VEGAS Pro 19 update 1 has been released. Build 381 is a revised version of the original update 1 (build 361), addressing some of the major issues uncovered with that release. Please give us your feedback in this thread.
Gary - Build 381 fixed all my app stability issues. I've used it 6-8 hours without a crash. Prior to that, it was basically unusable even with GPU acceleration disabled. Quite happy with it now.
Same here. So far no crashes after re-installing BCC plugin. Looks pretty good now. Hopefully there will be no major regression future builds.
Track Motion Window keyframes - Position does not update on keyframe when using Hold. I have to go 1 frame after now to see the position changes. Workaround: Leave on Linear, make changes, then change keyframe to Hold.
Video Event FX window has to be resized every time (multi monitor use, different resolutions). I have one 4k monitor as my main, and three 1080 monitors. Since the version 19 release (all sub builds up to 381), when the window is launched on another monitor, I have to resize it manually in order to see the entire window and controls. I wound up having to make an external script to grab the window, resize it to 80% of the current window resolution, and reposition it correctly.
I just upgraded to Vegas 19, Build 381. My PC is Win 10 with Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5930K CPU @ 3.50GHz 3.50 GHz & 12.0 GB RAM. Every time I attempt to load footage to the timeline, the program becomes unresponsive and crashes. I'm absolutely at the end of my rope with this application. Is there a new setting that I'm missing?
I just upgraded to Vegas 19, Build 381. My PC is Win 10 with Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5930K CPU @ 3.50GHz 3.50 GHz & 12.0 GB RAM. Every time I attempt to load footage to the timeline, the program becomes unresponsive and crashes. I'm absolutely at the end of my rope with this application. Is there a new setting that I'm missing?
I just upgraded to Vegas 19, Build 381. My PC is Win 10 with Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5930K CPU @ 3.50GHz 3.50 GHz & 12.0 GB RAM. Every time I attempt to load footage to the timeline, the program becomes unresponsive and crashes. I'm absolutely at the end of my rope with this application. Is there a new setting that I'm missing?
Your system does not meet the minimum system requirements of VEGAS Pro. The minimum is a 7th gen Intel chip with at least 16GB of RAM.
Not entirely true fr0sty, his system is still more than capable of running the latest version of Vegas with no issues whatsoever. Hell i'm running Vegas b381 flawlessly on my backup Intel Celeron laptop who's system spec is so minimal, it may as well be made of dirt lol 😆 lol.
So some hardware/software conflict is going on there why his system becomes unresponsive and crash when he is importing, or its some corrupt media he is importing in Vegas.
FWIW I edited with 8GB happily for years until VP 18 when I upgraded to 32GB.
Crashes are often a combination of media type, software settings and GPU or other drivers. If you need more help start your own thread and include as many details as you can.
I am still using Vegas pro 10 for my pro work, mainly corporate clips because everything suits my workflow and all my plugs work, I can run Boris red on an empty event, and so forth. I have 11 pro = never use it because 10 works. in the past, the newer updates the 3d layers in Vegas wasn't working properly. in the latest version are the layers they even have 3d layers? I want to start working with 4k stuff and render it to 4k. so need to make a plan. for example = I used BluffTitler for the 3D intro in this clip and composited in Vegas 10 pro...this can be done in Vegas if the layers are compositing correctly. The last time I checked it wasn't from a trial version, I think it was 17 pro.
It would be great to add an option to use the split hotkey (S) while dragging the timeline cursor indicator. At the moment if I hold it and drag, then press S to split - nothing happens. This would be handy for selecting in and out points and split during dragging.
@Ustik, you're looking for the Split/Trim tool. I'm not in front of VEGAS right now, so I'm going by mental memory (as opposed to the muscle memory that kicks in when I'm actually doing it!) but I think the keyboard command you want is to hold Ctrl+Shift+Alt while you click and drag.
@Rory Cooper, There have always been trial versions, including VEGAS Pro 19. Download it and try it. We are not aware of any problems with 3d compositing in 19 or any other version, so if you see a problem, we'd like to know about it.
