
Former user wrote on 10/27/2018, 10:09 AM

Are you using an alpha channel or chroma key?

Musicvid wrote on 10/27/2018, 10:24 AM

Try turning off GPU?

FoskeyMedia wrote on 10/27/2018, 12:49 PM

Are you using an alpha channel or chroma key?

Ummm, I'm not sure. I just used the Vegas Chroma key plug in, made text transparent, and put video under it. That's work in the past... do I need to do more ?


FoskeyMedia wrote on 10/27/2018, 1:00 PM

Try turning off GPU?

Yes. GPU Accerlation is off (as a matter of fact I don't even have an option to turn on)

VEGAS 13 btw

Marco. wrote on 10/27/2018, 1:08 PM

And you didn't render via GPU?

FoskeyMedia wrote on 10/27/2018, 2:18 PM

And you didn't render via GPU?

GPU Acceleration is off.

FoskeyMedia wrote on 10/27/2018, 2:37 PM

Same thing happens when I use NewBlue ChromaKey Pro


Former user wrote on 10/27/2018, 3:01 PM

I would need to see more of the timeline and original source to even guess any further.


Marco. wrote on 10/27/2018, 3:51 PM

I don't mean GPU accelerated video processing but GPU supported rendering. These are different pairs of shoes.

FoskeyMedia wrote on 10/27/2018, 4:05 PM

I don't mean GPU accelerated video processing but GPU supported rendering. These are different pairs of shoes.

Oh.. Its Render using CPU only

NickHope wrote on 10/28/2018, 1:10 AM

At least B3, C1, C2 please. Perhaps C3 too and a sample project.

FoskeyMedia wrote on 10/28/2018, 1:13 AM

At least B3, C1, C2 please. Perhaps C3 too and a sample project.

I have no idea what you are saying...

EricLNZ wrote on 10/28/2018, 1:22 AM

At least B3, C1, C2 please. Perhaps C3 too and a sample project.

I have no idea what you are saying...

Try clicking on the links.