Post Your VEGAS Creations!


EricLNZ wrote on 6/4/2023, 9:53 PM

I saw this thread pop up on the home page and was excited to see a new vegas creation only to be greeted with troubleshooting

Yes Gentlemen, this thread is titled Post Your Vegas Creations. It has gone way off topic. Please take discussion on file types and their troubleshooting elsewhere. Either to a new thread or an existing thread dealing with such problems.

EricLNZ wrote on 6/4/2023, 10:01 PM

This thread has also got very long so I'm closing it off and opening a new one:

Former user wrote on 6/4/2023, 10:59 PM

@Former user I know the basics of GOP & have been reading whenever I can, so thought I'd have a look at this, I searched Google for GoPro, GOP, P frames, there's a few pages that ramble on about alsorts of stuff so to narrow the reading I tried top right - Find, but It's not any good to narrow the search using 'Find GOP' on a Gopro page 😂