@Ustik, you're looking for the Split/Trim tool. I'm not in front of VEGAS right now, so I'm going by mental memory (as opposed to the muscle memory that kicks in when I'm actually doing it!) but I think the keyboard command you want is to hold Ctrl+Shift+Alt while you click and drag.
@Rory Cooper, There have always been trial versions, including VEGAS Pro 19. Download it and try it. We are not aware of any problems with 3d compositing in 19 or any other version, so if you see a problem, we'd like to know about it.
Hi, Gary! I'm using the Normal edit tool, and hold the timeline cursor indicator under all tracks. This is a very easy way to click anywhere on the timeline and immediately drag the cursor both ways left or right while seeing the preview. And I want to simultaneously cut events while dragging by pressing S hotkey. If I hold the left mouse button and press S - nothing happens. But when I release the LMB and press S an event is split in half in the blink of an eye:
What you describe is the intended behavior. The S key spilts everything touched by the cursor if nothing is selected, or only what is selected.
To do what I think you're trying to do (that is, split and create a hole in that event), you need to hold Ctrl+Shift+Alt and while holding those, click and drag on the event you want to split and trim (this is the Split/Trim tool).
The shortcoming is (perhaps) that it will on only work on the event you click and drag on and any events grouped to it that are also touched by the cursor.
What you describe is the intended behavior. The S key spilts everything touched by the cursor if nothing is selected, or only what is selected.
To do what I think you're trying to do (that is, split and create a hole in that event), you need to hold Ctrl+Shift+Alt and while holding those, click and drag on the event you want to split and trim (this is the Split/Trim tool).
The shortcoming is (perhaps) that it will on only work on the event you click and drag on and any events grouped to it that are also touched by the cursor.
You misunderstood me.
"The S key splits everything touched by the cursor if nothing is selected, or only what is selected." - that's exactly what I want to accomplish but WHILE HOLDING the cursor under all tracks (see screenshot above).
I don't need to press more than one key, so Ctrl+Shift+Alt is not efficient for this purpose. Also switching tools takes extra time...
Ok...I guess I finally get it...I hope. You want to scrub the cursor and in the middle of scrubbing press the S key to split the event. And you're right, you can't do that. Does releasing the mouse button to press S really slow you down that much? The only way I see that it would is if you are scrubbing through and spliting somewhat randomly. If you're looking for an exact frame to split at, it doesn't seem to slow you down any to release the mouse button for a moment to press S. I'm not challenging you, but rather just trying to understand your workflow.
Ok...I guess I finally get it...I hope. You want to scrub the cursor and in the middle of scrubbing press the S key to split the event. And you're right, you can't do that. Does releasing the mouse button to press S really slow you down that much? The only way I see that it would is if you are scrubbing through and spliting somewhat randomly. If you're looking for an exact frame to split at, it doesn't seem to slow you down any to release the mouse button for a moment to press S. I'm not challenging you, but rather just trying to understand your workflow.
Yes, now you get it :)
I'll explain: right now I have 15 hours of rushes on a timeline. It's a mix of actuality, interviews, and b-roll. To sift through the footage I create 4 tracks - V1-A1-V2-A2. My rushes are on V2 and A2 (lower 2 tracks).
@wwaag kindly created a script for me to split events on a chosen cursor location and move the left part on higher tracks (V1&A1).
So when I press A (hotkey for script) - events on V2&A2 are split in half and the left part of the event is lifted to V1&A1.
S (split) is for "in point" and A is for "out point". I use only these 2 hotkeys to speed things up.
The first stage of sifting is to move all b-roll to a separate "place" on a timeline. In my case, it's easy, because the b-roll was filmed before and after actuality and interviews. So I can easily identify it and cut&paste to the end of the timeline on V1&A1.
Then I'm left with around 10-12 hours of interviews and actuality. I need to condense this footage to around 1-2 hours.
So I choose the most important parts of the interviews by looking at the audio waveform and secondary monitor.
This is where dragging the cursor UNDER all 4 tracks come in handy. I just click near the desired place on a waveform, and WHILE HOLDING the left mouse button I move the cursor left or right to find the perfect spot to make a cut.
But I can't cut until LMB is released to press S.
