It would be really cool if Vegas Pro could integrate Acid Pro or other DAWS. I see it integrates in with SmartSound® Sonicfire® Pro 6, but I bet Acid Pro is better. You can make quick songs or tracks in Acid Pro. Vegas allows for multiple nested projects - if they could allow an Acid Pro project for a track or Tracks that would be sweet! That would help with synchronizing the video/movie with the music/audio. Magix please think about this idea.I wish Vegas had more MIDI or VST Synth capability. I know I could render a video out and use it in some DAWS to create music or audio for it, then render that to a wav file and then import this wav file back into Vegas. Time consuming. And If you need to make a change to the video or audio - here we go again. Acid Pro was the first product that any company every made that allowed you to quickly make a song, matching BPM per track with minimal artifacts - sometimes not noticeable, especially with drum loops. And it was fun to use. I would like to have the ability of creating music directly in Vegas or as "Edit in Acid Pro" for audio tracks.
I have a lot of cool VST audio fx and some of them can be "animated" by sending VST parameters to them in real time through MIDI or through a VST host. I don't know if Vegas can do this. I haven't seen this. It would be cool if something like "keyframes" for audio could be implemented in Vegas that could be routed to a VST Plugin to modulate it in real time. That way if you are creating a video compositing section or animating video fx or pictures, etc, you could have it synchronized with audio fx changes. Imagine opening up a filter or closing it when certain animations in the video take place - and if you make a change to the video, being able to quickly "tweak" the audo VST fx parameter to get the timing to match or changing a filter, etc would be sweet! Some of my UHe and Native Instruments VST plugins are very cool and can be modulated and changed through VST parameters. Vegas allows you to use MIDI control surfaces or other types - if these could also be used to control the VST audio plugins that would be sweet.
Vegas was originally created to record albums and songs, not video, back when Sonic Foundry owned and first created it. I think that it is stronger than many of the other video editing systems, because it has so much audio power. But it is lacking in the music creation. Vegas' audio processing is one of the reasons why I am still going to use Vegas Pro as my main video editor. That and its integration with Sound Forge - my sound editor of choice - my sound blade/axe. The problem is that Vegas no longer focuses on the audio recording industry - their main focus is the video production industry. Why not combine them both together? It would help the music industry too! Think of a musician wanting to make a music video to play on MTV or YouTube of their music. Having the ability of a seamless integration between Vegas Pro and Acid Pro would be highly desirable!