've opened support ticket on this, and they say it doesn't happen to them. So nothing is being done about it. It's strange they can't reproduce because it doesn't seem to be GPU related, since it happens with GPU on or off. And it's happened on my previous AMD 8350 and current Threadripper 1950x. BTW, @fiola didn't mention that if you continue, it will eventually hang/crash, as well.


Fiola wrote on 2/21/2018, 10:22 AM

@Fiola Do you have any Antivirus software running in the background?

@OldSmoke No, I have not. I already answer that... that's the point of this whole problem. We are making circles around one and the same reproduction. :) I will try to state it here now:

  • I am not using any antivirus (except Windows Defender)
  • There is no change when I disabled Windows Defender (entirely or even just realtime protection)
  • No, I dont have any virus in my computer.
  • No, I dont have any bitcoin miner in my computer.
  • Yes, I am sure. :)
  • Why I am so sure? Because I see what is running in my computer using task manager and software/hardware checking.
  • I have newest drivers.
  • Yes, I have newest Windows (released stable).
  • Yes, I have different rig with different hardware used - 100% reproduction of my problems
  • Yes, I have newest codecs (K-Lite pack) installed.
  • Yes, I tried it without them too.
  • I tried to disable so4.
  • I tried to reinstall whole computer.
  • I tried another NLE and cried during so.
  • I tried to run VEGAS under hidden administration account with no better results.
  • I tried to remove all third party plugins.
  • I tried to remove some of the third party plugins.
  • I tried to install back my third party plugins.
  • I tried to overclock my computer to just squeeze better performance from it.
  • I failed that last part miserably. Mainly because it's already powerful computer as hell, so there were no point in doing that.
  • I tried to set prority cores / performance priority in task manager to highest (no effect).
  • I tried to move project data from my SSD's to classic 7200rpm HDD - same results.
  • I tried to move project data back - same results.
  • I tried to change resolution of my displays (I have two DELL's 4K UHD monitors) to FULL HD - same results
  • I switched that back to UHD.

Sorry, this is ridiculous, I covered basically everything already on what you can ask me, right? 😀

bilco64 wrote on 2/21/2018, 10:31 AM

I'm trying to render a 15 minute project, but it won't render. The "elapsed time" continues to run, even after the "approximate time left" is all zeros. When I go to the file location, there is a file that only plays about 20% of the project. Suggestions?

Fiola wrote on 2/21/2018, 10:35 AM

This should see @MathiasH! That's exactly that bug/glitch. Which is getting slower and slower also.

I'm very curious how you can see this in a video of 21 seconds, the one I have to look 3 times with stops while it is playing so fast. How do you see the slower and slower ???

It's not getting slower in this video! That video only showcase the basic glitch at, lets say, start duration. The duration of opening that Pan/Crop and Fx window is getting worse after you spend some time editing of the footage. After 30 minutes of working on some project you can count up to five seconds when you can actually use the Pan/Crop window.

Fiola wrote on 2/21/2018, 10:37 AM

You can see the glitch every time he opens the window! :) You don't see the flicker in that opening? It should be really instant. The weird thing is that you don't really see the slowdown. Either you don't see that flicker which makes it, or I dont know, you really don't have problems during editing. I slowed down the footage.

That flicker looks like no big deal. But actually it is. Because during that time it will locks application up. So you have to wait until that window is rendered to use it. Most of the time, exactly in the flicker - the crash of whole software also happens :).