Not Responding


walter-i. wrote on 11/21/2022, 7:58 AM

MTS video:
I cut the video several times, added 3D transitions, and sped back and forth across the timeline for 10 minutes at excessive speed - no crash, no freeze.

The MP4 video does not download for me.
Error message: "No video with supported format and MIME type found".

Vegas Edit 20, Build 214
PC see signature

Roger Bansemer wrote on 11/21/2022, 8:01 AM

That doesn't surprise me as I doubt just having two clips on a timeline would bog down anything. Also as I said before, there are times when the project works fine and other times when the same project bogs. Thanks for taking a look. I'm working on the project right now and if I minimize the Vegas window, even that has quite a lag. That's why I don't think it has much to do with the video itself.

andyrpsmith wrote on 11/21/2022, 8:05 AM

Fade between clips - no issue.

Split the MTS - no issue.

Add levels filter - no issue with either clip.

Overlap fade between split MTS clips on Best full cuts frame rate from 29.9 to 10.

Picture-in-Picture between both clips - no issue or lag.

Not made V20-214 crash with these two clips.

Last changed by andyrpsmith on 11/21/2022, 8:06 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

(Intel 3rd gen i5@4.1GHz, 32GB RAM, SSD, 1080Ti GPU, Windows 10) Not now used with Vegas.

13th gen i913900K - water cooled, 96GB RAM, 4TB M2 drive, 4TB games SSD, 2TB video SSD, GPU RTX 4080 Super, Windows 11 pro

relaxvideo wrote on 11/21/2022, 8:25 AM

That doesn't surprise me either. Roger Bansemer, i know exactly how you feel..

#1 Ryzen 5-1600, 16GB DDR4, Nvidia 1660 Super, M2-SSD, Acer freesync monitor

#2 i7-2600, 32GB, Nvidia 1660Ti, SSD for system, M2-SSD for work, 2x4TB hdd, LG 3D monitor +3DTV +3D projectors

Win10 x64, Vegas22 latest

RogerS wrote on 11/21/2022, 8:29 AM

Narrowing down what's not the cause gets you closer to whatever is.

andyrpsmith wrote on 11/21/2022, 11:00 AM

There we go, left it minimised for three hours and then on play back frame rate 8.3fps. Start playing from start goes into not responding and eventually crash. Notice the cursor is passed the picture in picture but the preview window shows PIP.

Last changed by andyrpsmith on 11/21/2022, 11:02 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

(Intel 3rd gen i5@4.1GHz, 32GB RAM, SSD, 1080Ti GPU, Windows 10) Not now used with Vegas.

13th gen i913900K - water cooled, 96GB RAM, 4TB M2 drive, 4TB games SSD, 2TB video SSD, GPU RTX 4080 Super, Windows 11 pro

andyrpsmith wrote on 11/21/2022, 11:06 AM

Here is the windows crash report. Only mentions V20 exe file as fault module.

Last changed by andyrpsmith on 11/21/2022, 11:07 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

(Intel 3rd gen i5@4.1GHz, 32GB RAM, SSD, 1080Ti GPU, Windows 10) Not now used with Vegas.

13th gen i913900K - water cooled, 96GB RAM, 4TB M2 drive, 4TB games SSD, 2TB video SSD, GPU RTX 4080 Super, Windows 11 pro

relaxvideo wrote on 11/21/2022, 11:18 AM

Great, thank you!

#1 Ryzen 5-1600, 16GB DDR4, Nvidia 1660 Super, M2-SSD, Acer freesync monitor

#2 i7-2600, 32GB, Nvidia 1660Ti, SSD for system, M2-SSD for work, 2x4TB hdd, LG 3D monitor +3DTV +3D projectors

Win10 x64, Vegas22 latest

Reyfox wrote on 11/21/2022, 11:25 AM

Bought Vegas Pro 20 yesterday. I opened some of my past projects and all is working so far.

@Roger Bansemer thanks for the clips. I put them on the timeline, decided to add some "artistic" BorisFX in the one with the painting (the water level was way loud though, muted the audio), and for the other with the woman standing next to the gentleman, I decided that some electric bolts from Ignite Pro 5, shooting from her hands into his eyes. Transition was NBFX 3D Grid Blast.

Minimizing is as instant as any other window on my computer. The same with Maximize. I will let it sit minimized for an hour or so and see what happens. If something does happen, I'll report it. If nothing, then I will let you know also.



Vegas Pro 22 (VP18-21 also installed)

Win 11 Pro always updated

AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16 cores / 32 threads

32GB DDR4 3200

Sapphire RX6700XT 12GB Driver: Pro 23.Q3

Gigabyte X570 Elite Motherboard

Panasonic G9, G7, FZ300

andyrpsmith wrote on 11/21/2022, 11:50 AM

What I find interesting is that I initially had a good experience with V20-139 in going back to old projects made with V18 (which was a really stable version for me at least, and looked good with the icons). I then upgraded to V20-214 via the upgrade option within V20. I then started to get random not responding much like @Roger Bansemer. I posted this in the main V20 feedback thread. I then decided to go back to V20 -139 and continued to use old projects with many less (but not zero) no-responding events (posted on the main thread). I then after a while decided to go back to V20-214 but via a download rather than an internal update. This seems to have been a better experience as I have been going through a number of projects with no issues as long as I convert all the clips from 24p HD to 25p 4K timeline first and then start editing. It seems V20-214 was not so happy to have 24p time stretched clips and 25p clips together. Todays crash with the two MP4 and MTS clips was a disappointment.

