VEGAS Pro 15 build 177 General Discussion


fhu wrote on 9/3/2017, 11:42 PM

UPDATE: VP15 doesn't seem to be saving progress either.

Switching back to VP14 until a new build is released.


After using VP 15 for a few days.

A couple of bugs to report...

Random crashing when previewing clips (.mxf and mp4) from Explorer window and bringing them into the Trimmer window. VP will freeze after a period of time when searching for a certain clip in Explorer.

The Title and Text (Legacy) window takes about 5 seconds to appear after I click the Edit Generated Media icon. This becomes very time consuming after editing a project for many hours :/

MikeyDH wrote on 9/4/2017, 12:37 AM

I feel like Rip Van Winkle where I slept for a year and a half and woke up to a strange new world. A world where I have to spend more money for a program I just spent too much money for. To go with it I'll have to spend more money for the upgrades in equipment that the program was upgraded for. New computers with faster GPU's. $2000 cameras and who know what will work and what won't until I have to bite the bullet on all of this. I'm going back to sleep.....

ushere wrote on 9/4/2017, 2:23 AM

I'm going back to sleep.....

move over, i'm joining you ;-)

i've read, looked at, and am about to dl 15 more out of curiosity rather than necessity. i want to run it next to 13 and see what differences there are that might make me fork out the 'moving feast' upgrade price...

Mappi75 wrote on 9/4/2017, 5:28 AM


the first offer from Magix upgrading to version 14 pro was good.

But now after only one year later it is not a good price (for me €249,-).

Magix should take (much more) care of the customers which already upgraded to version 14.
Because they are the hardcore base of users which going from sony to magix.

For me the new upgrade price is more a statement from magix "we are established and yes we can claim the €249,-".

I think no you can't:

You lost customers (moving sony to magix),
and now the people which already bought 14 maybe not going to version 15 and you will lost customers too.

And you need users which "advertise" Vegas Pro..

I paid $150,- for the upgrade to Vegas Pro 13 thats now €132,- (with the bad currency conversion).

During that time i already bought Edius Pro 7 and Upgraded to Version 8.

Now i'am using premiere too..

I observe the situation with vegas pro 15 but it need much more bugfixing.


And i'am wondering how you see Video Pro X vs Vegas Pro.
They two compete against each other

is that why you make (now) a big sale offer in the us for Video Pro X (from $956 for $399)?

Marco. wrote on 9/4/2017, 5:36 AM

Why wouldn't you choose the Vegas Pro Edit update for $199?

AVsupport wrote on 9/4/2017, 5:39 AM

you loose $$ titler, $$ mercalli $$ cmos fixr etc etc. $$DVD thingo..not a good deal this 'update' sorry

my current Win10/64 system (latest drivers, water cooled) :

Intel Coffee Lake i5 Hexacore (unlocked, but not overclocked) 4.0 GHz on Z370 chipset board,

32GB (4x8GB Corsair Dual Channel DDR4-2133) XMP-3000 RAM,

Intel 600series 512GB M.2 SSD system drive running Win10/64 home automatic driver updates,

Crucial BX500 1TB EDIT 3D NAND SATA 2.5-inch SSD

2x 4TB 7200RPM NAS HGST data drive,

Intel HD630 iGPU - currently disabled in Bios,

nVidia GTX1060 6GB, always on latest [creator] drivers. nVidia HW acceleration enabled.

main screen 4K/50p 1ms scaled @175%, second screen 1920x1080/50p 1ms.

Marco. wrote on 9/4/2017, 5:47 AM

What's the connection to the comparison of the $249 upgrade against the $199 upgrade? The Edit upgrade for $199 could be a better choice for Mappi75.

Mappi75 wrote on 9/4/2017, 6:18 AM

No sorry, the Edit Version is not an option (not even for $100,-).


My €249,- (for pro upgrade) is for you like paying over $296.-


Marco. wrote on 9/4/2017, 6:30 AM

But why is the Edit version no option? It's the same Vegas Pro feature set.

AVsupport wrote on 9/4/2017, 6:33 AM

But why is the Edit version no option? It's the same Vegas Pro feature set.

