Pre-render effx only

Former user wrote on 2/2/2020, 4:08 PM

When DV is the optimum video, when you pre-rendered it only needed to render effx. Now with HD, it isn't that smart. Is there a script or is Vegasaur or Timeline tools able to pre-render only effex (transitions, etc)?


fr0sty wrote on 2/2/2020, 6:24 PM

First of all, only transitions would work that way, as any effect that is applied to the entire clip would require the entire clip being rendered, even back in the DV days.

Dynamic RAM preview still does this, basically, rendering the parts that can't be played in real time to RAM so you can preview them full speed, though it doesn't work right all the time (some effects like slow motion, don't work with it).



AMD Ryzen 7 1800x 8 core 16 thread at stock speed

64GB 3000mhz DDR4

Geforce RTX 3090

Windows 10


ASUS Zenbook Pro Duo 32GB (9980HK CPU, RTX 2060 GPU, dual 4K touch screens, main one OLED HDR)

wwaag wrote on 2/2/2020, 6:42 PM

@Former user

That's an interesting question. Users (me included) complain that preview usually falters during transitions. While KwikPreview in HappyOtterScripts or the native RAM preview is OK, you still have to set the selection loop. The RenderEvents tool in HOS can render events, a loop region, regions, or the entire project. It would seem pretty simple to add an option to render just the transitions and add those pre-rendered events back to a new track. Even simpler, write a script to create regions for transitions and just use the existing tool. In any case, I'll give it some thought.

AKA the HappyOtter at System 1: Intel i7-8700k with HD 630 graphics plus an Nvidia RTX4070 graphics card. System 2: Intel i7-3770k with HD 4000 graphics plus an AMD RX550 graphics card. System 3: Laptop. Dell Inspiron Plus 16. Intel i7-11800H, Intel Graphics. Current cameras include Panasonic FZ2500, GoPro Hero11 and Hero8 Black plus a myriad of smartPhone, pocket cameras, video cameras and film cameras going back to the original Nikon S.

Musicvid wrote on 2/2/2020, 6:52 PM

Sounds neat, Wayne!

I would use that.

Former user wrote on 2/2/2020, 6:55 PM

WWAAG, that would be great. Although I am still on V12 so I don't think I can use any current scripts. As fr0sty points out, it would need to ignore any event effx and only look at transitions and maybe titles.

wwaag wrote on 2/2/2020, 7:01 PM

@Former user

HOS supports Sony V12 and V13, as well as later Magix Versions.

AKA the HappyOtter at System 1: Intel i7-8700k with HD 630 graphics plus an Nvidia RTX4070 graphics card. System 2: Intel i7-3770k with HD 4000 graphics plus an AMD RX550 graphics card. System 3: Laptop. Dell Inspiron Plus 16. Intel i7-11800H, Intel Graphics. Current cameras include Panasonic FZ2500, GoPro Hero11 and Hero8 Black plus a myriad of smartPhone, pocket cameras, video cameras and film cameras going back to the original Nikon S.

Former user wrote on 2/2/2020, 7:29 PM

Sorry, I guess I haven't been paying attention. Good to hear.

wwaag wrote on 2/2/2020, 10:29 PM

How about this? A simple script creates regions from transitions. Using RenderEvents, regions can be pre-rendered using any codec including options to keep pan/crop and Fx settings. If a high-quality digital intermediate is used, one could also use the pre-rendered file for the final render. I put together a short demo from just a bunch of stills thrown on the timeline with a 2 sec transition and a zoom for each clip.

I'll make the script available tomorrow on the HOS website for both Magix and Sony versions of Vegas. Comments and/or suggestions are welcome.

AKA the HappyOtter at System 1: Intel i7-8700k with HD 630 graphics plus an Nvidia RTX4070 graphics card. System 2: Intel i7-3770k with HD 4000 graphics plus an AMD RX550 graphics card. System 3: Laptop. Dell Inspiron Plus 16. Intel i7-11800H, Intel Graphics. Current cameras include Panasonic FZ2500, GoPro Hero11 and Hero8 Black plus a myriad of smartPhone, pocket cameras, video cameras and film cameras going back to the original Nikon S.

