I recently noticed something that I'm confused about - Playing back the Cineform converted clip of some sample GH5 422 10 bit footage shows pretty noticeable color banding in the preview window of Vegas Pro 14/15 Trial. I've compared the same clip in Premiere Pro CS6 and Davinci Resolve 14 to make sure it wasn't the clip in general - the latter 2 NLE's show no color banding in their respective preview monitors. I also tried changing the Vegas timeline to 32bit float and there is still color banding in the preview monitor.
Not trying to start another (alternative NLE is better) discussion - I'm just wondering if there's something I'm missing in Vegas settings to alleviate the color banding. And with regards to comparing renders of the same clip between the three NLE's - the color banding is still there from the Vegas Pro renders.
I still see Vegas having a place in my post workflow, just want to get these kinds of things sorted out before using it on paying work - especially short turn around projects as that's where it excels IMO.