Minus extra software and plugins worth $$,

my current Win10/64 system (latest drivers, water cooled) :

Intel Coffee Lake i5 Hexacore (unlocked, but not overclocked) 4.0 GHz on Z370 chipset board,

32GB (4x8GB Corsair Dual Channel DDR4-2133) XMP-3000 RAM,

Intel 600series 512GB M.2 SSD system drive running Win10/64 home automatic driver updates,

Crucial BX500 1TB EDIT 3D NAND SATA 2.5-inch SSD

2x 4TB 7200RPM NAS HGST data drive,

Intel HD630 iGPU - currently disabled in Bios,

nVidia GTX1060 6GB, always on latest [creator] drivers. nVidia HW acceleration enabled.

main screen 4K/50p 1ms scaled @175%, second screen 1920x1080/50p 1ms.

Marco. wrote on 9/4/2017, 6:37 AM

If you dislike the license conditions of that extra software like it was with VP14 and Mercalli then it should be just another reason to use the Edit version now instead.

But to me it looks like Mappi75 maybe isn't aware it is only the extra stuff which makes the difference while the Vegas Pro features are same.

AVsupport wrote on 9/4/2017, 7:01 AM

Problem with those 'licence conditions' is that they're not really obvious when you commit to your purchase of say VP14 'bundle' or 'suite'. No one actually will tell you that your $$$-worth of plugins might not work a year or less after purchase with the next software upgrade (for exact numbers see post above..)

my current Win10/64 system (latest drivers, water cooled) :

Intel Coffee Lake i5 Hexacore (unlocked, but not overclocked) 4.0 GHz on Z370 chipset board,

32GB (4x8GB Corsair Dual Channel DDR4-2133) XMP-3000 RAM,

Intel 600series 512GB M.2 SSD system drive running Win10/64 home automatic driver updates,

Crucial BX500 1TB EDIT 3D NAND SATA 2.5-inch SSD

2x 4TB 7200RPM NAS HGST data drive,

Intel HD630 iGPU - currently disabled in Bios,

nVidia GTX1060 6GB, always on latest [creator] drivers. nVidia HW acceleration enabled.

main screen 4K/50p 1ms scaled @175%, second screen 1920x1080/50p 1ms.

Blastrio wrote on 9/4/2017, 7:56 AM

If you dislike the license conditions of that extra software like it was with VP14 and Mercalli then it should be just another reason to use the Edit version now instead.

But to me it looks like Mappi75 maybe isn't aware it is only the extra stuff which makes the difference while the Vegas Pro features are same.

In my opinion, Mercalli is a must. Vegas's native stabilization is terrible.

Blastrio wrote on 9/4/2017, 7:57 AM

Does anyone know if integration with Hitfilm still works?

Marco. wrote on 9/4/2017, 8:02 AM

"In my opinion, Mercalli is a must."

But the Mercalli plug-in isn't part of the $249 upgrade Mappi75 mentioned.

On my system HitFilm Pro 2017 integrates the usual way into Vegas Pro 15.

Mappi75 wrote on 9/4/2017, 8:21 AM

In short my problem is:

i did not see why they released after 1 Year (only) a Version 15 for a higer price

Email from Sony 23.06.2013:

Upgrade to Vegas Pro 12
From $139.95 — save $50

(or it was never a problem to get a 25-30% coupon code from Sony).

Version 14 was not great enough but i bought it to support the future development of Vegas.
I dont have any problem to pay $600 for an upgrade if i think its worth.

(I spent thousends of $ only in After Effects Plugins)

But when "i" dont buy a upgrade for €249,- then a lots and i mean really lots of people wont upgrade too.

I see the danger that Vegas is dying faster than we think...thats my real sorrow.

I will wait for a Black Friday Sale and watch the development of Version 15.

Kinvermark wrote on 9/4/2017, 8:34 AM

The upgrade can be had for $179 from legitimate Magix retailers. Vegas is not dying; that is just hyperbole that should be cut out of this forum.

This is a user forum, so it really is not necessary for you to tell us you are not upgrading and that "really lots of people wont upgrade too." Just do what you want and be done with it. Thanks!, for people who actually have something to ask or discuss. Well, that is what a forum is for.


OldSmoke wrote on 9/4/2017, 8:50 AM

But why is the Edit version no option? It's the same Vegas Pro feature set.

Question. Does the Mercalli 4 bundled with VP14 work in Vegas 15 Edit?

Proud owner of Sony Vegas Pro 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13 and now Magix VP15&16.

