Will not render as audio mp3 jeff-02681 wrote on 2/28/2022, 2:49 PM I have Vegas Movie Studio Pro 14 build 127 and I can't render an audio file as mp3. The program just crashes with a dialog box that says "Movie studio has stopped working." any advice on how to fix this? Back to post
Comments Musicvid wrote on 2/28/2022, 9:19 PM Movie Studio Pro is not a thing. Start here with complete information on your system, software version and the file you are trying to encode. https://www.vegascreativesoftware.info/us/forum/important-information-required-to-help-you--110457/ EricLNZ wrote on 2/28/2022, 9:30 PM Build 127 suggests it is Vegas Movie Studio 14 Build 127 which is the basic version, not Platinum. Don't know where "Pro" fits in? 1