
john_dennis wrote on 5/11/2022, 4:13 PM


"What am I missing?"

Sound Forge.

twik wrote on 5/11/2022, 5:50 PM

Thank you. On Vegas, at the beginning of the track, you can click on the Track FX and then there is a track noise filter you can manage. Unfortunately, it is nowhere as effective to the AI Driven filter that used to exist with Vegas. I've tried to apply other event fx filters but the new algorithms don't seem to work. Hmm.

rraud wrote on 5/12/2022, 10:46 AM

You might try an EQ, (or high-pass filter) attenuating the frequencies below 100 or 200 Hz,. A multi-band limiter's low-frequency band(s) can help in some cases as well. iZotope's RX Advanced has auto settings to remove noises, but it is around $1k. In many cases Steinberg's SpectraLayers Pro can eliminate many plosives and such with the spectral editing feature, however that too is pricey and there rather steep learning curve for spectral editing. Severe plosives and/or wind noise can usually not be fixed if the waveform is clipped, though in the hands of an experienced SLP user that would be possible too by cloning the un-clipped frequencies.

Musicvid wrote on 5/12/2022, 10:27 PM

Unfortunately, it is nowhere as effective to the AI Driven filter that used to exist with Vegas.

Not sure what you're thinking of, but nothing of the sort ever existed. The only native fx is Noise Reduction 2.0, and it was quite good. iZotope Rx Elements is packed with some recent versions of Sound Forge.

rraud wrote on 5/13/2022, 10:53 AM

I do not recall any 'AI Driven filter' either, in Sound Forge, Vegas or Acid. The NR-2.0 noise reduction pack works good for din type noise reduction, clipped peaks, clicks/pops,, ect, In most instances NR-2 will not attenuate plosives and other wind turbulence noise. The same with iZ's RX Elements, which has the same tools as the legacy NR-2.0 pack. iZ's RX 'Advanced' is a different animal.. as is SpectraLayers Pro.

twik wrote on 5/13/2022, 2:25 PM

Thank you. I really liked the old noise reduction app, even if it was not AI Driven. It was pretty smart though and did the job. The current noise reducer does not do much and turns the sound tinny and uneven. I'll have to change the way we video.


Former user wrote on 5/13/2022, 5:32 PM

I think the noise reduction in OBS is AI, you could see if that works better. I don't know what the best workflow would be, could load video into OBS and play or just screencap, you're only wanting the audio

First half without filter, then RNNOISE for rest. It has no options which could be limiting. Nvidia has similar AI filter but has options, claims to be able to remove echo too, requires 10/20/30 series GPU's

Crowyote wrote on 5/15/2022, 2:33 AM

Izotope Ozone 9's Imager is pretty good for handling noise using the Stereoize II (velvet noise decorrelation), but it might be best combined with other things like eq etc. Same thing with Izotope Ozone 9 Elements, which you can get free from and the imager 2 they offer for free on their website.

rs170a wrote on 5/15/2022, 11:23 AM

@twik, Audacity is free and, as I recall, has a noise reduction tool built in to it.


Den24601 wrote on 5/15/2022, 2:21 PM

I get good results with RX9 Standard, wind noise, A/Cs, boats, and cars; it can be very effective.