(Intel 3rd gen i5@4.1GHz, 32GB RAM, SSD, 1080Ti GPU, Windows 10) Not now used with Vegas.

13th gen i913900K - water cooled, 96GB RAM, 4TB M2 drive, 4TB games SSD, 2TB video SSD, GPU RTX 4080 Super, Windows 11 pro

Reyfox wrote on 11/21/2022, 12:23 PM

@Roger Bansemer and @andyrpsmith, I minimized VP20, and have been answering emails, screen capturing, using MS Paint, uploading to G-drive all whole time VP20 has been minimized for about an hour.

Maximizing again, it took 3 seconds for Vegas to "wake up" and I was off back to editing, doing weird stuff with the interface, zooming in/out/etc with the new feature for the Preview window.

For me, no issues.... yet.

I also decided to open VP19 with a project and edit there too.

Last changed by Reyfox on 11/21/2022, 12:30 PM, changed a total of 2 times.


Vegas Pro 22 (VP18-21 also installed)

Win 11 Pro always updated

AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16 cores / 32 threads

32GB DDR4 3200

Sapphire RX6700XT 12GB Driver: Pro 23.Q3

Gigabyte X570 Elite Motherboard

Panasonic G9, G7, FZ300

j-v wrote on 11/21/2022, 1:02 PM


.. a good experience with V20-139 .... I then decided to go back to V20 -139 and continued to use old projects...

The latest V20 build is B 214, look here: and here:


met vriendelijke groet

Camera : Pan X900, GoPro Hero7 Hero Black, DJI Osmo Pocket, Samsung Galaxy A8
Desktop :MB Gigabyte Z390M, W11 home version 24H2, i7 9700 4.7Ghz,16 DDR4 GB RAM, Gef. GTX 1660 Ti with driver
566.14 Studiodriver and Intel HD graphics 630 with driver
Laptop  :Asus ROG Str G712L, W11 home version 23H2, CPU i7-10875H, 16 GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 with Studiodriver 566.14 and Intel UHD Graphics 630 with driver
Vegas software: VP 10 to 22 and VMS(pl) 10,12 to 17.
TV      :LG 4K 55EG960V

My slogan is: BE OR BECOME A STEM CELL DONOR!!! (because it saved my life in 2016)


andyrpsmith wrote on 11/21/2022, 1:29 PM

Thanks j-v, I did download the V20 -214 from the location in the link and this is the more stable version I have that crashed today with @Roger Bansemer clips.

(Intel 3rd gen i5@4.1GHz, 32GB RAM, SSD, 1080Ti GPU, Windows 10) Not now used with Vegas.

13th gen i913900K - water cooled, 96GB RAM, 4TB M2 drive, 4TB games SSD, 2TB video SSD, GPU RTX 4080 Super, Windows 11 pro

walter-i. wrote on 11/21/2022, 4:40 PM

@Roger Bansemer and @andyrpsmith, I minimized VP20, and have been answering emails, screen capturing, using MS Paint, uploading to G-drive all whole time VP20 has been minimized for about an hour.

Maximizing again, it took 3 seconds for Vegas to "wake up" and I was off back to editing, doing weird stuff with the interface, zooming in/out/etc with the new feature for the Preview window.

For me, no issues.... yet.

I also decided to open VP19 with a project and edit there too.

I did a similar test over 2 hours - had VP 19 and VP 17 open and working on it - no problems here.

RogerS wrote on 11/21/2022, 6:54 PM

I've had many problems with VP 20 not coming back when it's the out of focus application for a few minutes. I just can't test it much as I have to reset the machine to bring it back each time and that interrupts the other work I need to get done. I'll see if the new NVIDIA drivers I downloaded have helped with that at all.

relaxvideo wrote on 11/27/2022, 1:17 PM

Trying to watch sport while editing..

This is a 5 cam HD 25p project with original camerafiles (avchd mp4 and mts).
First half hour was stable enough, not responding only here and there, around 1 in every hour.
But now i passed 1 hour playtime, and not responding occur in every 5-10 minutes :(
Nothing changed, no new media added, no extra process in background, only the events, editing
which are longer, bigger. Memory usage around 7-8GB from 16.
Fix it Magix!

Last changed by relaxvideo on 11/27/2022, 1:25 PM, changed a total of 2 times.