System Spec.:
Motherboard: ASUS X299 Prime-A

Ram: G.Skill 4x8GB DDR4 2666 XMP

CPU: i7-9800x @ 4.6GHz (custom water cooling system)
GPU: 1x AMD Vega Pro Frontier Edition (water cooled)
Hard drives: System Samsung 970Pro NVME, AV-Projects 1TB (4x Intel P7600 512GB VROC), 4x 2.5" Hotswap bays, 1x 3.5" Hotswap Bay, 1x LG BluRay Burner

PSU: Corsair 1200W
Monitor: 2x Dell Ultrasharp U2713HM (2560x1440)

Kinvermark wrote on 9/4/2017, 8:54 AM

No. The bundled version is license locked to Vegas 14. But mercalli purchased directly from Prodad does work. (I have this and V15 edit working here).

OldSmoke wrote on 9/4/2017, 9:01 AM

No. The bundled version is license locked to Vegas 14. But mercalli purchased directly from Prodad does work. (I have this and V15 edit working here).

I think that makes it clear why upgrading to the Edit version doesn't work for many. As mentioned in another post, it would also be a downgrade. Vegas Pro is more than one product and Edit is only one. If you upgrade to the Pro version later, you will have to pay full price. Unless I can upgrade from any Vegas version to Pro for the same price.

Proud owner of Sony Vegas Pro 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13 and now Magix VP15&16.

System Spec.:
Motherboard: ASUS X299 Prime-A

Ram: G.Skill 4x8GB DDR4 2666 XMP

CPU: i7-9800x @ 4.6GHz (custom water cooling system)
GPU: 1x AMD Vega Pro Frontier Edition (water cooled)
Hard drives: System Samsung 970Pro NVME, AV-Projects 1TB (4x Intel P7600 512GB VROC), 4x 2.5" Hotswap bays, 1x 3.5" Hotswap Bay, 1x LG BluRay Burner

PSU: Corsair 1200W
Monitor: 2x Dell Ultrasharp U2713HM (2560x1440)

Kinvermark wrote on 9/4/2017, 9:08 AM

I knew you were going to try to make this point....:)    But you have just proven the reverse.

Mercalli bundled with Vegas 14 (pro or suite) is licensed locked - so had LESS value than if you purchased it alone from Prodad.

NONE of the Vegas 15 bundles include Mercalli, so you still won't get it. The mercalli bundled with vegas 14 will not work with ANY version of vegas 15 (edit, pro, or suite).


PS And, no, you don't pay the full price as I showed you in a previous post. Look up the prices from the retailers!


OldSmoke wrote on 9/4/2017, 9:13 AM

I knew you were going to try to make this point....:)    But you have just proven the reverse.

Mercalli bundled with Vegas 14 (pro or suite) is licensed locked - so had LESS value than if you purchased it alone from Prodad.

NONE of the Vegas 15 bundles include Mercalli, so you still won't get it. The mercalli bundled with vegas 14 will not work with ANY version of vegas 15 (edit, pro, or suite).

Not sure how I proved the reverse. All you are saying is that an upgrade to VP15 isn't worth it because Mercalli is not included and my previous one purchase with VP14 doesn't work. As such, VP15 should be cheaper then VP14 was.

Proud owner of Sony Vegas Pro 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13 and now Magix VP15&16.

System Spec.:
Motherboard: ASUS X299 Prime-A

Ram: G.Skill 4x8GB DDR4 2666 XMP

CPU: i7-9800x @ 4.6GHz (custom water cooling system)
GPU: 1x AMD Vega Pro Frontier Edition (water cooled)
Hard drives: System Samsung 970Pro NVME, AV-Projects 1TB (4x Intel P7600 512GB VROC), 4x 2.5" Hotswap bays, 1x 3.5" Hotswap Bay, 1x LG BluRay Burner

PSU: Corsair 1200W
Monitor: 2x Dell Ultrasharp U2713HM (2560x1440)

Kinvermark wrote on 9/4/2017, 9:57 AM

....uhh no, I didn't say anything about the value of upgrading to v15.

Here is my opinion: If you buy anything, buy the EDIT version from a retailer. That is the best deal.


NickHope wrote on 9/4/2017, 10:42 AM

..If you buy anything, buy the EDIT version from a retailer. That is the best deal.
