I also want to ask my question here. I'm pretty new with Vegas pro. I just made a few video's. One off them gave me some trobble with vegas. I was making a video with 13 video's of the people of my choir. They were MP4. Eventualy I got it but Vegas did not like it and all off what I had to do took al lot of time waiting. It took me weeks to finish. Now I'm asked to do this for my whole choir about 75 voices. I'm almost afraid to start. 🙈 What can I do so vegas will keep on working with that much video's. My thought was to make serveral video's and put them together. But is there something I have to consider? How would you guys go about it. I looked on youtube for an example of wat I want to do. Thanks guys.
I'm working with vegas pro 15 on windows 10.
I did use video's that were send to me with what's app. Could that be the problem? I made them all the same before starting.