I have been using 8-bit (Full Range) a whole time, but I believe there much more potential for having better result with 32bit (Full Range) Pixel Format. However, in 32bit, that means you have more customization on settings, like the ACES Color space, Media Color space input, or even decide of whether you want to use VEGAS-supplied IDT LUTS or use Manufacturer's IDT LUTS through Color Grading Panel. (I wonder also of the Color Space selection of 'Default' in Media setting. What is 'Default' ?)
These customizations can make your result better, but on the other side also a pitfall to a lot of confusion.
Target video is to be published YouTube or Social Media.
Last week had a chance to go with 10 bit source records (XAVC-HS 4K 4:2:2), and I just tried my best:
- set to 32bit full range pixel format
- View Transform, which is my basic daily monitor, then sRGB (ACES)
- Set Media Color Space input to match my recording setting, which is Sony Slog3 & Sgamut3.cine
- Do color fix and grading through Color Grading Panel tool.
Like to hear your opinions regarding this 32bit pipeline workflow and reason of your selection decision.