
j-v wrote on 9/17/2023, 12:18 PM

- What is your Sony(?????) Vegas version and buildnumber?
- What is your used hardware?
- What are your sources (MediaInfo please)?
- What is your project format?
- What (customized?) rendertemplate do you try?
- What is the used driverversion for your Nvidia GPU?
If possible use screenshots to show us

met vriendelijke groet

Camera : Pan X900, GoPro Hero7 Hero Black, DJI Osmo Pocket, Samsung Galaxy A8
Desktop :MB Gigabyte Z390M, W11 home version 24H2, i7 9700 4.7Ghz,16 DDR4 GB RAM, Gef. GTX 1660 Ti with driver
566.14 Studiodriver and Intel HD graphics 630 with driver
Laptop  :Asus ROG Str G712L, W11 home version 23H2, CPU i7-10875H, 16 GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 with Studiodriver 566.14 and Intel UHD Graphics 630 with driver
Vegas software: VP 10 to 22 and VMS(pl) 10,12 to 17.
TV      :LG 4K 55EG960V

My slogan is: BE OR BECOME A STEM CELL DONOR!!! (because it saved my life in 2016)


andyrpsmith wrote on 9/17/2023, 3:11 PM

If you tick enable legacy AVC decoding you tell Vegas not to use your GPU.

(Intel 3rd gen i5@4.1GHz, 32GB RAM, SSD, 1080Ti GPU, Windows 10) Not now used with Vegas.

13th gen i913900K - water cooled, 96GB RAM, 4TB M2 drive, 4TB games SSD, 2TB video SSD, GPU RTX 4080 Super, Windows 11 pro

j-v wrote on 9/17/2023, 4:25 PM

Hello JV I use Sony Vegas version 18 Build 482

That version does not exist and that buildnumber is not the best and latest

met vriendelijke groet

Camera : Pan X900, GoPro Hero7 Hero Black, DJI Osmo Pocket, Samsung Galaxy A8
Desktop :MB Gigabyte Z390M, W11 home version 24H2, i7 9700 4.7Ghz,16 DDR4 GB RAM, Gef. GTX 1660 Ti with driver
566.14 Studiodriver and Intel HD graphics 630 with driver
Laptop  :Asus ROG Str G712L, W11 home version 23H2, CPU i7-10875H, 16 GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 with Studiodriver 566.14 and Intel UHD Graphics 630 with driver
Vegas software: VP 10 to 22 and VMS(pl) 10,12 to 17.
TV      :LG 4K 55EG960V

My slogan is: BE OR BECOME A STEM CELL DONOR!!! (because it saved my life in 2016)


RogerS wrote on 9/17/2023, 5:01 PM

Does the NVIDIA decoder do 8K HEVC? If not it will all be on the CPU and everything else will have to wait for the decoding.

Howard-Vigorita wrote on 9/17/2023, 5:41 PM

@peter-d5816 Make sure you uncheck the box for legacy-hevc decoding. Not sure if Nvidia will decode 8k 420 hevc but that setting will at least give it a shot.

Btw, I've found 8k on the s23 disappointing. It's limited to 30p and 24p and only one lens option... 4k goes up to 60p which looks better, decodes easier, and gives the option to choose any of the 4 lenses. And if you can get by with 4k 30p, there's double the low-light capability and sharper focus compared to 8k 30p.

Former user wrote on 9/17/2023, 6:58 PM

I tried to render 17min 4k video with

PC after 20min 2% done remaining 9hours

Samsung S23Ultra with CapCut after 15mins finished 4k video 10GB size

Capcut will automatically use hardware encoding, with Vegas you need to select a MagixAVC/HEVC Nvenc option, Nvenc being the Nvidia hardware encoder

(8K source 8K output)

(8K source 4K output)



Reyfox wrote on 9/20/2023, 1:07 PM

Glad you found the problem..... deleting "Sony" Vegas ....


Vegas Pro 22 (VP18-21 also installed)

Win 11 Pro always updated

AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16 cores / 32 threads

32GB DDR4 3200

Sapphire RX6700XT 12GB Driver: Pro 23.Q3

Gigabyte X570 Elite Motherboard

Panasonic G9, G7, FZ300

Howard-Vigorita wrote on 9/20/2023, 4:52 PM

Does the NVIDIA decoder do 8K HEVC? If not it will all be on the CPU and everything else will have to wait for the decoding.

Apparently Nvidia does decode 8k hevc. Just not particularly well on my Xeon using a 1660 for decoding. Here I was trying to play an 8k 30p Fuji clip with no proxy and getting 0.626 fps compared to about 6 fps on the Arc machine:

Former user wrote on 9/20/2023, 7:28 PM

@Howard-Vigorita It's Vegas's implementation nothing wrong with your Nvidia GPU or it's decode. Interesting to see the Arc decoder working better on Vegas though.

