VEGAS Movie Studio Platinum 17 problems

Kiwi-In-Space wrote on 6/30/2020, 11:30 PM

Am I the only one who has been having problems with Sony Vegas Movie Studio Platinum 17? I have just tried doing a voice over with it, and I keep getting an error message. I have also been having trouble exporting my video files directly to my desktop. Again I get an error message with no clear explanation. Has anybody else been having these problems?


EricLNZ wrote on 7/1/2020, 12:03 AM

What is the error message?

BigGator wrote on 7/1/2020, 11:58 AM

I just installed it a couple of days ago - on two machines that have been running the last few versions without issue.

I'm seeing all kinds of weird errors, have had some crashes, having to rebuild render templates, the slow-motion plugin doesn't work at all for me.. yes, seeing some issues.

Kiwi-In-Space wrote on 7/1/2020, 5:31 PM

It says this:

An error has occurred while recording.

The File could not be opened. Make sure the file exists and that you have access to the file/folder.

It's so weird. I did save the project folder. I even copied it over to my desktop. Yet no matter what I do, the software seems be having trouble keeping the connection between itself, and the folder. The previous versions didn't have this problem.

Musicvid wrote on 7/3/2020, 9:39 AM

Are you running as Administrator? Do you have UAC permission to write to that directory/folder? Do you have an antivirus software running?

These are the usual causes of that message.