Hey, Vegas Owner :-)
We are all fellow users here, just like you. Certain times of year often mean hundreds of "How do I..." questions, usually the same ones. Our volunteers aren't being paid to guide each new user through hundreds of the most basic skills that one must master in order to use the software effectively. There is a learning curve, and none of us "got it" overnight. For that reason, hundreds of topics have already been covered and talked over, so graciously save some of the wear and tear on us old-timers, by looking first for your own answers. You may learn some other things along the way ...
Already in Vegas:
- Interactive Tutorials (icon)
- What's This? (icon )
- Help (menu)
On This Site
- Forum Search Feature
- Official Vegas Tutorials
- General Support link (New)
- My Magix Software Account
- Magix Technical Support
- New Blue / Boris Partner Products for Vegas
- Vegas Pro FAQs and Troubleshooting Guides
- How to Post MediaInfo and Vegas File Properties
- Important Information Required to Help You
- Speaking Good Video -- A Beginner's Guide
- Set's Vegas Pro Tutorial List
- Set's List of VP17 Features
- Set's Beginning Movie Studio 17 Tutorial
- Vegas Movie Studio 17 FAQ
- Cancellation of Vegas 365 Contract
- How do I Request a Refund?
On the Internet
- Youtube
- Facebook Vegas Tutorials on Youtube
- Vegas Pro Tutorials on Youtube from alliftudm
- Happy Otter Scripts and Free Tools
- muvipix.com (books and videos)
- Steve Grisetti's Movie Studio 17 Video Tutorials
- Steve Grisetti's DVD Architect Video Tutorials
- Videohelp (General)
- Creative Cow
- Doom9 (for power users)
- Vegasaur
- Excalibur and Scripts by Ed Troxel
- New Blue Plugins for Vegas
- VASST APPS Software
- Scrapyard Films Youtube Channel
- Movie Studio Zen
- Edit Room Youtube tutorials by iEmby
- http://server808.net
- Film Riot (General Editing)
- Many, many others
Now, that you've looked, learned, tried, and still have questions, feel free to post informed questions and wait for a reply. Unlike social media, we have no entitlements here. If you want to get noticed, we really like those who have honestly tried to help themselves. We are good teachers, but not fortune tellers. That all said,
Welcome to the Vegas Forums!
More Links in my Signature below.
Love, Boomer