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Magix Sample Project 4K link ...
A user data input file, spreadsheet, render templates for FHD and UHD, etc are also at this location.
Templates and User data input with examples ...
The above are Magix Avc h264 templates, for Hevc use them also, same data rates etc, just change the “Render As” to Magix Hevc.
The spreadsheet and the spreadsheet screen captures below are updated in the download link location as new results come in. If i’m away from my PC it might be a while.
Spreadsheet screen captures ...
[1] Sorted on user name and [2] Sorted on render times
[3] Sorted on render times (FHD) [4] Sorted on render times (UHD)
[5] Sorted on Average FPS
The [n] items are there simply to easily reference a particular screen capture in discussions.
There's a single region marked out on the project, region 1. Please use it to check the Min. and Max. fps playback rates, and so get the average. This was added later, so if you have previously downloaded the zip, no need to do again, I've uploaded the project file as a single separate download. The same updated .veg is also in the zip. If possible give your playback rates in the form min-max e.g. 7-14. If you have say full playback, 25fps I'll enter it as 25-25, with a view to assist in sorting on the FPS column, not possible at the moment.
The following may be of little interest but I'll include it anyway.