(8K30 project)

You can see by the decode graphs what it should look like when working correctly in Resolve, in comparison with those jagged lines in Vegas which happen when Vegas can't process all the frames and drops them instead

Howard-Vigorita wrote on 9/20/2023, 8:43 PM

I just tried it in Resolve... will post details in the other thread. Also tried playing the 8k clip in the default Windows Media Player... next to no gpu utilization and very little cpu either... but looks spectacular full screen.

Former user wrote on 9/20/2023, 9:02 PM

@Howard-Vigorita in Resolve the 8K timeline used10GB Vram, getting up to 12GB when playing, so potentially you'll have problems due to your cards 6GB Vram but it would be unrelated to the Nvidia Decoder, more to do with swapping memory between Vram and system memory.

peter-d5816 wrote on 10/1/2023, 11:40 AM

Does the NVIDIA decoder do 8K HEVC? If not it will all be on the CPU and everything else will have to wait for the decoding.

Apparently Nvidia does decode 8k hevc. Just not particularly well on my Xeon using a 1660 for decoding. Here I was trying to play an 8k 30p Fuji clip with no proxy and getting 0.626 fps compared to about 6 fps on the Arc machine:


peter-d5816 wrote on 10/1/2023, 11:56 AM

@Howard-Vigorita in Resolve the 8K timeline used10GB Vram, getting up to 12GB when playing, so potentially you'll have problems due to your cards 6GB Vram but it would be unrelated to the Nvidia Decoder, more to do with swapping memory between Vram and system memory.

Resolve other problem offline media :(

Former user wrote on 10/1/2023, 6:20 PM

@peter-d5816 the free Resolve is a 4K editor, limited to 4096x4096 (I think) I"m using the paid Resolve and I assume Howard is too. One of Resolve's more common bugs is 'offline media' though so hard to know if you're running into a free Resolve restriction. It would make sense and not be a bug if free Resolve simply won't decode 8K.

peter-d5816 wrote on 10/7/2023, 5:01 AM

Hello guys I installed yesterday Sony Vegas Pro 21 trial version .First problem my videos after import looks grey

peter-d5816 wrote on 10/7/2023, 5:06 AM

Solution I changed in Project Properties / Pixel format: from 32-bit floating to 8bit (full range) and everything looks

great now

peter-d5816 wrote on 10/7/2023, 5:14 AM

Second problem I'm looking for correct setup for 8k video render .

This is my setup for GPU

Preferences / Video / GPU acceleration of video processing: Optimal - NVIDIA GeForce


peter-d5816 wrote on 10/7/2023, 5:18 AM

And File I/0

peter-d5816 wrote on 10/7/2023, 5:28 AM

8K render setup

peter-d5816 wrote on 10/7/2023, 5:33 AM

CPU 100% GPU 3%

peter-d5816 wrote on 10/7/2023, 5:59 AM


RogerS wrote on 10/7/2023, 9:55 AM

Hello guys I installed yesterday Sony Vegas Pro 21 trial version .First problem my videos after import looks grey

The original post was deleted so where's the info about the system and the media?

Turn view transform to off in 32-bit full, or right-click on media go to properties, media and select a matching profile.

If it's 10-bit footage (esp. log) you'd want to export in a 32-bit mode to benefit from its added precision. That will slow down everything so you can edit in 8-bit mode.

Dynamic ram preview is set too high, past the point of having it benefit you. Try the default of 5% or just a GB or two.

What is the media exactly?

For preferences/ file io, change it to Intel QSV.

For your render setting if there is only Mainconcept then it won't use the GPU to encode. You need QSV or NVENC for GPU encoding.

Raw processor is for raw footage. Are you using a format like Blackmagic Raw? If not this is irrelevant and you can see it made no improvement.



peter-d5816 wrote on 10/7/2023, 11:17 AM

Latest setup

peter-d5816 wrote on 10/7/2023, 11:48 AM

Hello RogerS if i swap NV Encoder like you said for Intel QSV CPU 100% GPU 3% how you can see on this picture and rendering time from 7mins to 2h20mins


Hello guys I installed yesterday Sony Vegas Pro 21 trial version .First problem my videos after import looks grey

The original post was deleted so where's the info about the system and the media?

Turn view transform to off in 32-bit full, or right-click on media go to properties, media and select a matching profile.

If it's 10-bit footage (esp. log) you'd want to export in a 32-bit mode to benefit from its added precision. That will slow down everything so you can edit in 8-bit mode.

Dynamic ram preview is set too high, past the point of having it benefit you. Try the default of 5% or just a GB or two.

What is the media exactly?

For preferences/ file io, change it to Intel QSV.

For your render setting if there is only Mainconcept then it won't use the GPU to encode. You need QSV or NVENC for GPU encoding.

Raw processor is for raw footage. Are you using a format like Blackmagic Raw? If not this is irrelevant and you can see it made no improvement.