I just spent an hour and a half to two hours starting to learn Vegas Movie Studio and now it tells me I can only export a file of two minutes!!!! I'm really tempted to try something else.😡
It is only a trial. Save your project under another name and delete all after two minutes to do a trial export.
To unlock the full features, you have to buy the software.
Well I realize that now. Sheez. It's not a trial. It is a limited trial. I get I only can use it for 30 days. But it never said anything about being crippled during that 30 days when I installed it. Before I spent almost 2 hours on it. And probably had I been able to use it for the 30 days I would have purchased it. I'm going back to Kdenlive or Openshot.
@matonanjin I understand your frustration, however trial versions come in many forms. Some developers restrict features/functions (Magix does not), some developers place a watermark or 'X' (Magix does not), many restrict the time of production, but they all provide enough of the program so users can determine if they like the program or not. Trials are not designed to permit full production projects (although there are probably a few) just enough to see the benefits. Trials are a marketing technique that also benefits users. If you follow @EricLNZ suggestion and render out the most exciting part of your project I'm betting you will be pleased enough to consider purchasing.
@matonanjin I understand your frustration, however trial versions come in many forms. Some developers restrict features/functions (Magix does not), some developers place a watermark or 'X' (Magix does not), many restrict the time of production, but they all provide enough of the program so users can determine if they like the program or not. Trials are not designed to permit full production projects (although there are probably a few) just enough to see the benefits. Trials are a marketing technique that also benefits users. If you follow @EricLNZ suggestion and render out the most exciting part of your project I'm betting you will be pleased enough to consider purchasing.
What do you call limiting the length of video one can render? It sure seems like a function restriction to me. And yes, some limit features/functions; some limit time of production. But Magix does both. I get it; it is a marketing technique. They were very up front about the 30 day trial. But I didn't know about the time limited rendering unitl after I had invested significant time in a project.
You, nor I, nor the other two that have responded here want to waste any more time on my silly whining. It is probably a great product. But if any people from Magix marketing monitors these forum threads this experience has left a very bad taste in my mouth. On the positive side, the responses here have shown there is a fairly active forum where I can get help in the future if I should decide to purchase Vegas Movie Studio. A couple others I looked at don't.
I know edit software which doesn't even have a trial period, you can buy it and get a refund within 30 days, when you don't like it. Maybe that's a better way to get a videoproject done without spending money.
That's also $60 , the same as buying VMS 15 Platinum costs now. I would never do that because if the software does not suites me at all and selling it again within 3 months will be much cheaper than 3 months of the subscription to VPro, Or is there something wrong with my calculation?