Grazie wrote on 2/3/2020, 12:59 AM

@wwaag - Luv it! Stayed up and watched Recording og SUPER BOWL. Ate Popcorn, drank COKE and generally misbehaved. Best SB since I started watching back in ‘84. Now, when I’ve rested, Waynster, I’m gonna smash your ScriptZips. I do hope MAGIX recognises just the extraordinary resource they have in you. I’ve got further “cah-razie” ideas for you.

Former user wrote on 2/3/2020, 7:18 AM

Nice script. I am not sure about the adding another track approach, but it may work. What happens if you have another track above with for example titles? In Vegas, you have to option to pre-render and it creates a temp file that plays when it reaches the effect. This is indicated by a black line above the effect but changes nothing on the timeline itself. I appreciate your efforts, just playing devil's advocate.

And continuing in that role, if you change one of the transitions after the pre-render, what happens? Do you have to manually delete the render? Does it create a new track for the new pre-render?

wwaag wrote on 2/3/2020, 12:26 PM

@Former user

"What happens if you have another track above with for example titles?"

That's not a problem.  If you look at the demo again, you will see that a temp track is created and the original events are "copied" to the temp track.  Inside of RE, there are options to choose whether pan/crop, Fx and other settings are to be maintained.  The first time you run RE, the rendered track will always be on top.  You must move that track to the desired location (usually the track above the target track).  For subsequent runs, it will first search for a track named "Rendered Video" and render to that track.

"if you change one of the transitions after the pre-render, what happens?" Simply re-render the one transition.

Here's a demo that I think addresses both questions.

Note that the option to select which regions to render will be available in the next build.


AKA the HappyOtter at System 1: Intel i7-8700k with HD 630 graphics plus an Nvidia RTX4070 graphics card. System 2: Intel i7-3770k with HD 4000 graphics plus an AMD RX550 graphics card. System 3: Laptop. Dell Inspiron Plus 16. Intel i7-11800H, Intel Graphics. Current cameras include Panasonic FZ2500, GoPro Hero11 and Hero8 Black plus a myriad of smartPhone, pocket cameras, video cameras and film cameras going back to the original Nikon S.

Former user wrote on 2/3/2020, 1:25 PM

That covers some of it. You did have to manually delete the pre-rendered effect that you changed. Not ideal, but workable. I still like the temporary file pre-render idea better, but this could work.

wwaag wrote on 2/3/2020, 1:48 PM

@Former user

"You did have to manually delete the pre-rendered effect that you changed. Not ideal, but workable"

No. You don't have to. It will simply place the new transition on "top" of the previously rendered transition, but having clips "hidden" is not a good editing practice IMHO.


AKA the HappyOtter at System 1: Intel i7-8700k with HD 630 graphics plus an Nvidia RTX4070 graphics card. System 2: Intel i7-3770k with HD 4000 graphics plus an AMD RX550 graphics card. System 3: Laptop. Dell Inspiron Plus 16. Intel i7-11800H, Intel Graphics. Current cameras include Panasonic FZ2500, GoPro Hero11 and Hero8 Black plus a myriad of smartPhone, pocket cameras, video cameras and film cameras going back to the original Nikon S.

Former user wrote on 2/3/2020, 2:00 PM

It then becomes a take, which may not be bad if you want to compare transitions. I am not being critical of your work, I appreciate it, just trying to think everything through. I like Vegas using the temp files so when changes are made, you just re-render, no moving of tracks or such. It is just different than your approach, not necessarily better.

wwaag wrote on 2/3/2020, 3:01 PM

For anyone interested, the script RegionsFromTransitions can be downloaded from this page

AKA the HappyOtter at System 1: Intel i7-8700k with HD 630 graphics plus an Nvidia RTX4070 graphics card. System 2: Intel i7-3770k with HD 4000 graphics plus an AMD RX550 graphics card. System 3: Laptop. Dell Inspiron Plus 16. Intel i7-11800H, Intel Graphics. Current cameras include Panasonic FZ2500, GoPro Hero11 and Hero8 Black plus a myriad of smartPhone, pocket cameras, video cameras and film cameras going back to the original Nikon S.