So this takes extra time to release LMB, press S, click again, move a few frames, release LMB, press S, and so on for the next 10 hours of footage :)
Hope now you understand why I'm asking to implement this - because if the hotkeys could work during cursor dragging I could just press S (for split) and A (I mapped it to run @wwaag script) to cut and move the left part of the event to my "selects" tracks V1&A1 - which hold all the best parts of interviews.
Final Cut Pro X shows the footage while moving the mouse over the timeline without clicking and dragging the cursor. It's brilliant! But I like Vegas much more and that's why I'm asking you to implement this :)
And if you'll add an option to preview the footage without clicking and dragging the cursor it will be an even better feature.
But for now, I expect that implementing working hotkeys during cursor movement (while holding LMB) would be a much easier task on your to-do list!
P.S. Thanks for listening, if you want to see this in action I can make a short video to illustrate how this workflow can save hours and days every month for me. And I'm sure it'll be handy for other users of Vegas :)
I do splits the way @gary-rebholz suggests all the time. Mark off a region then S to create 2 splits: one at the beginning and another at the end. And often fine tune the splits with a Ctrl-Z, adjust region boundaries, then Shift-Q followed by S again. Hope that never stops working if they mess with this.
It took me several reads to understand what it being asked for.... but I THINK i get it -
You basically do not want to ever let go of the left mouse button so you can mimic "hover scrubbing" over the timeline very quickly adding edits as you go.
I haven't thought through the ramifications of this, or know if it is even possible from a technical standpoint, but I think it could be quite useful. Personally, I would love to see all manner of trims made this way, along with a "automatically select clip under cursor" function (optional, of course)
Question: does holding the left mouse button down for hours at a time cause you any hand cramping/pain?
I do splits the way @gary-rebholz suggests all the time. Mark off a region then S to create 2 splits: one at the beginning and another at the end. And often fine tune the splits with a Ctrl-Z, adjust region boundaries, then Shift-Q followed by S again. Hope that never stops working if they mess with this.
This is not a good option for me, because I listen to the speech, and I don't know what is said. So I need to cut a sentence into 2-5 parts sometimes to get rid of pauses, ehms, uhms, misspelling, and repetitions. On the other hand, it's way too many clicks.
I want to minimize the number of clicks, selections, and so on.
It took me several reads to understand what it being asked for.... but I THINK i get it -
You basically do not want to ever let go of the left mouse button so you can mimic "hover scrubbing" over the timeline very quickly adding edits as you go.
I haven't thought through the ramifications of this, or know if it is even possible from a technical standpoint, but I think it could be quite useful. Personally, I would love to see all manner of trims made this way, along with a "automatically select clip under cursor" function (optional, of course)
Question: does holding the left mouse button down for hours at a time cause you any hand cramping/pain?
"You basically do not want to ever let go of the left mouse button so you can mimic "hover scrubbing" over the timeline very quickly adding edits as you go." - bingo, that's exactly what I want to do :)
Maybe I'll record a tutorial showing this approach, so other editors can implement it into their workflow.
"Question: does holding the left mouse button down for hours at a time cause you any hand cramping/pain?" - I had some minor pain in 2018, but after I purchased Logitech MX Master 3 - it has gone. Also, I exercise my hands and body every hour, this helps a lot to prevent any unpleasant feelings.
As I mentioned above "hover scrubbing" over the timeline could be the coolest feature in Vegas. I edited a dozen of projects in FCPX and I enjoyed it more than anything else 😉
I hope this is something Vegas can inherit in future updates.
Don't know if this just started happening with this build or not because I haven't really messed with my settings yet in VP19 but saving settings in preferences doesn't work properly. I'll change a setting but the next time I load Vegas the setting reverts to the way it was before. Did this with Enable legacy HEVC decoding and Dynamic RAM Preview max. If I keep changing the setting, closing Vegas, then reopening it will eventually take. Anyone else have this? Maybe it's because Vegas is still crashing sometimes on exit? Vegas also fails to remember the last project I was working on 80% of the time.
Additionally every update for VP19 I've had to get from the site so far as the automatic updater will download the update but won't actually install it.