#1 Ryzen 5-1600, 16GB DDR4, Nvidia 1660 Super, M2-SSD, Acer freesync monitor

#2 i7-2600, 32GB, Nvidia 1660Ti, SSD for system, M2-SSD for work, 2x4TB hdd, LG 3D monitor +3DTV +3D projectors

Win10 x64, Vegas22 latest

Sging2 wrote on 12/10/2022, 7:37 AM

Anyone found a solution to this yet by any chance. I am still getting these issues of 3-4 second time delay on every action and crashing 5-6 times an hour, it seems to get worse the longer I am in the program editing, a restart of the PC helps for a short while. I am using the same media as I have done on the previous 12 years of Vegas versions. I have updated my drivers, tried it without GPU support, unplugged external drives but nothing makes a difference and this is really putting my post production time behind now. Vegas 19 is working perfectly but you cant open up a 20 project in 19 otherwise I would abandon 20 altogether. I have logged a call and so far sent them the normal requested system information, strangely they asked me for a screen shot of the issue, how do you screen shot system lag and crashing, so not holding out to much hope for a solution anytime soon. I did say I would do a screen video if they wanted that. I pointed them to this thread as well.

I would do a full PC reset and set it all up from scratch again but I am in the middle of several projects and cant afford the time.

RogerS wrote on 12/10/2022, 7:46 AM

Does turning off the project collection feature help?

Roger Bansemer wrote on 12/10/2022, 8:08 AM

I wonder if anyone in the team that writes the code for Vegas is seeing these posts. Working with V20 is horrible. Even with a new project with only a few video clips and one audio track on the timeline, the lag time and crashes are almost continues. It's strange because on some occasions it works OK. Other times it's impossible to use. I could capture a video of this situation using Snagit if someone from the Vegas team would like to actually see how poorly Vegas performs.

I do know that downloading and dragging an audio selection from the Vegas Content onto the timeline really lags the entire editing process.

Reyfox wrote on 12/10/2022, 9:18 AM

Not denying your experience @Roger Bansemer or anyone else who is having issues, but I've found the Vegas 20 has been the smoothest and most responsive to work with. Only one crash when editing or trying anyone else footage which was problematic for them. Also working with Boris Continuum, Ignite Pro and NBFX TFX7.

The only real concern I have is when I work with 4K 422 10bit on how much system RAM is being used. VP20 is slightly higher than 19, and much higher other editors I have.

I don't have 365, so can't comment on Vegas Content, but if downloading, are you monitoring your internet?


Last changed by Reyfox on 12/10/2022, 9:20 AM, changed a total of 1 times.


Vegas Pro 22 (VP18-21 also installed)

Win 11 Pro always updated

AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16 cores / 32 threads

32GB DDR4 3200

Sapphire RX6700XT 12GB Driver: Pro 23.Q3

Gigabyte X570 Elite Motherboard

Panasonic G9, G7, FZ300

Roger Bansemer wrote on 12/10/2022, 9:48 AM

You are so lucky. I'm using 365. Maybe that a problem. I have no idea except now that I've started multiple projects with V20 I can't revert and it's made editing unpleasant where it use to be a joy.

Reyfox wrote on 12/10/2022, 9:59 AM

When you mention, can't "revert" are you talking about going to a previous version of Vegas? If so, just highlight and copy the timeline and paste it in a previous version.


Vegas Pro 22 (VP18-21 also installed)

Win 11 Pro always updated

AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16 cores / 32 threads

32GB DDR4 3200

Sapphire RX6700XT 12GB Driver: Pro 23.Q3

Gigabyte X570 Elite Motherboard

Panasonic G9, G7, FZ300

Roger Bansemer wrote on 12/10/2022, 10:07 AM

When you mention, can't "revert" are you talking about going to a previous version of Vegas? If so, just highlight and copy the timeline and paste it in a previous version.

Yes, I can't revert to V17 or V19 after having started it in V20.

j-v wrote on 12/10/2022, 10:14 AM

. Working with V20 is horrible. Even with a new project with only a few video clips and one audio track on the timeline, the lag time and crashes are almost continues.

I think I'm very lucky not seeings those problems and therefore I like to help you if possible.
Therefore it's needed to see a few of your settings, screenshots of
- Options/Preferences/Video
- Options/Preferences/File I/O
- Screen you get after Help/Check for Driver Updates


met vriendelijke groet

Camera : Pan X900, GoPro Hero7 Hero Black, DJI Osmo Pocket, Samsung Galaxy A8
Desktop :MB Gigabyte Z390M, W11 home version 24H2, i7 9700 4.7Ghz,16 DDR4 GB RAM, Gef. GTX 1660 Ti with driver
566.14 Studiodriver and Intel HD graphics 630 with driver
Laptop  :Asus ROG Str G712L, W11 home version 23H2, CPU i7-10875H, 16 GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 with Studiodriver 566.14 and Intel UHD Graphics 630 with driver
Vegas software: VP 10 to 22 and VMS(pl) 10,12 to 17.
TV      :LG 4K 55EG960V

My slogan is: BE OR BECOME A STEM CELL DONOR!!! (because it saved my life in 2016)