Hello, I have been working out the math of converting a video from one color space to another. And by color space I do not mean converting from RGB to something else, but rather converting from one RGB type to another.
I have created two LUTs, which should, in theory, take a video shot in the Rec. 601 space and convert it to a video in the Rec. 709 space, or vice versa.
I consider these two LUTs to be a Beta version. I would like them tested on different footage, so I can know whether I did them correctly (or not, of course). If I get enough confirmation I’m on the right track with this, I would like to create an OFX plugin that will be able to convert not just between these two spaces, but any RGB color spaces, including custom created spaces (for special effects). I think such a plugin would be nice to have under Vegas.
If you want to help, or even if you just want to grab the two LUTs for whatever reason, you can download them and then just use them with the VisionColor LUT plugin.